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Blogs - Opinion - Commentary - TIME
The Wayback Machine -
Photographer Kenji Nagai tries to take photographs as he lies injured after police and military officials fired upon and then charged at protesters in Yangon's city centre

The AG

Burma Troops Continue Crackdown

-Blackwater's Baghdad Bedlam
-Rice Gets Global Warming
-Plane Crazy Says President
-Coppola Script Stolen



The GOP and Hillary

It's not clear that dredging up impeachment and Bill Clinton's scandals will move many independent or swing voters into the GOP camp Read more

Real Clear Politics

A Truly Open Left

Earlier this week, I proposed a new "-ism" for the blogo-lexicon: Stollerism. The point was to poke at the new breed of so-called progressives, those who speak on and on about progressive values, progressive Democrats and progressive everything. Read more


The Middle East Blog

Israeli Reporters Without Borders

It must be frustrating for Israeli reporters to live next to some of the most interesting countries in the region but to be unable to visit. Read more

The China Blog

Props to Yao

Yao Ming apologized to his team yesterday. So what did the big one do to merit such contrition? He will miss some pre-season training and a media day because of his obligations to the Special Olympics, which will be held in his hometown of Shanghai. Read more

Health & Science

Eye on Science

New Information on Hobbits

Not Hobbits, really, but "hobbits," a race of diminutive humans whose bones were uncovered in a cave on the Indonesian island of Flores in 2004. Read more

Business & Technology

The Curious Capitalist

Gratuitous automotive photos from Copenhagen

I saw this Austin Minor near the campus of the Copenhagen Business School. And I thought it was a beautiful thing. Read more

Work in Progress

I Was in a Commuter Marriage

The number of long-distance marriages jumped 30% between 2000 and 2005! What's more, the largest percentage of those relationships—27%—live more than 1,000 miles apart. Read more

Nerd World

Now In Paper-Vision: The Storm Worm

I've been reading about them for years, and I'm still trying to get my mind around the idea that organized criminals covertly control massive swarms of hundreds of thousands of networked computers located in office parks and dens the world over. Read more


Looking Around

The Minnesota Twins

One of the big questions in the museum world was where would Kathy Halbreich go after announcing that she would step down as director of the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis. Now we know, and it's a big next step. Read more

Tuned In

NBC's Knight Rider Remake

Technology has finally caught up with crappy ideas, namely a two-hour backdoor pilot to remake Knight Rider ... with transformers. Read more


White House Photo Blog

School children wait for President George W. Bush to arrive at a No Child Left Behind education event in New York, Wednesday, September 26, 2007. View more

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More features

    Bush: A Born-Again Conservative?

    The President's vow to hold the line on health care spending signals he's trying to shape his legacy as a fiscal conservative

    Grading the Democratic Debate

    John Edwards and Joe Biden won points for taking the gloves off against Hillary, says Mark Halperin, while Obama played it a little too cool