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?????? KOTAE wa HITOTSU?????? ; ??? A Tantei Gakuen Q Website????????
The Wayback Machine -


Welcome to Kotae Wa Hitotsu , a general DDS website that will hopefully provide you with most of the basic information you need to know about DDS and the Tantei Gakuen Q series. Here, you will find some misc. stuff such as the likes of manga scans (YES, MANGA SCANS!), image galleries, pretty in-depth character profiles, lyrics, links to other great TGQ sites and more!

Why Kotae wa Hitotsu ? It means "There's only one answer!" and it is, yeah, the main character of Tantei Gakuen Q, Q's most famous and recurring quote. So, heck, why not? ;)

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Newest Update!

9th November 2005 : Eek, it's my brother's birthday. Anyway, in case you didn't notice, KWH has moved. ^^ Hee. It's on my domain now, with a neat new address, a spelunking new layout and -- well, unfortunately there isn't any new stuff at the moment, but I'm pooped. =_= I've just started violin classes and I'll be taking the ABRSM Grade 2/3 practical exam for violin next year, depending on my progress. It's tiring, and I have my O-levels next year, too. I'll put up screenshots... it's my semester break. Heh.

Hope you like the new layout! It's simple, but... oh, heck. XD

Love, Zephy

26th June 2005 : Oh, man, I'm so sorry about the lack of updates. If you've been to my blog , you'll know that I've been reaaaaaally busy the past week. ;) I'm planning on revamping this site's layout, so watch out for that, yeah? =D I might put screenshots up soon, too.

Love, Zephy

...Tantei Gakuen Q?

This is officially morphing into an FAQ page, but -- ANYWAY! Tantei Gakuen Q is a wonderful anime and manga series on DDS, Dan Detective School, a school where aspiring detectives enrol to become the successor of the legendary detective Morihiko Dan. Tantei Gakuen Q in particular is about the Q class, or 'Qualified Class' which consists of 5 very different individuals...

Among them is our adorable, very hyper and resourceful protagonist, Kyu ; his handsome, cool and multi-talented rival of sorts, Amakusa Ryu ; the endearing and sometimes strict Minami Megumi with the odd and helpful eidetic (photographic) memory ability; the whiz kid at everything maths, science and computers, Narusawa Kazuma and the martial arts expert with an extraordinary sense of smell and perfect eyesight, Toyama Kintarou .

With their own unique talents and sheer will, who among this 5 will eventually become Dan's successor? Meanwhile, the evil and murderous Meiousei (Pluto) association's dark shadow looms from behind; the ultimate enemy of those in DDS, how will they overcome this great danger? And worse, what is the link between Ryu and Meiousei...?

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