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Phoenix - Stories tagged with "immigration" - Archive Search
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26 article(s) tagged with "immigration":

1. Letters | October 11, 2007
Letters From the Issue of Thursday, October 11, 2007

" NIGHTMARE FOR WOMEN Nothing for women in Mormonism: Thanks for the report on the trial of Prophet Warren Jeffs..."
Other Tags : American Freedom Riders , Sheriff Joe Arpaio , plastic surgery , Warren Jeffs , FLDS

2. Letters | October 04, 2007
Letters From the Issue of Thursday, October 4, 2007

" PLASTIC EXPLOSION Fake boobs: Still pass?: I just finished reading Megan Irwin's jaunt through Scottsdale plastic surgery ( "Pimp..."
Other Tags : Sheriff Joe Arpaio , Dan Saban , Jos? Compean , plastic surgery , Ignacio Ramos

3. Letters | September 06, 2007
Letters From the Issue of Thursday, September 6, 2007

" HOME ALONE But she?s a contributor: It was sad to read about young Virginia Gutierrez being deported to Mexico..."
Other Tags : transgender rights , Laura Pastor , architecture , assisted suicide , Phoenix transit

4. ?Ask a Mexican!? | August 30, 2007
Mariachis Got a Right to Sing Protest Songs - "Stand Up to The Man" ain't a Tammy Wynette cover

" Do you agree with immigration rights activists calling Elvira Arellano, who is an illegal immigrant and a criminal, the Mexican..."
Other Tags : mariachis in restaurants , Elvira Arellano

5. The Bird | August 30, 2007
Smell Test - The querulous quail decries the deportation of an 18-year-old Hispanic student and sings the praises of good graffiti

"Know what Phoenix's mayoral contest conjures up? That South Park episode titled "Douche and Turd," a send-up of the 2004..."
Other Tags : Phoenix mayoral election , graffiti

6. Letters | August 16, 2007
Letters From the Issue of Thursday, August 16, 2007

" BUS FOLLY A real "no-brainer": Regarding buses . . . Let's see, who were those other contractors..."
Other Tags : NunZilla , Summer of Sound , Sunnyslope , El Break , Steve Lory , downtown Phoenix , Mayor Phil Gordon , Phoenix transit

7. Letters | August 02, 2007
Letters From the Issue of Thursday, August 2, 2007

" HOPE FOR THE 'SLOPE See what happens when you listen to your parents?: I must admit that when I..."
Other Tags : Sunnyslope , Robrt L. Pela , illegal immigration , LifeLock , Rednecks

8. Fenske | July 26, 2007
Immigrant Song - Blame the illegal alien? It's never that simple . . .

"Last month, a Mesa mother of six was killed in a car accident. Within days, she'd been made a martyr..."
Other Tags : Nanuma Lavulavu

9. Letters | July 19, 2007
Letters From the Issue of Thursday, July 19, 2007

" FLASHES OF GENIUS A vampire?s on the line: I couldn't stop reading Michele Laudig's "The Wheel World" (July..."
Other Tags : Sam Greene , Stephenie Meyer , illegal immigration , Grand Canyon , The Bird

10. ?Ask a Mexican!? | July 12, 2007
Valuing Your Feedback - Now that you mention it, who did discover America?

" Dear Gabachos : You love us, you really love us! Mere moments after the Senate allowed an amnesty bill to..."
Other Tags : immigration amnesty , anti-Mexican fervor

11. Letters | July 12, 2007
Letters From the Issue of Thursday, July 12, 2007

" SHOP TALK Greene?s odyssey: Great story on Sam Greene's big adventure ( "The Wheel World," Michele Laudig, July 5 )...."
Other Tags : Tasers , Niki D'Andrea , American Body Shop , anti-immigration

12. The Bird | June 07, 2007
Bird Boycott - The truculent tweeter tackles Mayor Phil, PHX City Council hypocrisy, and goofball prez wanna-be Fred Thompson

"The Bird, a racist? That's the accusation leveled by a cowardly campaign of avian-haters, featuring form letters denouncing this funky..."
Other Tags : anti-immigration , Mayor Phil Gordon , Jarrett Maupin , Rusty Childress , Fred Thompson , LifeLock

13. Letters | June 07, 2007
Letters From the Issue of Thursday, June 7, 2007

" THE SHAME GAME "Crybaby" presiding judge: I am an attorney who has practiced in this state for more than..."
Other Tags : Mexican-American culture , illegal immigration , conservatism , Emily Mitchell

14. ?Ask a Mexican!? | May 31, 2007
Immi-GREAT! - This time, it's personal

" Has the 1965 Immigration Act proved to be a good thing or bad thing for America, and has the recent..."
Other Tags : Mexican-East Indian couples , 1965 Immigration Act

15. ?Ask a Mexican!? | May 17, 2007
Jumping to Confusion - If illegal perks are so great, why crave citizenship?

