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TIME Magazine -- U.S. Edition -- October 1, 2007 Vol. 170 No. 14
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In this issue
Edition: U.S.
Vol. 170 No. 14
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Fight for the Top Of the World (Cover Story / The Well)
As global warming melts the Arctic ice, dreams of a short sea passage to Asia--and riches beneath the surface--have been revived. With Russia planting a flag on the ocean floor at the North Pole, Canada talking tough and Washington wanting to be a player, who will win the world's new Great Game?

The Polygamy Paradox (The Well / Nation)
A jury is about to deliberate in the trial of the Utah polygamist, which pits the state's interest in protecting children against his claim to religious freedom

The Legacy of Little Rock (Life: Environment - History - Fit Nation - Technology - Power Of One - Innovators / History)
Even after 50 years, most U.S. schools are still racially separate and too often unequal

ClintonCare 2.0 (Commentary)
It's a good thing. Rivals warn of 1993 redux, but her new health plan shows she's learned a thing or two

How Dare You (Commentary)
As the debate over the Petraeus ad shows, politics has become a contest over who can take more umbrage

The Devil in Every Fan
We cheer when our teams cheat. That's because all we care about is winning. And if that makes us immoral, so what?

Postcard: Beirut (Postcard: Beirut)
Out of Lebanon's turmoil sprouts a vibrant indie rock scene. But can it survive the violence and political strife? Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll in a failing state

China's Olympic Warmup (The Well / World)
A year before Beijing hosts the Summer Games, the country is feverishly preparing for its chance to show it is ready to take its place among the Great Powers — on its own terms

Gainful Employment (Life: Environment - History - Fit Nation - Technology - Power Of One - Innovators / The Power of One)
Helping young Muslims gain skills and jobs will dilute the lure of extremist dogma




The Confirmation Game (Briefing / Washington Memo)

Three-Peat. (Briefing / The Moment)
As O.J. returns to court (again), the media culture he shaped still swarms

Milestones (Briefing)

More Taiwan Tensions (Briefing / World Spotlight)


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Little Green Schoolhouse (Environment)
As students learn about energy efficiency, their school buildings increasingly practice it

The Caffeine Habit (Health / Fit Nation)
Time was, you got your lift from a cup of joe. Now more and more products come with a kick

GM's Get-Well Plan (The Well / Business)
It wants to shift retiree health care to a UAW trust, in what could be a template for underfunded states and cities

It's Not His Economy (The Well / The Curious Capitalist)
It just seemed that way. Why Alan Greenspan is neither the hero nor the culprit he's made out to be

Too Tough to Die (Arts: Movies - Tuned In - Downtime / Movies)
Nobody likes Westerns, so why are so many new ones — backed by big studios and big stars — arriving in movie theaters this fall?

The Violence of History (Arts: Movies - Tuned In - Downtime / Tuned In)
Ken Burns' new megaseries The War helps us better see WW II--and today's war as well

Downtime (Arts: Movies - Tuned In - Downtime)

Fine Fast Food (Global Business: Airlines - Top Business Teams - Entrepreneurial Heroes / Entrepreneurial Heroes)
Chipotle Mexican Grill's CEO took a fork in the road that changed everything

Cabin Pressure (Global Business: Airlines - Top Business Teams - Entrepreneurial Heroes / Airlines)
Despite turbulence, CEO Willie Walsh is turning British Airways around. But bigger challenges loom

Banking on India (Global Business: Airlines - Top Business Teams - Entrepreneurial Heroes / Top Business Teams)
Roughing it in Mumbai, Goldman Sachs builds a record-breaking, dealmaking team

Revolution in the Garden (Life: Environment - History - Fit Nation - Technology - Power Of One - Innovators / Innovators)
With low-cal potatoes, superrice, square fruit and more, visionary growers are one-upping nature

10 Questions for Lynne Cheney
The Second Lady loves history, the West and staunchly defending her husband's record. Her memoir, Blue Skies, No Fences, hits shelves Oct. 9. Lynne Cheney will now take your questions

Carving Up the Arctic
As the ice cap melts, countries are lining up for the economic payoff. Plus, a New Orleans presidential debate


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