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Pynchon - Links
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For Roger Mexico

The dreaming Serpent which surrounds the World

Offsite Links
This page contains links to other sites around the Web that pertain to Thomas Pynchon. Online reviews and papers, however, may be found on the appropriate sections of Spermatikos Logos, and will not be reprinted here. If I have omitted any sites that should be here, please let me know!

Main Pynchon Resources


HyperArts Pynchon Page -- A wonderful site that contains web guides and correspondences to his major works and other assorted Pynchonalia. Definitely a labor of love, this is one of the best postmodern sites on the Web, and an invaluable -- and beautiful! -- Pynchon resource.

The Pomona Pynchon Page -- Officially known as the "San Narciso College Thomas Pynchon Home Page," this large site has a treasure house of information on Pynchon and his works, including a biography and information about all his novels.

Pynchon Files -- A very stylish biographical page that has its focus on Pynchon's reclusive life and times, and contains some information and speculation that you won't find anywhere else. (Note: This useful site no longer is updated; the link refers you to a still-extant archive.)

The Pynchon List Homepage -- A page devoted to the Pynchon List, with instructions for subscribing.

Pynchon Notes Homepage -- The Homepage for Pynchon Notes, a bi-annual publication devoted to Pynchon scholarship.

Pynchon Portal -- Jorn Barger's page of Pynchon information and links, includes a Pynchon FAQ page.

Vheissu -- A growing all-purpose page with a Pynchon chronology, cover scans, and papers. (English, Dutch & Greek.)


American Literature Pynchon Page -- Another small Pynchon page, based from Japan.

Under Tom's Thumb -- By A&E, this small but attractive site lists all his works, complete with an image of the cover and a short explanation of each one.

American Literature Web Resources: Thomas Pynchon -- Contains a brief chronology and a few "little weird Pynchon factoid-dealies."

Pynchon Weblinks -- This German site lists and organizes dozens of Pynchon links. Contains many links to German-language sites not featured here. (German & English)

Susan Argus's "Lots of Pynchon Links" -- A fairly comprehensive, but out-of-date, page of Pynchon-related links.

World of Noise: Encyclopedia Pynchonis -- A set of Pynchon links from "This World of Noise." Essentially a page of concentrated Spermatikos Logos material.

pynhead -- Ariss DerHovanessian's site contains some excerpts from Pynchon's novels and an essay.

Specific Books -- The complete texts to V. and The Crying of Lot 49 .

SparkNotes on The Crying of Lot 49 -- Kyle Hawkins' online notes and commentary to Lot 49 ; part of the SparkNotes guides for students.

The Illustrated Complete Summary of Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow -- Created by Spermatikos Logos' very own Dr. Daw, this page holds a delightful summary of GR with a wealth of original images lovingly created with Adbobe Photoshop.

A Companion's Companion -- Donald Larson's "Illustrated Additions and Corrections to Steven Weisenburger's A Gravity's Rainbow Companion ," this excellent site provides additional glossing on Pynchon's great novel, and contains a page of links to some very helpful sites relating to the novel and its many topics.

Hyperbola: A Digital Companion to Gravity's Rainbow -- Created by Stuart Moulthrop -- as if a name like that wasn't a nudge from destiny -- this page contains a hypercard stack that may be freely downloaded. A digital companion to GR , it is compatible only with the Macintosh platform.

Babies of Wackiness: A Reader's Guide to Vineland -- Created by John Diebold and Michael Goodwin, this site serves as a guide and explication of Vineland.

Peter Schmidt's Mason & Dixon Reading Notes -- Broken down into 78 chapter summaries, Schmidt provides notes and plot synopsis.

Mason & Dixon Publisher's Homepage -- The Holt Publishing company's site contains a small excerpt, a fact sheet, a press release, and numerous reviews and reader responses.

Mason & Dixon Reading Guide -- The Holt Publishing company's reading guide to Mason & Dixon .


Who Is Thomas Pynchon...And Why Did He Take Off With My Wife? -- 1977 Playboy . Pynchon associate Jules Siegel's infamous "memoir."

