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Christopher Lee


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Belgravia, London, England, UK
Birth Name:
Christopher Frank Carandini Lee
Christopher Lee has defined the macabre for generations of horror film enthusiasts. His long film career began in 1947. In 1957, Lee appeared in his first Hammer Film Production, The Curse of Frankenstein , opposite Peter Cushing (Grand Moff Tarkin in Star Wars: A New Hope ). With the success of Frankenstein , Lee would go on to star in numerous Hammer films throughout the 60s and early 70s, often co-starring with Cushing.

Lee's most legendary role is that of Dracula, which he first portrayed in 1958's The Horror of Dracula . A spectacular hit, this film

More propelled Lee's career to stardom.

In the 1970s, Lee expanded beyond horror films to such work as The Three Musketeers, The Four Musketeers, and The Man With the Golden Gun . In 1972 he founded Charlemagne Productions Limited. Lee's autobiography, Tall, Dark and Gruesome, was published in 1977 and updated in 1997.

His chiseled, handsome features and deep voice give his characters a captivating intelligence and class - whether as a ruthless villain like Dracula or as a noble hero like Sherlock Holmes.

Lee's lengthy filmography includes: The Face of Fu Manchu, Rasputin: The Mad Monk, Dracula: Prince of Darkness; Theatre of Death, The Three Musketeers, The Four Musketeers, The Man With the Golden Gun; 1941 and most recently The Lord of the Rings trilogy. His 250 film and television credits have earned him a spot in the Guinness Book of Movie Facts and Feats for the international star with the most credits. He has also performed in a multitude of classical theatre productions from Shakespeare to Coward.


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Christopher Lee celebrates his BAFTA win with Helena Bonham Carter and Tim Burton. Christopher Lee celebrates his Fellowship Award win at the 2011 BAFTAs

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    10 Perfect
    Legendary British actor who has played in almost 230 films in 60 years. Most famous for portraying the vampiric Count Dracula. hide show

    (Sir)Christopher Frank Carandini Lee was born in Belgravia, London, in 1922. After a military career in the RAF during WWII, he was at a loss as to what to do. An Italian relative suggested he take up acting, and so he did.

    Success was not instantaneous though, being 6'5'' and decidedly not Celtic looking did not play to his advantage, and so he struggled doing theater and minor films for many years.

    His breakthrough came with Hammer Horror, playing Frankenstein's monster in "The Curse of Frankenstein"(1957), "Dracula"(1958), "The Mummy"(1958) and "The Hound of the Baskervilles"(1959). Several sequels to Dracula was made, starring Lee, and worldwide fame was attained. He most commonly plays the part of the villain, due to his naturally imposing presence and deep barytone voice.

    Christopher Lee has a prolific career, especially in the horror genre, but has displayed his versatility in science fiction, drama, action adventure and fantasy. Many younger people know him best from "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy and the "Star Wars" franchise.

    For fans of Lee I highly recommend his autobiography "Lord of Misrule", it is a wonderful recollection of both the career and the remarkable life he has had.

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    Legend. He has the most ridiculous long list of things he's played in. He is the type of actor that every single thing he does on film is intentional.

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    10 Perfect
    He has played in over 200 movies. And just gets better with each role. hide show

    He has been in over 200 movies which: Star Wars Episodes 2 and 3, all 3 lord of the rings, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Corpse Bride as well as a bunch of other movies. He is a very talented actor who has a impressive film career.

    He plays Count Dooku in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, he weilds a lightsaber like its a toy. (one of the main villians)

    Played Sauruman in the Lord of the Rings trilogy
    a vile man and Lee was perfect for the part.

    In Charlie and The Chocolate Factory- he played Willy's Dad.

    Corpse Bride - he played Pastor Galswells. Which proves hes just as good at voiceovers as on sreen acting.

    He also adds humor to some of his parts like Pastor Galswells in Corpse Bride. He is one actor who has done it all.

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    10 Perfect
    Very cool voice and very nice roles. hide show

    I have seen a few Christopher Lee movies such as Star Wars 2 & 3, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, and Sleepy Hollow. I think his acting is one of the best out there. I will never forget his roles as Count Dooku, Wilbur Wonka, etc. May his acting continue for many years in the distant future.

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    10 Perfect
    Christopher Lee is the best actor ever and my favorite. hide show

    I don't know when he started acting, but now he is over 80 years old and does his own stunts.My favorite character that he plays is Count Dooku from Star Wars. He also plays Francisco Scaramanga (the man with the golden gun). I have a Count Dooku lego, and he does his own stunts (the lego).

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