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13 June 2007
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Key Facts

Broadcasting House, London

Broadcasting House is t
he BBC's Corporate headquarters, and home of BBC Radio.


Architect : Lieutenant Colonel G. Val Myer.


Date : Built in 1932, as the BBC's first purpose-built broadcast centre.


Location : Situated in central London, in between Oxford Street and Regents Park, and adjacent to Nash's All Souls Church.


Description : Built of Portland stone; nine floors above ground, three below, with a central heavy masonry tower originally containing all the studios, with lighter steel-framed shell around it providing acoustic buffering.


Development : It was badly bombed during the Second World War.


Expanded by two modern extensions in 1961 and 1995 - these have been demolished as part of the new building development which will create a new state-of-the-art broadcasting centre for the BBC in London.


Features : The building has often been compared to a ship, with its accentuated front section bearing a clock tower and aerial mast.


The Architectural Review of 1932 described Broadcasting House as the "new Tower of London".


It is strangely asymmetrical, which was not the case in the original architectural design, but Val Myer had to adapt his first plan because local residents complained about lack of light.


This meant the building was symmetrical up to the sixth floor, and after that the building was sloped back.


Artistic commissions adorned the building, notably the statue over the front entrance of Prospero and Ariel (from Shakespeare's play The Tempest), by Eric Gill.


The boy Ariel is naked, and the story goes that there were complaints about the size of his penis - so John Reith, then Director-General of the BBC, ordered Gill to amend it.

The building is Grade II* listed.


Historical broadcast 'firsts' at Broadcasting House

  • The first broadcast was by Henry Hall and his BBC Dance Orchestra on 15 March 1932.
  • John Logie Baird tried out his experimental television apparatus in a studio in Broadcasting House in August 1932.
  • Radio 1 first broadcast on 30 September 1967 was from Studio D on the first floor.
  • Vivien Leigh played Lady Teazle in Richard Brinsley Sheridan's 'A School for Scandal' in 1942.
  • On Christmas Day 1932, King George V gave the first royal broadcast to the Empire - Rudyard Kipling scripted the broadcast.
  • On June 18 1940, General de Gaulle made a speech at Broadcasting House following his escape from Nazi-overrun France, in which he rallied his compatriots to what would become the Free French Forces.


Fascinating historical facts

  • In the 1920s, several London sites, including Dorchester House and the present site of Grosvenor House were considered as a site for the new centre of broadcasting excellence, before BBC civil engineer Marmaduke T Tudsbery happened upon Portland Place.
  • The original lease barred certain tradesmen from the site, including slaughtermen, sugar-bakers and brothel keepers!
  • It was the first building in London to have artificially ventilated toilets.
  • The cost of building ? as reported in the press of 1930 ? was ?500,000 (around ?25 million by today's standards).
  • On completion, Broadcasting House featured 22 studios, one mile of corridors, 800 doors, 1250 stairs and 50 miles of electrical wiring.
  • As the BBC was regarded as a target for "fifth columnists and subversives", Broadcasting House had a 24-hour police guard during the Second World War.
  • Broadcasting House was painted grey during the Second World War to disguise it from bomber attack but nevertheless it was bombed three times.
  • During the Blitz on 15 October 1940, a 500lb bomb fell on Broadcasting House and seven members of staff died. Well-known newsreader Bruce Belfrage was reading the 9pm News at the time ? famously, he continued without pause, for security reasons.
  • On December 8 1940, a landmine exploded in Portland Place. The resulting fire raged for seven hours and was described by the BBC's civil engineer as "a scene from Dante's Inferno".
  • The building has a bunker under it, built in 1942 following the Blitz with walls that are 22 inches thick, to allow broadcasting to continue should the building sustain a direct hit.
  • Winston Churchill took to phoning the Broadcasting House duty office late at night or early in the morning to comment on what was being broadcast.
  • Producers, announcers and artists lived and slept in the building, giving Broadcasting House a siege mentality atmosphere. The Queen of the Netherlands was even an overnight guest and trod on sleeping newsreader/journalist Alan Bullock (later the historian Lord Bullock) lying in the corridor on her way to answer the call of nature.
  • Nearly one-third of the BBC's pre-war staff went into the forces or other war-related work; 23 were taken prisoner of war and 82 were killed.
  • On VE Day (May 8, 1945) Broadcasting House was bedecked with the flags of 22 allied nations and floodlit for the first time in eight years.
  • Famous spaces include Room 101, purportedly the inspiration for Orwell's novel '1984' (Orwell worked at the BBC during the 1940s). George Orwell called the BBC at Broadcasting House: "A cross between a girls school and a lunatic asylum"
  • In the original building, each studio was designed and decorated to reflect the on air content ? so the religious programming studio, for example, had an altar and other religious iconography.
  • The studios were within metres of the tube lines - it was normal practice for the Studio Manager in B15 or 16 to say, 'can we just hold on - there's a tube going past!' and wait till the rumble stopped!
  • There was the old 8A drama studio near the canteen that was particularly prone to taxi radios which often broke through on to the programme circuits - though this was always easily stopped as dramas were recorded.


Eric Gill Sculptures


The four external groups of sculpture were commissioned to Eric Gill.


He accepted the suggestion from the BBC that Shakespeare's Ariel, as the invisible spirit of the air, might well serve as a personification of broadcasting.


The two panels on the west front show "Ariel between wisdom and gaiety" and "Ariel hearing celestial music".


The panel over the entrance on the east side represents "Ariel piping to children".


The panel over the main entrance shows Propsero, Ariel's master, sending him out into the world.


In the main reception is Eric Gill's Sower, a man broadcasting seed. There is an inscription below - "Deus incrementum dat" (God giveth the increase, Corinthians, Chapter 3, verse 7).


After Broadcasting House was opened, the sculpture of Prospero and Ariel above the main entrance caused controversy.


It was said that "maidens are said to blush and youths to pass disparaging remarks regarding the statues of Prospero and Ariel".


In the Evening News of 23 March 1933, St Pancras MP G.G. Mitchelson, who lived opposite the BBC, suggested to Parliament that the figures of Prospero and Ariel were "objectionable to public morals and decency".


The story goes that the sculpture was amended, at Reith's request, but there is no hard proof of this.


Eric Gill (1882-1940)


Gill was born in Brighton, the son of non-conformist minister.


While apprenticed to an architect in London, he became smitten with the world of calligraphy, which he entered by attending classes given by Edward Johnston.


He was profoundly influenced by Johnston's dedicated approach to work and decided to join the world of the Arts and Crafts.


During his lifetime he set up three self-sufficient religious communities where, surrounded by his retinue, he worked as sculptor, wood-engraver, and type designer.


He also wrote constantly and prodigiously on his favourite topics: social reform; the integration of the body and spirit; the evils of industrialisation; and the importance of the working man.


He converted to Catholicism in 1913 and this influenced his sculpture and writings.


Of the 11 typefaces that he designed, Gill Sans is his most famous; it is a clear modern type and became the letter of the railways - appearing on their signs, engine plates, and timetables - as well as becoming the brand typeface of the BBC, used on its logo and other corporate literature.

Gill described himself on his gravestone as a stone carver.

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