The Gray Lady and the P-Word -- March/April 1995 Columbia Journalism Review . This amusing article, and adaptation of remarkes by former NYTBR editor Rebecca Sinkler, talks about the New York Times ' old fashioned rules of printable words, and mentions the Pynchon "bad-ass" contrversy.

Mason & Dixon -- October 21, 1996. An article from the Washington Post , speculating on Mason & Dixon and discussing the Wanda Tinasky letters.

Where's Thomas Pynchon? -- June 5, 1997, CNN article detailing the tracking down of Mr. Thomas R. Pynchon by CNN and discussing his reclusive tendencies.

Strange Bedfellows -- June 9, 1997 News-Times . George Clooney and Thomas Pynchon get stalked.

Good Fortune's Opression -- 1997, Archipelago . Robert L. O'Connell's article is subtitled, "Pynchon, and How History Didn’t Turn Out the Way We Thought It Would."

The Crying over Lot 49 -- March 1998.'s feature on the Pynchon letter controversy.

Who the Hell is He? -- July 7, 1998 South African Sunday Time s. This is the infamous James Bone article, in which he more or less stalks Pynchon to get a photograph.

Gravity's Pull -- October 1-7, 1998 Metro . John Yewell discusses Pynchon's penchant for anonymity and efforts to track him down.

Collins v. Pynchon -- October 28, 1998 Dartmouth Review . Ram Murali keeps a reader's scorecard between Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow and Jackie Collin's Lady Boss .

Look Who's Modern Now -- October 10, 1999 New York Times . Wendy Steiner discusses recent changes in the American novel. Contains frequent mentions of Pynchon.

How to Get a Blurb from Thomas Pynchon -- October 15, 1999 This small piece discusses how the author of The Testament of Yves Gundron got Pynchon to endorse his new novel.

Who Taught Physics to Thomas Pynchon? -- February 2000 American Physical Society News Online. Robery A. Levy, physicist and Pynchon enthusiast, speculates on Pynchon's scientific geneaology.

A Rainbow of Possibilities for Fiction -- August 2000 San Francsisco Chronicle . David Kipen reminisces about Gravity's Rainbow .

thomas pynchon: the techngnostic prophet of paranoid literature -- November 13, 2000 Disinformation . Douglas McDaniel talks about Pynconaliens , in which we at Spermatikos Logos are clearly grouped.

Pynchon and Crunch: Heroes of the Underworld Wide Web -- February 5, 2001 New York Observer . Ron Rosenbaum discusses hacker culture and The Crying of Lot 49 .

Sur la piste du "Pynch" -- October 11, 1985 Libération . A French piece on Pynchon. (French)

Thomas Pynchon and the South Bay -- 2003, The Aesthetic . Garrison Frost looks at Pynchon's life on Manhattan Beach.

Miscellaneous Pynchonalia

Who's Writing Whose Writing? -- Alan Westrope's chronology of the 45 years of confusion over the identities of William Gaddis, Jack Green, Thomas Pynchon, and Wanda Tinasky.

Pynchon cut-out dolls -- This fun-for-the-whole-family site contains cut-outs of Pynchon with various accessories, including his friends Yuri the Cosmonaut and a head of lettuce!

New! Thomas Pynchon: Man of Mystery -- From Shane & Compton's "Is This Tomorrow?", this comic spoofs Pynchon's penchant for anonymity.

Thrillpick "Pynchon Interview" -- An, er, exclusive interview with Pynchon at his new restaurant, the Post Horn.

Face to Face With Mortality, Intellect and Thomas Pynchon -- A "triple self-portrait" by painter Aaron Board.

Cashiered! -- This Web site contains extracts from Pynchon's novels.

Endorsement for Jim Knipfel's new book The Buzzing -- Pynchon does it again for Jim!

"Lot 49 stamps" "discovered " -- Was the underground postal system described in Lot 49 fictional or real? Hmm..... (From F.I.R.E., a site devoted to ficticious postage stamps.)

