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Wagner resources on the internet
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[W., en face, silken suit.]
Wagner in 1865

Wagner resources on the internet

Compiled by Kristian Evensen

The number of Wagner web sites has increased tremendously lately. This list will therefore not be complete or very reliable! You might consider using a search engine or a directory. In this list, small sites with little real contents (eg only well-known links) will not be included. If you own or know about a web site related to Wagner, please e-mail the author! Should you find that any of these links are non-functional, I would also be grateful to be notified.

The list is divided into the following parts, but some sites could be categorized otherwise:

Comprehensive Sites

Richard Wagner Archive
The Richard Wagner Archive is edited by Hannu Salmi at the university in Turku, Finland. This is probably the best web site on Wagner.
Richard Wagner Werkstatt
...die andere Richard Wagner Seite.
Texts, Leitmofs, lists of performances, pictures and more. In German.
La Hemeroteca Wagneriana - Archivo Wagner en espa?ol
P?gina personal y sin ?nimo de lucro. Edita: Francisco Javier Gordillo. Includes a large number of writings by an on Wagner, all in Spanish.

Texts, Libretti and Synopses

The Wagner Library
Wagner texts, articles, libretti etc. Edited by Patrick Swinkels. Great site!
Opera Glass - Richard Wagner
by Rick Bogart. Overview of all the operas of Wagner with performance history, synopses and complete libretti for many (but not all) of the works. Important web site!
Composer List of Libretti and Other Vocal Texts Available or in Process
by Lyle Neff. The list includes libretti for several of Wagner's operas.

Topical or Scholarly Sites

Wagner's Sources
by Jane Ennis. Based on parts of her thesis, 'A Comparison of Richard Wagner's "Der Ring des Nibelungen" and William Morris's "Sigurd the Volsung"' (University of Leeds 1993).
by Derrick Everett. Montsalvat is a thorough web site which deals with Wagner's last great work, Parsifal, exclusively.
Richard Wagner Web Site
by Kristian Evensen. The web site of which this links list is a part. Includes texts, analyses, guides, a map, a chronology, and a bibliography.
Parsifal - Libretto and commentary
by Hans Zimmermann. This extensive site includes a comparison of Parsifal with Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzivâl and the corresponding work of Chrétien de Troyes. In German.
Richard Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen
by John Weinstock. Web site focused on the leitmotifs and the tonal structures of the Ring .
V. Symbolic, Teutonic Wagner: Mythology and The Ring
by Jessica K. McShan. With emphasis on the textual meaning of the symbols in light of Teutonic Mythology.
Der Ring des Nibelungen an der Oper Köln
In German. Interesting site with interviews with Dieter Borhcmeyer and Robert Carsen.
Wagner and Ideology
- Daniel Barenboim & Edward Said in Conversation
Richard Wagner: The Zenith of German Romanticism
by Charles K. Moss, M.M.Ed., M.Mus.
Wagner, Richard - The Early Years
by prof. Tim Cordell. Short biography up till the "Holländer".
Listening to Wagner
by Alan David Aberbach.
Ludwig and Wagner
by Mark Yan. Concerning the influence of Wagner on Ludwig II, king of Bavaria.
Picasso and Wagner
by Mark Harris. Short, interesting article.
Picasso and Parsifal
by Mark Harris. Short, interesting article.
Richard Wagner Nachlass
by Richard Hacken and Marianne Siegmund. Overview of texts left by Wagner and their location today.
Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente auf Tribschen bei Luzern. - Very little contents.
Tolkien & Wagner :
"Both rings were round, and there the resemblance eases": Tolkien, Wagner, Nationalism, and Modernity. By Dr. Bradley J. Birzer, Professor of History at Hillsdale College
Tolkien's Ring and Der Ring des Nibelungen
by David Harvey.
Structuring Mnemonic Encoding of Development Plans and Ethical Charters using Musical Leitmotivs
Includes some references to Wagner

Lexical Sites

Richard Wagner
- excerpt from The Grove Concise Dictionary of Music
Richard Wagner
- article, The Harvard Biographical Dictionary of Music
Richard Wagner: Master of the Music Drama (FanFaire)
Short review. Fine overview of his 13 operas complete with dates of text and composition. Some stuff about the Ring with an audio- and videography, and a short bibliography.
Richard Wagner, German Opera Composer
Very brief.
Richard Wagner biography
Biography and bibliography & pages about the Ring from the Arizona Opera (very short synopses, but with pictures from the production of the Arizona Opera of summer 98)
Wagner, Richard - Internet Public Library
by Robert Sherrane. Very short article.
Island of Freedom - Richard Wagner
Biographical article and some MIDI-files

Sites related to Wagner's Sources

The Nibelungenlied translated by Daniel B. Shumway (1909).
Edited, proofed, and prepared by Douglas B. Killings, Online Medieval and Classical Library.
The Story of the Volsungs (Volsunga saga) with Excerpts from the Poetic Edda, translated by William Morris and Eirikr Magnusson (1888).
Edited, proofed, and prepared by Douglas B. Killings, Online Medieval and Classical Library.

