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Technique - 2000-11-03 - Anime-O-Tekku feeds Anime lovers
The Wayback Machine -
Friday November 3, 2000
Technique - The South's Liveliest College NewspaperCampus life

Anime-O-Tekku feeds Anime lovers

By Anthony Ritz Birthday boy

"There's always time to study later." So claims the Web page of Anime-O-Tekku, the only official Japanese animation fan club on campus. In this great spirit of procrastinating Techies everywhere, Anime-O-Tekku offers over four hundred alternatives to cracking a book.

Those of us on the outside looking in at the Anime phenomenon may not quite get what it is all about.

Anime-O-Tekku president Jeffrey Crider says it is a combination of the alternative genre with a wide range of content. "It covers everything from little girls' TV shows to action, comedy, even dramas," he said.

"It's different from anything that runs mainstream over here," said interested student Justin Purdy.

Many American viewers are introduced here to idioms and conventions that they may not have been exposed to before. This, together with generally greater plot development than found in analogous American fare, is the root of the allure for an Anime fan. Furthermore, the wide variety of Anime means that once hooked, fans can branch out within the genre.

Anime-O-Tekku was created over five years ago, when a bunch of Tech guys interested in Anime got together and pooled their video collections into a club library.

Anime showings in the student center theater came a bit later, and the rest is history. Now, Anime-O-Tekku features a video library of more than 400 titles. The list continues to grow, as club dues are used primarily for new acquisitions. The club recently bought a DVD player as well.

Now, Anime-O-Tekku has showings monthly in the student center theater and meetings about every three weeks. Showings are generally for three or four hours during the week, with the next showing on November 10. The next meeting is this Saturday.

Crider says the club will probably meet in room 319 of the student center from noon to 8 p.m. During this time, the club shows and discusses parts of several commercial Anime series from their video library.

Under copyright laws, of course, Anime-O-Tekku has to have permission to reshow these titles, but club members say that companies are usually very flexible. Companies are generally delighted just to get the free publicity, and charge no fees for Anime-O-Tekku to hold showings.

Anime-O-Tekku dues are the SGA minimum $8 per semester, and the club has around thirty or forty paying members. All Anime-O-Tekku meetings and showings, as well as the mailing list, are open to non-members.

"It's not like we do anything to turn [people] away; we're very open," said Crider. The main benefit which is for members only is check-out from the club library. Members can take out up to three titles at a time for as long as a month.

According to Crider, this is the main purpose of the club. "All we are about is basically meetings, showings, library, and discussion," he says. "We're just a bunch of informal, fun-loving guys."