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More and faster … the story of the radicalising Muslim youth of Holland
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More and faster … the story of the radicalising Muslim youth of Holland

The number of young Muslims in the Netherlands who are turning against Dutch society and who hold Dutch culture in contempt is riding a parabola.  An estimated 1,500 potential “assassins of Van Gogh” are out there right now, prepared to die to establish an Islamic state in Holland.  And that’s no Neo-Nazi scare-talk.  It is the considered view of the Dutch General Information and Security Service (AIVD), the Dutch state security, and it is expressed in their report on the radicalizing of Islam in the Netherlands, From Dawa* to Jihad (in Dutch).

The report, which has been sent to the Dutch House of Commons and to all mayors, records the increased loathing Muslims now feel for the “corrupting Western life style”.  Their youth are the “new protest generation”.  They are turning themselves not only against Dutch society but also against moderate Muslims - in their eyes collaborators with the enemy.

The AIVD attributes this to an identity crisis into which much foreign youth has fallen.  Radical Islam offers them simple answers and a return in terms of self-respect that wider society can never supply.

The AIDV warns that this radicalising of youth is hard to fight.  It circumvents the necessity for terrorist organisations to seek recruits in prisons or mosques.  Many young Muslims take the initiative themselves and search the internet for information and texts by radical imams.  They have already asked themselves whether they are willing to act, and answered in the positive.  The AIVD calls them potential time bombs.

But welcome though the report is for its realism, what I miss is the idea that the radicalised young Muslim does not arrive from nowhere fully-formed.  He has already shown himself through other, lesser acts of antipathy to Dutch life, by and large criminal in nature.  These are by no means all small moments of rebellion.  There are hundreds of gang rapes committed in the large Dutch cities, the average age of the victims being, most shockingly, just thirteen. 

Personally, I am convinced that most of these and a widespread array of other crimes against the host community are in fact acts of pure racial hatred.  And it is precisely this endemic criminality that is, in the long term, the gravest threat to Dutch society.  It may not be as spectacular as a terrorist murder but its effect is close to home and it destroys not one life but thousands.

*Dawa means literally: “appeal” (to become Muslim).

Posted by Johan Van Vlaams on Monday, January 3, 2005 at 04:10 PM in Islam & Islamification
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We will certainly see the Far Right in power in Holland soon

What do you know about these people? What are their views on Belgium unity and free passage of the Rhine?

Posted by martin on Monday, January 3, 2005 at 07:35 PM | #

“We will certainly see the Far Right in power in Holland soon” (—Martin)

Martin, if you mean the Vlaams Belang —which one certainly hopes will come to power—they aren’t “the far right.” They are middle-of-the-road normal people who oppose what the radical-leftist/neo-Marxist/Tranzi forces are trying to impose on unwilling traditional European populations—little things like, ohhh, say, changing entire European nations literally into Arab ones by deliberate massive genocidal race-replacement population transfers—you know, little things like that. 

“The Far Right”?  Get real, please.  Since when does opposing neo-Marxism, radical leftism, and Tranzism make someone a member of the far right?  Centrists can’t oppose that stuff?  Vlaams Belang is a centrist, middle-of-the-road party which adheres neither to the left nor to the right.  The hyper-extreme psycho-ward left radical fringe of wacked-out cuckoo’s-nest mental freaks aren’t going, together with their Tranzi allies, to push things all the way over to the hallucinatory extreme-left border of eleven-dimensional space-time string-reality, so far left it’s essentially beyond human comprehension, and then claim that anyone who is one Angstrom unit to the right of that is on “the far right.” No ... I’m afraid that’s not the way the game’s going to be played.  The Flemings opposed to this crap are centrists.  I am a centrist.  Sorry, leftists, but I don’t move the political boundary markers—or of sanity either, for that matter—to accommodate your latest psychotic ravings.  What was normal and middle-of-the-road in 1955 is normal and middle-of-the-road now.  Deal with it, leftists.  Get used to it.  Learn to love it.  Get over it.  You’re no longer in control of the language.

Posted by Fred Scrooby on Monday, January 3, 2005 at 09:53 PM | #

Since you specifically mentioned Holland, the same goes for Pim’s List (if that’s what you were referring to) as for the Belang :  it’s a centrist party, not a member of “the Far Right.” No one will succeed in opposing the extreme wacko left radical fringe who lets the extreme wacko left radical fringe continue to control the language.

Posted by Fred Scrooby on Monday, January 3, 2005 at 10:00 PM | #

One of the reasons so many people loved Pim Fortuyn, peace be upon him: it was extremely difficult to call a flamboyant homosexual “far-right” with a straight face.

