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Pearl Jam Synergy: -- The A List
The Wayback Machine -

How much difference does it make?
With all of us together, we can do a lot.
Add your voice and make some noise!
The following is a list of causes that Pearl Jam supports. Whether it's a cause or issue that's personally meaningful to you or a cause from this list, you, too, can be engaged in making a difference while here on the planet - and it's all true about the rewards coming back to you. They really do.

Artists For a Hate-Free America - America, at its best is defined by the principle of Absolute Equality. Absolute equality gives us all the right to be exactly who we are - no apologies.

Arts Corps - Arts Corps is a community of people who believe art can inspire the soul and build the confidence and self-esteem for all of us to be our true selves. That includes teaching artists, students, youth workers, educators, administrators, civic leaders, arts organizations, activists, and more.

The Bra Show - raises funds for breast cancer research, support programs, and legislative change for health care. They work to educate the community about the disease while celebrating the beauty of life and hope through an issue that might ordinarily bring us gloom and heartbreak. This creative project will benefit the American Cancer Society.

The Breast Cancer Site - 43,000 women will die from breast cancer this year. That's why it's so important to click daily and tell others about The Breast Cancer Site. By telling 10 friends about this fast, free way to fund mammograms for underprivileged women, you increase the number of women who will receive the gift of early detection.

The Bridge School - The Bridge School provides children with severe speech and physical impairments with an educational environment designed to meet their unique needs.

CARE - Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere
is a private international relief and development organization founded in 1945. "CARE programs focus on disaster relief and development including, small business assistance, primary health care, nutrition, girls' education, agriculture and natural resource management, and family planning."

Cascade Land Conservancy - was established as a private, non-profit organization to promote the environment of King, Snohomish and Pierce counties in Washington state by encouraging the voluntary donation or dedication of natural and open space lands in urban and rural communities. "The preservation of wetlands, shorelines, wildlife and rare plant habitat, stream corridors, and urban open spaces is critical if we are going to provide the next generation a healthy and ecologically productive environment."

Chicken Soup Brigade - is a community-based agency providing practical support services for people living with HIV / AIDS in King County (Washington State, USA). Their services include home delivery of fresh meals and groceries, household chores, and transportation and include a commitment to enhancing the quality of life and maintaining the dignity of those they serve. [In 2001, the Chicken Soup Brigade and Northwest AIDS Foundation merged to become Lifelong AIDS Alliance.]

Choice USA - is a pro-choice organization, which means we support each woman's right to make her own contraception, abortion, and child-bearing decisions. Founded in 1992 by author and activist, Gloria Steinem. Pearl Jam Support

Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America The CCFA's mission is to cure and prevent Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis through research, and to improve the quality of life of children and adults affected by these digestive diseases through education and support.

The Dispatch Project is keeping the spirit of guerilla and radical art alive. Enraged at a current political situation that is as embarrassing as it is sad, artists have come together to create original pieces of political art inspired by passion, revolution and desire for change. Each piece of art that is created is reproduced on postcards and sent, in mass, across the nation. The original images are sweeping the streets, into venues and clubs, coffee shops, galleries, college campuses, record stores and into the hands of voters--in the ultimate hope of motivating voters to vote, and to vote for change, and to take pride in actively participating in politics. In addition, the images are available online to download and send electronically to your friends.

Doctors Without Borders - is the world's largest independent international medical relief agency aiding victims of armed conflict, epidemics, and natural and man-made disasters, and others who lack health care due to geographic remoteness or ethnic marginalization.

Earth Day Network: Just imagine! A half billion people worldwide will participate in Earth Day 2000. That's April 22, not all that far away. The 30th anniversary of the original Earth Day, this one will be the biggest environmental event in history. Get involved a little or get involved a lot. But do get involved. Be part of something really BIG.

Earth First! is working hard on many levels to save the earth's remaining sacred natural land and its inhabitants from the destructive greed of corporations.

EFFweb - The Electronic Frontier Foundation - Privacy, Free Speech Online and more.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has worked to alleviate poverty and hunger by promoting agricultural development, improved nutrition and the pursuit of food security - defined as the access of all people at all times to the food they need for an active and healthy life. The FAO has 180 member countries plus one member organization, the European Community.

Future Forests - Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are one of the main causes of global warming. Unfortunately we all produce CO2: by driving cars, boiling the kettle, watching TV, even going on holiday. The good news is you can do something about it. We help you to see how much CO2 is produced by the things you do, and suggest ways you can reduce those emissions.

Home Alive is a collective of performance and visual artists (and other freaks) hell bent on fighting all forms of violence including rape, domestic abuse, gay/lesbian bashing, racism, and other forms of oppression. We want you to get home, and be home alive.
April 6, 1998 Update on - someone needing our help...

The Hunger Site - The Hunger Site is the world's first "click-to-donate" site where more than 65 million visitors have donated more than 7,700 metric tons of free food to help feed the hungry. Please click as often as you can; the free food is donated by the site's sponsors.

In Defense of Animals - In Defense Of Animals is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to ending the institutionalized abuse of animals by defending their rights, welfare and habitat. IDA celebrates the vital bond of stewardship which unites human beings and animals. IDA rejects the bitter hierarchy of master to slave, oppressor to victim, "user" to abused.