" I have no problem with immigrants. My grandparents were Dutch on one side and Irish on the other — but..."
Other Tags : Mexican music , Immigration

16. The Bird | May 10, 2007
Mail Order Joe - The cranky cockatoo criticizes Sheriff Joe's new jail mail policy, and agitates the agitators at last week's kooky counter-protest

" MAIL ORDER JOE As if this outraged owl needed more proof that Maricopa County's gone mad, Sheriff "Nickel Bag"..."
Other Tags : Immigration , Smoking ban , Joe Arpaio

17. The Bird | April 19, 2007
Jarrett and Goliath - The Bird kicks it with Jarrett Maupin, infiltrates Rusty Childress? prejudice parties and explains why Don Imus should?ve said "Eff you!"

""With the people's David in the race, we're going to slay the Phil -istine giant," the Reverend Jarrett Maupin II informed..."
Other Tags : Don Imus , Immigration , Rusty Childress , Jarrett Maupin II

18. The Bird | April 05, 2007
Dueling Mormons - Marshal Jeff Flake goes toe-to-toe with Russell Pearce, and a former New Times staffer's popped for armed robbery

"It's like a scene out of the classic Western series Gunsmoke , with Marshal Matt Dillon facing off against some ornery..."
Other Tags : Phil Gordon , 307 Lounge , Joe Watson , Russell Pearce , Immigration , Jeff Flake

19. Feature | November 16, 2006
Meltdown - The Phoenix branch of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement bureau is Exhibit A of this country's failed border policies

"The lowest point in the relationship between federal immigration agents and Arizona state troopers was the changing of locks and..."
Other Tags : U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

20. Feature | September 14, 2006
The Passion of El Cristo - What if Jesus Christ came back as an illegal alien?

" Starring: Jesus Cristo as Himself Danny DeVito as God, a.k.a. "Big Poppa" Sheriff Joe Alzheimer's and his deputized Posse of..."
Other Tags : Immigration

21. Dougherty | July 27, 2006
Scammer From the Slammer - Here's why you shouldn't believe a word of an ex-con's bombshell "news story" about the Mexican government's helping illegal immigrants to enter the U.S.

"Chandler freelance writer Randy Harrington triggered a foaming-at-the-mouth frenzy in the anti-immigration movement earlier this month when he published a..."
Other Tags : Immigration , Randy Harrington

22. The Bird | June 29, 2006
Pussy Posse - Signs of the times: The feathered fiend asks the sheriff if he's ever eaten a pink taco and invades the mind of a bigot

"You'll recall this squawker's scribblings regarding the whole Pink Taco brouhaha a couple of months ago. Scottsdale Mayor Mary Manross ..."
Other Tags : Immigration , , Joe Arpaio , Pink Taco

23. The Bird | April 20, 2006
Minutewomen - The feathered fiend unloads on Mothers Against Illegal Aliens, Arizona Senate Prez Ken Bennett's brat and Suns play-by-play man Tom Leander's nicknaming fetish

"The Bird observed all kinds of weirdness when it attended the massive march for immigration reform on Grand Avenue: white..."
Other Tags : Clifton Bennett , Tom Leander , Mothers Against Illegal Aliens , Immigration

24. The Bird | April 13, 2006
Go On, Just Shoot 'Em - A KFYI squawk-jock paints a target on every undocumented worker in Arizona, as well as on himself. Now the tough guy 's hiding from the rest of the media

"The Bird cruised over the pro-migrant march along Grand Avenue , half expecting to see KFYI-AM 550 squawk-jock Brian James ' head..."
Other Tags : Phoenix Pride Festival , Bobby Castaneda , Immigration , Brian James

25. The Bird | April 06, 2006
Single-File, Please! - No more Mr. Nice Gardeners: The feathered fiend on Mayor Phil's idiot stammerings after the big undocumented-workers' march

"After Diff'rent Strokes was canceled, The Bird gave up on sitcoms as a diversion. Fortunately, this squawker lives in Phoenix,..."
Other Tags : Arizona Republic , Ruby Beet Gourmet , Bobby Castaneda , Immigration

26. Feature | December 23, 2004
Do or Die - For most Mexicans who're flooding our borders, it's a life-or-death choice

"Francisco Valencia's home in San Isidro, Sonora, would be heaven if it wasn't in Mexico. He lives under a grove..."
Other Tags : Immigration