Posted by Marc on Monday, January 3, 2005 at 11:59 PM | #

The influential elite publication “Barrons”, announced today that the official number of illegal aliens thought by U.S. Govermment to reside in the US was wrong.

The number often cited by our masters in Washington - 8 or 12 million - ought to be 20 million, said Barrons.

Posted by Geoff M. Beck on Tuesday, January 4, 2005 at 12:09 AM | #

The figure of 20 million was already convincingly put forth about half-a-year ago by D.A. King writing in  Check out also this new log entry on the subject.  When I first began reading about illegal immigration in October, 2000, the figures everyone quoted were “eight to twelve million illegals in the U.S. with between one and three million additional illegals crossing into the country every year,” and now in 2005 they’re trying to make us believe there are “eight to twelve million illegals in the U.S. with between one and three million additional crossing into the country every year.” (Groundhog Day, anyone?  Welcome to Punxsatawney, PA, guys ...)

Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tuesday, January 4, 2005 at 12:42 AM | #

I honestly don’t care what they call themselves, but if we’re about to see radical “regime change” in a close neighbour and trading partner, I’m very curious to know what (besides throwing out Muslim troublemakers) they believe

A few simple questions

a) Do these folks respect Belgian independence? Or will they attempt to dismember that country and expel the French-speaking population from the north?

b) Do they regard the Rhine as an international waterway, or as an exclusive part of Dutch national territory?

c) Do they accept that non-Christians be permitted to hold political power in Holland?

Posted by martin on Tuesday, January 4, 2005 at 02:13 AM | #

Martin, may I ask if you’re a Brit?  German?  Grand Ducal?  Walloon?  What are you? 

Are you talking about the Vlaams Belang or about a Dutch party in Holland?  You must be talking about Holland, not Flanders, because you ask about the Rhein.  But how can any Dutch party in Holland “dismember” Belgium or deport French-speakers from Flanders?  Furthermore, your question about the Rhein is bizarre—why would any party in Holland want to change the present international river conventions on that?  In response to your last question:  the important point is when immigration is controlled in a sane, normal way it no longer threatens to undo the host society ethno-culturally or demographically, and in that case there is no need to be concerned about the religion of office-holders.

Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tuesday, January 4, 2005 at 02:53 AM | #

Incidentally, Martin, who says we’re “about to see radical regime change” to a party of what you call “the Far Right” in Holland (or was it Flanders you were speaking of? or maybe both?)?  (If that’s true, it’s the best news to come out of Europe since Peter Brimelow’s arrival in North America.) Where did you see this glorious bit of news?

Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tuesday, January 4, 2005 at 03:49 AM | #

Because people show much interest in “Flemish Interest” conservative party, I made a swift translation of the party program such as mentioned in the Dutch Wikipedia encyclopedia:

Immediate return of all immigrants and a federation with the Netherlands are no longer found in the party program (that moreover is similar to the election programme of Flemish Block for the regional/European elections of spring 2004). Only those immigrants who don’t adapt must go back and with the Netherlands they aspire a cooperation that is “as close as possible”. The motto “own people first” has been left, at least officially. Independence for Flanders should stop, economically spoken, that French-speaking Belgium is any longer maintained from Dutch-speaking Belgium (each year 15.5 billion dollars of financial transfers at current exchange rate dollar/eurodollar). An educator salary and increased child benefits for toddlers must allow the working couple, if wished, to leave one parent at home for the education of the children, with the intention to support the waning Flemish birth rate. The retirement pay system must be revamped upon Dutch standards with an investment fund as an intermediate buffer between income and expense, the so-called Flemish “Gold Fund”, so that pensions remain payable in future. The traditional Flemish school discipline which actually helps to situate the Flemish education system at the world top (Pisa-report 2003) must be preserved. Turkey may not become EU member because the Turks are strange to European culture. The party is much commitment to freedom of speech, and considers the existing so-called “anti-racism” and “anti-discrimination” laws in contradiction to it.

What is not incorporated in this text is that Flemish Interest wants that after Flemish independence, all territories north of the Walloon border belong to Flanders, enclave Brussels included, although the French-speakers in Brussels will be granted language rights. The Flemish won’t do such as the revolutionary French two centuries ago (people like Napoleon - the Belgian French-speakers are still looking eagerly at his “progress” propaganda on television), who simply changed the administrative language in French at their arrival, period.

Little remark: Geert Wilders, Flemish Interest’s actual mini clone in Holland is MP for Limburg, a region that voted at Belgium’s independence in 1830 for Belgium. It came to Holland afterwards, after a military invasion. Is this a confirmation that (if it still exists in modern times) the traditional cultural breach-line between Holland and Flanders lays, let’s say at the Waal (which is the same as the Rhine, but that’s a name people don’t like to pronounce in Holland, because it sounds too “German").