Inter-Tribal Bison Cooperative - "the American buffalo, also known as bison, has always held great meaning for American Indian people. To Indian people, buffalo represent their spirit and remind them of how their lives were once lived, free and in harmony with nature. In the 1800's, the white-man recognized the reliance Indian tribes had on the buffalo. Thus began the systematic destruction of the buffalo to try to subjugate the western tribal nations. The slaughter of over 60 million buffalo left only a few hundred buffalo remaining." - ITBC

JAMPAC - is a non-profit organization committed to protecting freedom of expression for musical artists and freedom of choice for music consumers. JAMPAC believes that all forms of music are artistic expressions that merit First Amendment protection.

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization, that encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

The T.J. Martell Foundation is the result of a partnership between artists and executives in the music and entertainment industries, and the researchers supported by the T.J. Martell Foundation for Leukemia, Cancer and AIDS Research.

MASS. M.I.C. - works to preserve free expression in music. "Fight Censorship - Listen to the Banned."

Milarepa is an organization at the forefront of the movement to educate the public about the struggle to free Tibet from Chinese tyranny. Learn more about the Tibetan cause through them and help to raise awareness. Through non-violent action, a peaceful solution may be achieved.

Mt. Graham Coalition - For decades, Native Americans, scientists, conservationists and citizens have resisted development of Mount Graham's desert "Sky-Island" ecosystem, which has also been an Apache sacred site since time immemorial... It's time to stand up and say NO to telescopes on Mount Graham.

Murder Victims' Families For Reconciliation - is a national organization comprised of family members of murder victims and families of those who have been executed. MVFR: It is time we break the cycle of violence. To those who say society must take a life for a life, we say: "not in our name."

Musician Assistance Program is a support group that provides aid for musicians suffering from alcohol and drug dependency.

Oxfam America - is dedicated to creating lasting solutions to hunger, poverty and social injustice through long-term partnerships with poor communities around the world. Oxfam America supports the self-help efforts of poor and marginalized people -- landless peasants, indigenous peoples, women, refugees, and survivors of war and natural disasters -- striving to better their lives.

PETA - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals believes that animals are not ours to eat, wear, perform experiments on, or use for entertainment.

Plea For Peace - is a non-profit organization that was established to spread the ideas of PEACE and UNITY. We want to challenge all who will listen. We want to spur education about diversity. We want to make life enjoyable for everyone. We want to bring people together and encourage the belief that there is hope.

The - Real Solutions For Regional Development. Are you aware that scientists are calling our time, "The Great Age of Extinctions."

Recording Artists Coalition - The RAC's ongoing purpose is to form a non-partisan coalition to represent the interests of the recording artists in legislative issues where corporate and artists' interest conflict and address other public policy debates that come before the music industry.

Red Feather Development Group is a nonprofit organization established in 1994 to provide and rehabilitate homes for American Indian elders living in desperate poverty on reservations throughout the United States.

Rock and the Environment - The goal of Rock and the Environment, with the help of musicians around the world is to educate and inspire individuals about the issues facing the planet.

rock for choice Rock For Choice - You can go quietly, or you can Rock For Choice.

Rock The Vote! - Rock the Vote is a non-profit, non-partisan organization bringing young people together to make a major impact on the American political process. Make some noise!

Surfrider Foundation - Help protect and preserve our oceans and shores.

Sweet Relief Musicians Fund - provides financial assistance to musicians of all kinds for medical expenses, alternative therapies, treatment for alcohol or chemical dependency, prescriptions, and living expenses if the artist is unable to work. Sweet Relief also has a new financial assistance program especially for retired or semi-retired older musicians, which helps pay living expenses. "Music helps us through our hard times. Isn't it time we help musicians through theirs?"

Teenage Cancer Trust (UK) - Teenage Cancer Trust is dedicated to improving the environment of the teenage cancer sufferer, and their families.

Voter's For Choice is a pro-choice organization, which means we support each woman's right to make contraception, abortion, and child-bearing decisions without government or politicians' interference.

VoteNote - is a free weekly E-mail newsletter from AOL's My Government. *See key votes by your two Senators and U.S. Representative. *Get notice of upcoming votes and offer input before your reps vote. *Click and write E-mail to your members of Congress using pre-addressed forms.

Project Vote Smart - is a national library of factual information on over 13,000 elected offices and candidates for public office --- President, Governors, Congress and State Legislatures.

Free The West Memphis Three - Have you seen the documentary, "Paradise Lost." Have you heard of Satanic Panic? After reading the evidence, do you think justice was done or were three teenagers falsely convicted because they were different? If so, maybe you can help.

Washington Wilderness Coalition - WWC is a statewide coalition of individuals and groups dedicated to preserving wilderness and biodiversity for the benefit of future generations. WWC works to protect and restore wildlands and waters through outreach, public education, organizing, and support of grassroots conservation groups. Pearl Jam's letter to Vice-President Gore

WebActive: What's New in Activism Online - Use their extensive directory of organizations to find information on issues of concern. You can make a difference.

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