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Beltway ballgame
Special report: D.C.'s drive for big-league baseball could infringe on Orioles' turf
Will Ripken take his act south to Washington?
Laura Vecsey (Oct 10, 2004)

Oriole Park at Camden Yards Orioles owner Peter G. Angelos says 25 percent of the fans at Oriole Park at Camden Yards come from Washington and its suburbs. (Sun photo by Gene Sweeney Jr.)

Ehrlich satisfied state, O's are OK
Governor says relocation to D.C. won't hurt as long as Angelos' terms are met (Oct 7, 2004)

Angelos goes to Milwaukee for meeting with Selig
Owner appears to be close to deal that would protect Orioles from Washington team (Oct 6, 2004)

O's, MLB get closer with 'cordial' talks
D.C. compensation likely wide-ranging, lucrative (Oct 4, 2004)

Pace is brisk in D.C. as city awaits Expos
Fans press for tickets; with MLB looking on, officials try to act quickly (Oct 1, 2004)

Third time at bat for D.C. sure to be a hit, broadcaster says
Laura Vecsey (Oct 1, 2004)

Calling 'em like we see 'em
Baseball's return to Washington is nowhere near a done deal. There's loads of paperwork yet, probably a few legal battles and the matter of how big an armored truck they'll need to carry all that cash for Peter Angelos. No matter. The soon-to-be ex-Expos will need a new name. Senators or Nationals would be OK, but there must be a more up-to-date moniker for the District nine. Here are a few suggestions for our new National League neighbors to ponder: (Oct 1, 2004)

D.C. rejoins big leagues as Expos begin packing
National pastime to resume in nation's capital for 2005 season; ’Great day for Washington,' mayor exults (Sep 30, 2004)

Dollars will fly south to D.C., businesses fear
Money: Opinion is split over how much entertainment spending a Washington baseball team will divert from Baltimore. (Sep 30, 2004)

Montreal bids mournful adieu to home team
Although expected, the Expos' departure was hard for many fans to face. (Sep 30, 2004)

Any way pie is sliced, there's enough for all
David Steele (Sep 30, 2004)

D.C. parks one
Senators' memory hovers as Expos get a fresh start (Sep 30, 2004)

For city, lingering doubt and then delight
After 33-year wait, fans in Washington finally get their wish (Sep 30, 2004)

It's official, but obstacles and decisions still remain
Questions and answers about the relocation of the Montreal Expos to Washington: (Sep 30, 2004)

Orioles facing fight for fans and corporate sponsors
With 2 teams in region, Baltimore must compete for loyalty and revenue (Sep 30, 2004)

Baseball for D.C. appears imminent
Orioles seek guarantees in return for Expos' move; Washington could hear today (Sep 29, 2004)

Few cry foul over idea of D.C. ball
Sports: The Orioles don't get the loyalty they once commanded. Even the City Council couldn't muster a vote of support. (Sep 29, 2004)

Expos-O's television network considered
Hurdles remain, but New England, New York have lucrative joint deals (Sep 29, 2004)

D.C. would cozy up to smaller stadium
Anacostia ballpark would follow intimate industry trend, seat 41,000 (Sep 29, 2004)

DuPuy: driving lawyer, fan, commissioner's deputy
Relocation oversight is just latest task Selig gave him (Sep 29, 2004)

Angelos reveals conditions for a team in D.C.
Orioles owner indicates he might drop opposition; Meeting with DuPuy due today; Terms include protecting value of his team, stadium (Sep 28, 2004)

Md. stadiums chief warns team in D.C. could affect state coffers
Lag in Orioles attendance could force the agency to seek more state funds (Sep 28, 2004)

Time running out for D.C. to smooth Expos' move
Plan to publicly finance new downtown stadium needs support of council (Sep 28, 2004)

With prospect of D.C. team, what city do you call home?
Baseball: If Washington gets the Expos, the resulting rivalry could cause conflict among neighbors -- and even within oneself. (Sep 26, 2004)

D.C. puts crimp in winter budget
Orioles Focus (Sep 26, 2004)

With Angelos standing in way, eminent domain might not be imminent
IF YOU BELIEVE everything that you read, it's time to start putting a few bucks aside each week to pay for your PSL at Citizens Don't Want To Bank This Ballpark in Washington. (Sep 26, 2004)

League envoy seeks to ease Orioles' pain
D.C. team seems certain; Angelos rejects any deals; Several incentives discussed (Sep 25, 2004)

Fans' lack of D.C. angst has root cause on field
John Eisenberg (Sep 25, 2004)

Angelos sticking with his best pitch: No team for D.C.
Baseball's executive council holds closed-door meeting (Sep 24, 2004)

Payments could place ball on tee for Angelos
Laura Vecsey (Sep 24, 2004)

D.C. baseball? Baltimore has reason to balk
Michael Olesker (Sep 24, 2004)

For sore O's, site of ballpark puts them in a very bad spot
David Steele (Sep 23, 2004)

Ed Waldman on major-league baseball in D.C.
Sports reporter answers readers' questions on impact team might have on O's (Jun 15, 2004)

Washington baseball creates pitchmen duel
Special Report: Some say that with two teams in the region, both would suffer. Others say competition would make the O's better. (Jun 14, 2004)

D.C. not only contender to be Expos' new home
Special Report: Yes, Las Vegas is a gamble and Mexico is a poor choice fiscally speaking, but... (Jun 14, 2004)

Beltway ballgame
Special Report: D.C.'s drive for big-league baseball could infringe on Orioles' turf; Baltimore fears falling attendance (Jun 13, 2004)

Washington hungers for own team
The city that lost major-league baseball twice -- and has spent a good deal of the past 33 years trying to get it back -- is so close to success that it can nearly taste the Cracker Jack. (Jun 13, 2004)

The Sun's Jon Morgan explains MLB's offer to the Orioles

The Sun's Jon Morgan explains MLB's offer to the Orioles
Sep 30, 2004 ( QuickTime plug-in required )

Talk about it
Talk about the Expos relocating to D.C.
Screw DC. That town is a snore anyway. Let them have their team. Once the O's get back to developing players, especially pitchers-- the Oriole Way-- we'll be fine. Go Birds.!! BTW, I think Angelos has always had the best interest of Baltimore at heart. C'mon, let's lay off the guy.
Submitted by: Jesse
Oct 2, 2004, 2:22 PM EDT
Listen, Pete: Spend money and have a winning team next year. That way the DC folks will still want to pull for the Orioles. Hey, fair weather fan's money is as good as any, right? You could stick a knife right through the heart of DC baseball and hopefully they'll move to Charlotte in 5 years!
Submitted by: Steve
Oct 2, 2004, 11:45 AM EDT
Total Comments: 48
Will you go see a D.C. baseball team?
Yes, I'll probably buy season tickets.
Just once to check it out.
Never. I root for the Orioles.
Proposed ballpark

Proposed ballpark
Sep 23, 2004

Calling 'em like we see 'em

Calling 'em like we see 'em
Oct 1, 2004

Major league baseball cities

Major league baseball cities
(Kerry G. Johnson: Sun staff)
Jun 14, 2004

D.C. stadium sites

D.C. stadium sites
(Sun staff)
Sep 29, 2004

Orioles' ticket revenue and attendance

Orioles' ticket revenue and attendance
(Sun staff)
Jun 14, 2004

Markets at a glance

Markets at a glance
(Sun staff)
Jun 13, 2004

Major League Baseball's two-team markets

Major League Baseball's two-team markets
Oct 3, 2004

Proposed stadium in Washington

Proposed stadium in Washington
Jun 13, 2004


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