Posted by Braveheart on Tuesday, January 4, 2005 at 08:08 AM | #

Braveheart, thanks for that translation, and I’ll just comment if I may that I see nothing whatsoever in what you translated of the Flemish Interest’s party platform, not one single thing, that could properly be characterized as “the Far Right.” They are not “far right” or “far left” or “far anything.” They are a middle-of-the-road centrist party, one of the few in Europe today whose platforms actually make complete sense to ordinary decent honest people.  I for one wish them every political success!

Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tuesday, January 4, 2005 at 12:57 PM | #

Brenda Walker writing in cites additional support for the figure of some twenty million illegal aliens currently in the U.S., not the laughable, deliberate fraud of “eight to twelve million” which the government has with a straight face peddled about five years now, in the hope we wouldn’t notice it’s a bold-faced lie.  (I’ve seen at least two estimates that twenty million is itself a conservative figure.)

Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wednesday, January 5, 2005 at 04:01 AM | #

It’s encouraging to see Nederlanders beginning to wake up to the potential loss of their culture.  Good luck, fellows!

Posted by M.J. Omohundro on Friday, February 3, 2006 at 11:15 PM | #

“Brenda Walker writing in cites additional support for the figure of some twenty million illegal aliens currently in the U.S., not the laughable, deliberate fraud of ‘eight to twelve million’ which the government has with a straight face peddled about five years now, in the hope we wouldn’t notice it’s a bold-faced lie.  (I’ve seen at least two estimates that twenty million is itself a conservative figure.)” (—my comment, a couple above)

The correct figure as things now stand is twenty-two to twenty-five million illegals in the U.S. (overwhelmingly Mexican), not the absolutely laughable figure the Republican establishment insists on bandying about of eight million. 

Now, that’s just illegals , mind.  Legal and illegal incompatibles combined amount to some forty-five million incompatibles or more, in the U.S., who’ve come in in the last twenty-five years alone and the process is galloping along at an ever-accelerating pace with no end in sight.

But of course, we have nothing to worry about, as John Ray assures us race-replacement isn’t in the works and not only that, it is a silly idea.  Never mind that the U.S.’s most populous state, California, has already been race-replaced with Mexicans , and Texas, the biggest state in physical size after Alaska, just recently qualified for that distinction, with New Mexico soon to qualify, and doubtless Arizona after that, with perhaps half-a-dozen other states not far behind those lucky ones.  Never mind all that.  It’s irrelevant.  Has no bearing on the question, none whatsoever.  John says we’re not being gradually race-replaced and that’s that—he’s a big university professor after all, a really smart guy, well-published in peer-reviewed journals and all that ... we can surely listen to him.  So stop worrying, everybody.  Stop worrying, England, stop worrying Australia, Canada, Holland, France, Flanders, Wallonia, New Zealand, Greece, Italy, Spain:  stop worrying, you worry-warts!  Everything’s fine and none of you is undergoing extremely aggressive race-replacement forced down his country’s throat by the usual suspects, none of you!  That’s all made up by the wacko tinfoil hat brigade.  No country in the year 2006 is undergoing forced exchange of its traditional white population with a non-traditional non-white one, a national policy unprecendented in ten thousand years of history both recorded and unrecorded: none of you is undergoing that at all, not one of you.  You’re imagining it.  Are you sure you don’t need a psychiatrist?  And what’s more, none of the usual suspects who have become your overlords has arranged things so that no one among you is permitted to question his own nation’s race-replacement.  No “usual suspect” as you refer to them has arranged any such state of affairs.  It’s all in your over-active feverish imaginations:  everyone here is perfectly free to publicly question race-replacement and call for it to end and the damage already inflicted to be humanely reversed, without being charged with hate-speech, arrested, brought to trial, and ruined:  no one among you is under any such threat or means of coercion.  Where in the world did you get the idea such things were going on?  So just calm down, everybody—no Tranzis, no Wall Streeters, no communists, and none of the above in combination, are sending massive population transfers of non-whites to race-replace whites in your country.  So get hold of yourselves please, and stop being so silly.  Thanks, John Ray!  You made me see the light!

Posted by Fred Scrooby on Friday, February 3, 2006 at 11:55 PM | #

“The correct figure as things now stand is twenty-two to twenty-five million illegals in the U.S. “ (—my comment, just above)

Up tonight at happens to be a letter from a Californian who estimates the number of illegals in the U.S. at thirty million .  I find his estimate very believable.  In fact, I think it has to be right.  (Bear in mind that’s just illegals.  The overall problem of incompatible immigration has two parts, illegals and legals.  Both parts, not just illegals, have to be dealt with.)

Posted by Fred Scrooby on Saturday, February 4, 2006 at 06:14 AM | #

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