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The War on Terror: Target Iraq | Time Line for Iraq
The War on Terror: Target Iraq | Time Line for Iraq

Time Line for Iraq [48]


1914 Southern Iraq invaded by Britain, replacing Ottoman hegemony
1917 Baghdad falls to British troops
1920 Unrest spreads in southern Iraq; Britain attempts to suppress it.
1922 October 10 An Alliance with Britain is signed.
1925 The League of Nations attaches Mosul to the State of Iraq, envisaging 25 years as a formative state and Kurdish autonomy.
1930 Anglo-Iraq treaty declares a two-year plan towards an independent Iraqi state.


October 3 Iraq is declared an independent kingdom, with King Faisal at its head.
Iraq joins the League of Nations.
1933 Faisal dies, is succeeded by his son, Ghazi.
1936 A treaty of non-aggression is signed with Saudi Arabia; moves towards Pan-Arabism grow.
1939 King Ghazi dies; his son is only aged 3.
1941 More anti-British unrest. A pro-British government is formed.
1943-46 The Soviet Union backs Kurdish unrest.
1953 Direct parliamentary elections are held. King Faisal the Second assumes the throne.
1954 The US tries to increase influence in Iraq, which leads to political instability.
1955 The Baghdad Pact, a military-security agreement, comprises initially Iraq and Turkey; later Britain, Pakistan and Iran.
1958 February 12 Creation of a Federation between Jordan and Iraq, called the Arab Union of Jordan and Iraq, with a common Prime Minister.
  July 14 Military coup, led by General Karim Kassem, killing the King, the Crown Prince and the Prime Minister ("1958 Revolution").
  July 15 The Arab Union with Jordan is dissolved by Iraq; Iraq works for closer relations with the United Arab Republic, established by Egypt and Syria, earlier the same year.
1959 Iraq withdraws from the Baghdad Pact.
1963 February 8 Kassem is overthrown by a group of officers, mainly from the Ba'ath Party. Abdul Salam Arif becomes the new President.
1966 April 13 President Arif dies, and is succeeded by his brother, Abdul Rahman Arif.
1968 July 17 A coup overthrows Arif and Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr becomes the new President. Iraq moves away from the West, towards improved relations with the Soviet Union.
1971 Thousands of Faily Kurds deported to Iran; the beginning of massive deportations with the aim if "arabizing" Iraq. First of two attempts to assassinate Kurdish leader, Mullah Mustapha Barzani.
1972 Nationalization of the oil industry begins. Thousands of Kurdish and Turkoman families expelled to Iran.
1974 In March , fights break out between government forces and Kurdish groups, who allegedly received aid from Iran. Kurdish cities, like Zakho and Qalaat Diza, are razed to the ground, and hundreds of thousands of Kurds flee, disappear, or are deported between 1974-1977; thousands are killed.
1979 In June/July , President Bakr is stripped of all positions and put under house arrest. Saddam Hussein becomes new President and Chief of Staff, inter alia. Saddam acts against Shiites, declares a Syrian plot.
1980 September 22 Saddam tears up 1975 Algiers Accord and launches war against Iran, bombing and invading the country. He buys arms from the West, which backs him against Khomeini's Iran for eight years.
1981 Iraq's French-built Osiraq nuclear reactor in Baghdad bombed by Israel, to severe criticism by the West and others.
1983 Iraq first uses chemical warfare against Iran.
1987 Poisonous gas attacks against Kurdish rebel areas, also thallium attacks in Kurdish towns of Mardin and Diyarbakir.
1988 March 16 Gas used against Halabja Kurds.
  August 20 Cease-fire with Iran is obtained.
1990 On August 2 , Iraq invades and occupies Kuwait. The UN demands a withdrawal by January 15, 1991.
  August 6 The UN imposes heavy sanctions on Iraq.
1991 January 16 The US-lead invasion, Operation Desert Storm, begins.
  March 3 A cease-fire is agreed.
  April, Kurds and Shiites flee.
1993 New US military action in Iraq.
1999 February Russia signs a deal with Iraq on upgrading the country's MiG jet fighters.
2002 November 8 UN Security Council passed Resolution #1441. The resolution demanded that Iraq surrender all weapons of mass destruction and warning that there would be ‘serious consequences’, if they failed to comply.
2002 November 27 UN inspectors re-enter Iraq.
  December 7 Iraq produced a 12,000 page declaration of its weapons – including chemical, nuclear, biological and missile programs, a day before the deadline - without offering any new information.
2003 January 27 The UN weapons inspectors report to the Security Council on unsatisfactory progress.
  February 10 US Secretary of State Colin Powell put the US case to the Security Council; France, Russia, China dispute it as circumstantial. The US has moved most of its air, land and sea forces into operative positions close to Iraq, with forces from the UK and Australia, and over-flight permission from other countries.
  February 14 UN weapons inspectors make "final" report to Security Council.



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