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Desmond Jones  commented in entry ' Stalin's willing executioners ' on 06/20/06, 05:01 AM. ( # )

Fred Scrooby  commented in entry ' Illegal immigrant sweep nabs criminals ' on 06/20/06, 03:41 AM. ( # )

Fred Scrooby  commented in entry ' Stalin's willing executioners ' on 06/20/06, 03:06 AM. ( # )

john ray  commented in entry ' Illegal immigrant sweep nabs criminals ' on 06/20/06, 02:28 AM. ( # )

Guessedworker  commented in entry ' New blog ' on 06/19/06, 11:35 PM. ( # )

Fred Scrooby  commented in entry ' New blog ' on 06/19/06, 09:20 PM. ( # )

Fred Scrooby  commented in entry ' The Queen's birthday ' on 06/19/06, 09:13 PM. ( # )

ultrabrowndesi  commented in entry ' New blog ' on 06/19/06, 09:02 PM. ( # )

Fred Scrooby  commented in entry ' New blog ' on 06/19/06, 08:48 PM. ( # )

Fred Scrooby  commented in entry ' New blog ' on 06/19/06, 08:47 PM. ( # )

desididn'tshowup  commented in entry ' New blog ' on 06/19/06, 08:21 PM. ( # )

Steve Edwards  commented in entry ' New blog ' on 06/19/06, 08:10 PM. ( # )

desididn'tshowup  commented in entry ' New blog ' on 06/19/06, 07:55 PM. ( # )

Steve Edwards  commented in entry ' New blog ' on 06/19/06, 07:46 PM. ( # )

Guessedworker  commented in entry ' New blog ' on 06/19/06, 07:35 PM. ( # )

No choices left

The cleavage between right- and left-liberalism can be summed up in a word: choice.  When people are encouraged to make their own choices they somehow never make the ones that the social engineers require .

School choice ‘means classroom ghettos’

Giving consumers choice in public services - and particularly in schools - is causing acute risks to racial equality.

That, at least, is the view of the Commission for Racial Equality which warns that Tony Blair’s commitment to increasing choice undermines that other current political mantra of increasing integration.

Indeed, it’s feared that choice will encourage racial segregation in an already highly segregated country.

This report was a special feature on BBC 1 evening news.  Mark Easton examined the educational divide in Blackburn, where ...

22% of the population come from ethnic minorities but 90% of non-white primary school children go to overwhelmingly non-white schools - up from 60% in just six years.

In secondary schools too, segregation is increasing.

Twenty-five years ago Pleckgate High School was predominantly white.

Today, 30% of pupils are white and the latest intake is 20% white.

“It is the parental choice that is having the main impact,” says head teacher Robin Campbell.

“How do you resolve that? We are then into the realms of social engineering and I don’t think that would work in any borough


Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, June 14, 2006 at 10:35 PM in Education
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Celebrating 350 Years of Our Misfortune

BBC News Reports that:

Jewish communities across the UK are holding a year of commemorations to mark the 350th anniversary of the “readmission” of Jews to England.

The events of 1656 are popularly regarded as a watershed and, more widely, an important step in the development of a multicultural nation…

Oliver Cromwell had agreed, or at the very least turned a blind eye, to the return of some Jews who were also allowed to practise their faith openly in the UK.

More like he had agreed to turn a blind eye to the immigration despite the will of his people expressed by their representatives.

Sound familiar?

Posted by James Bowery on Wednesday, June 14, 2006 at 04:47 PM in
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Explanatory link .

So, at a minimum, we can say with confidence that there is some kind of unprecedented difficulty in raising global oil production/consumption. The graphs I build each month are meant to track the ongoing story of this period with a view to understanding it as it evolves.

Posted by Søren Renner on Wednesday, June 14, 2006 at 03:31 PM in
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Shilling for the Bush open borders plan

A certain retired academic, a “social scientist”, who I do not have to name, shills for President Bush:

Does a person have the liberty to decide who lives in his own home? Must he accept as a resident anyone who wanders into his house? Most people would say that a householder should be free to boot intruders out. And it seems to me that a nation should be similarly free.

But the time for that discussion is of course now long past. The egg has been scrambled. Half the babies now being born in the USA are “minority” babies. The USA is now a largely Hispanic nation and will steadily become more so even if effective border control measures are taken. So the already large numbers of Hispanics who vote will also grow. And NO political party can afford to alienate them. And although effective border control would not alienate ALL Hispanic voters, it would alienate many millions of them. And that would certainly be enough to swing an election.

So GWB has no choice. He has to go easy on Hispanic immigration or he will hand the next election to the Democrats. And much the same is true of Congress. There are substantial numbers of Hispanics in all States so many Congressmen would lose their jobs if Hispanics turned solidly against them.

So Americans no longer have much choice about the future ethnic composition of their country. It has been settled. The only choice is whether the USA will become rapidly more Hispanic (which is what will happen if the Democrats get control) or whether it slowly becomes more Hispanic (if GWB’s policies prevail). There is no third option that would win an election.

So is that a good thing? Is the future of the USA clouded by its demographic transformation? It seems unlikely to be a big problem. Non-Hispanic whites will go on doing what they have always done—leading the world in most spheres of endeavour—and most Hispanics will probably have learnt enough from growing up in America not to support the Fascist political policies that regularly prevail in Latin America.

An increased level of crime may be one adverse result from the Hispanic influx but high crime levels are largely a reflection of poor policing and a lenient criminal justice system so that can be fixed whenever there is a public will to do so. Similarly, the burden of giving free medical care and schooling to illegals could be ended by requiring proof of citizenship first— but there is virtually no will for that .

In the present, the Hispanic influx undoubtedly lowers wages at the bottom end of the market but there are both winners and losers from that.

Is there anything that non-Hispanic whites can do if they want America to remain predominantly non-Hispanic? Just one thing: Have babies .

Posted by Steve Edwards on Wednesday, June 14, 2006 at 01:01 PM in
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The Senate immigration bill

The media have reported on the sections that grant illegal residents amnesty (aka path to legalization or earned citizenship). But the media have censored out of their news reports the sections that are 10 to 20 times more costly and far more dishonest than playing games with the word amnesty.  In large print, the 795-page bill announces its “temporary guest worker” plan. Those words are lies because the fine print in the bill converts these workers, who are given H-2C visas, into permanent residents with the right to become citizens after five years.


Posted by jonjayray on Wednesday, June 14, 2006 at 01:13 AM in
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