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Globalization – the growing integration of economies and societies around the world – has been one of the most hotly-debated topics in international economics over the past few years. Rapid growth and poverty reduction in China, India, and other countries that were poor 20 years ago, has been a positive aspect of globalization. But globalization has also generated significant international opposition over concerns that it has increased inequality and environmental degradation. This site provides access to some of the most recent presentations on globalization and some of the leading research on the subject.

Making Globalisation Work For All | The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown, hosted an international conference at the Treasury on Monday, 16 February 2004. Sponsored by Lord Carey of Clifton and Lord Griffiths of Fforestfach, the conference will examine the challenges of making globalisation work for all. Delegates have been invited to attend from the faith, business, academic, NGO and diplomatic communities, as well as representatives from Government and Parliament. They will hear keynote addresses from Gordon Brown; Jim Wolfensohn, President of the World Bank; Bono; President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva of Brazil; and Hilary Benn, Secretary of State for International Development. Additional information .

Globalization, Growth and Poverty: Building an Inclusive World Economy | Globalization has helped reduce poverty in a large number of developing countries but it must be harnessed better to help the world's poorest, most marginalized countries improve the lives of their citizens, says a new World Bank research report published today . Includes quotes from James Wolfensohn, President of the World Bank. (December 5, 2001)

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(RealAudio: 355K)


Globalization Experts: Uri Dadush , David Dollar

New & Noteworthy

Financing the Monterrey Consensus
Remarks at the conference "Making Globalization Work for All" By James D. Wolfensohn, February 16, 2004

Q and A
with David Dollar, Director of Development Policy

Briefing Paper:
Poverty in an Age of Globalization (91kb PDF)

Challenge of Globalization - The Role of the World Bank

A New Global Balance: The Challenge of Leadership

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