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From Saturday's Sun
Al-Jazeera airs videotape by bin Laden
The al-Qaida leader admits for first time that he carried out the Sept. 11 attacks (10:56 PM)
U.S. forces prepare for offensive against Fallujah (4:07 PM)

U.S. Army unit removed ammunition from Iraq site
But Pentagon says further study needed to determine if explosives part of 377 tons of missing material cited by IAEA (9:58 PM)
Survey: Iraqi deaths higher

From Saturday's Sun
Bush, Kerry spar, prepare for final campaign push
Kerry charges that incumbent fails to understand problems facing country; President counters he is better man to protect U.S. from terror threat (10:55 PM)
For voters, officials, a season of anxiety

President's new copter a matter of much debate
Rivals for contract talking patriotism, security, jobs

NAACP blames tax audit on criticism of Bush
IRS looks at political role of civil rights organization

Arafat arrives at French hospital for treatment
Doctors investigate cause of Palestinian leader's low blood platelet count (4:33 PM)
Arafat heads to Paris for treatment
Israeli-Palestinian violence
Also from the Sun's National and Foreign Staffs

Candidates focus on key states in Midwest
Bush reflects on 9/11; Kerry cheers Red Sox, appears with Springsteen

Sun Journal
General of a gadget command
Inventions: The Aberdeen officer retiring today has directed the creation of better and safer equipment for American soldiers in battle.

More news

Rehnquist released from Md. hospital
Chief justice expected back on bench Monday after thyroid cancer treatment (2:46 PM)

Army official protested, but Halliburton got contract
FBI seeking interview with her, marking an expansion of its probe

U.S. to buy European flu vaccine
FDA will inspect plants, health secretary says

Researcher links bitter-taste detection to favored foods, body weight
Those most sensitive tend to be slimmer, study finds

Images from Titan indicate liquid, ice
Scientists view radar data captured by spacecraft passing moon of Saturn

Researchers identify enzyme that links stress with memory lapses
Finding points to therapy for some mental illnesses

Insurgents show killing of 11 Iraqi soldiers
Hostages beheaded, shot for cooperating with U.S.; Polish woman kidnapped

Muslim cleric denies heading terror group as trial opens in Indonesia
Organization is blamed in bombings at Bali, hotel

Wounded boy tells of father's rampage

In Depth

Election 2004
Full coverage of the race for the White House.

CBS memo controversy
Full coverage of questions surrounding documents about President Bush?s military record.

Ronald Reagan
Remembering the nation's 40th president.

Brown vs. Board
50 years later

Prisoner abuse
Full coverage of the investigations.

Postwar Iraq
Postwar IraqCoverage of the crisis.

Gay marriage
Full coverage of the debate.

Medicine & Science
New coverage from The Sun.

Full coverage of the space shuttle tragedy.

War on Terror
War on TerrorFull coverage of the World Trade Center and Pentagon plane crashes.

Priest scandals
Coverage of priests implicated in sex-abuse cases plaguing the Roman Catholic Church.

Hurricane Season
Archived Hurricane Isabel coverageLive storm tracking, safety tips and an interactive look back at the 1933 storm that hit Maryland.

Day in Pictures
Top national and world photos.

And in other news ...


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