Personal Wagner Sites

The homepage of Wagnerite Karl Russwurm
Partly in English, partly in German. Links to libretti. Some reviews and critiques of Wagner productions.
The Richard Wagner Homepage
by Jose Antonio Amaral. Suggestions for how to start with Wagner (beginner's guides). Trivia and humour.
Wagner Pilgrim
Reflections by G. Kenneth Hoover.
Wagner Zentral - World Wide Wagner - Wagner's Monumental Life
by Godfrey Daniels. Humorous and artistic, very special. Several collage-like pictures with a Wagner bust as central ingredient.
Wotan's Wagner Page
Synopses of Das Rheingold and parts of Die Walküre . (Not updated since 1996.)

Other Wagner Sites

The Richard Wagner Page
by George Ishii. Downloads of historical recordings, reviews and listings of recordings, images biographies and more.
De Nederlandse Opera has a beautiful website for her production of Der Ring des Nibelungen.
Information concerning CDs, books, DVDs etc. By "Die Schallplatte" and "Bayern-Online". In German.
Information on the plans for an outdoor production of Der fliegende Holländer in Sandvika, Borøy, near Tvedestrand, Norway.
JoE's Wagner-discography
Excellent, comprehensive discography
Great link collection. In Dutch.
Sample of Wagner's handwriting
2 small samples only.
Paintings from the Ring des Nibelungen
by Dutch artist Richard van der Spek. At Haagse Galerie Figuratieve Kunst.
Richard Wagner Page
by Fabrizio Calzaretti. "...offers a collection of information, discussions and other materials." A large number of MIDI files of the motifs from the Ring , Tristan , Meistersinger and Parsifal . ZIP-files may be downloaded. In Italian and English.
Richard Wagner et Bayreuth
by Philippe Hemsen. In French. Articles on Bayreuth, on the centenary production and on Peter Hall, a.o.
(Kulturspeilet) Tema: Nibelungen-ringen på Den Norske Opera
by "Pluto". In Norwegian. Essay on the production of Der Ring des Nibelungen at the Norwegian Opera (1993-96).

Wagner Societies

Associaci? Wagneriana de Barcelona
En espa?ol.
Richard Wagner Verband International e.V.
The International Association of Wagner Societies. This association incorporates more than 100 Wagner societies world-wide. The web site includes the addresses of all these societies.
Deutsche Richard-Wagner-Gesellschaft e.V.
Richard-Wagner-Verband Hannover
Richard-Wagner-Verband München
Wagner Verband Würzburg
Rund um das Leben und Werk von Richard Wagner mit Zeittafeln und detaillierter Beschreibung der Opern.
The Wagner Society in New South Wales
The Wagner Society of New York
The Richard Wagner Society of Washington, DC
The Swedish Wagner Society
Svenska Wagner-Sällskapet
Finnish Wagner Society
Suomen Wagner-Seura
Wagner Genootschap Nederland
The Dutch Wagner Society
Vlaams Wagner Genootschap
The Flamish Wagner Society
The Richard Wagner Society of South Africa
The Richard Wagner Society of South Australia Inc.
Boston Wagner Society
The Wagner Society in Queensland Inc.


The Bayreuth Richard Wagner Festival

Other Classical Music Links
Online classical music subscription offering listening, downloads, custom CDs, and a huge resource of entertaining information to expand your classical music knowledge.
Coordinated Opera Resource Pages (CORPUS)
Comprehensive overview of all major and a large amount of the minor opera composers as well as relevant resources on the internet.
Classical Net
- provides a point-of-entry into a wide array of informational files about classical music - over 3400 files at Classical Net and over 2400 links to other classical music web sites.
Classical Composers
at Open Directory. Fast growing, comprehensive collection of links.
The Classical Music Banner Gallery
by Charles K. Moss


The link list is updated oct 2005.
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