More on stamps -- Images of some real stamps and supporting quotes from Lot 49 . (From F.I.R.E., a site devoted to ficticious postage stamps.) -- The homepage of Thomas Claburn, the first to register, has many Pynchonesque and near-discordian treats.

Pynchon News Service -- Maintained by the enigmatic Lioness, this developing site holds passages from Gravity's Rainbow set up as "news flashes." Contributions are encouraged.

PopCanon Homepage -- This talented band from Florida writes some crazy songs with very literate themes -- Joyce, Borges, Eco, Coover, and Pynchon have all shown up in their lyrics. Their first CD contains a Pynchon-based song called "Wanda Tinasky."

UK Pynchon Reading Group -- An open Pynchon reading group in the UK; this page also has many European TP links.

MTV Lotion Review -- Jon Wiederhorn's slightly flip review of Nobody's Cool discusses the notorious Pynchon liner notes.

Excerpt from Gravity's Well -- Written by our own Dr Larry Daw and inspired by the works of Thomas Pynchon, an excerpt from his forthcoming novel is available online at the Electronic Slush Pile.

Pynchon on "Prairie Home Companion" -- Keillor mixes cowboys and Pynchon.

Gravity's Rainbow and Mystery Science Theatre 3000 -- Based on Robert Pirani's "Far from Home Page," this intriguing page details the "echoes between the greatest American novel of this century and the greatest television series ever."

Longitude -- A&E recently aired a movie called Longitude , loosely based on Dava Sobel's book. It is about the quest to accurately measure longitude, and features some of the historical characters used in Mason & Dixon , such as Nevil Maskelyne.

Tristero -- Named from Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49 , Tristero is an interactive artistic community that recycles Internet detritus.

The Thomas Pynchon Connection -- David Wild discusses Pynchon and jazz.

Drainage -- A Web site on, um, drainage. Contains exceprts from Gravity's Rainbow . Pynchon fans, I'm sure you know which excerpt.

A Screaming -- A black and white image based on the opening sentence to GR .

Mason, Dixon & Pynchon? -- "Mason, Dixon and Pynchon are an established company of Commercial and Residential Building Surveyors." So says their Web site. It's coincidences like these that keep Oedipa Maas up all night....


Professor Corey's Acceptance Speech -- You can now hear Professor Irwin Corey's National Book Award acceptance speech for Gravity's Rainbow ! It's the last track on However.... , the live recording of Corey's nightclub routine.

Narrated Gravity's Rainbow CD-ROM -- " The Narrated Gravity's Rainbow integrates criticism with animated digital collage (using the work of Canadian artist Larry Daw), theatre, and contemporary music into a compelling aural and visual performance, transforming Pynchon's masterpiece of post-modern fiction into Performance Art. The entire presentation is now available on CD-ROM (Windows® or Macintosh platform, or PAL-format VHS video)."

Pynchon Trading Card -- Yes -- Our Man is one of the many author trading cards offered by Booksmith!

Searches & Utility

Google News Search -- This will search news groups related to Pynchon.

Yahoo News Search -- Searched Yahoo for artcles and news related to Pynchon.

Northern Light -- This will search Northern Light for online articles and sites about Pynchon and his work.

Powell's Pynchon Search -- This link searches for rare and out-of-print books by or about Pynchon via Powell's Bookstore.

Cumulative Bibliography of Pynchon Notes -- A searchable list of the articles appearing in all the issues of Pynchon Notes. (Just a bibliography; the text is not yet available.)

The Internet Public Library Online Literary Criticism Collection -- This page has some links to Pynchon Literary criticism available on the Web.

--Allen B. Ruch
14 January 2004

"Welcome to Dr. Larry's World of Discomfort," he would whisper, going through the paperwork.
Contact Dr Larry Daw if you have any questions or comments about Pynchon.

"Goodo," said Picnic, blinking. "Man, look at the quail."
Contact the Great Quail if you have any suggestions, submissions, or criticisms about this site.

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