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A Subjective View of Gay Life Before and After Stonewall

( This column exists for the purpose of chronicling personal histories, reminiscences, memories and stories of gay culture before and after Stonewall. As gay people, we do not have a sense of our gay history or ancestry.  Hopefully, this series of stories, written in the first person, will help fill that gap and help bring our various generations closer together through mutual understanding and respect. If you care to share your story with us, e-mail .)

a conversation with . . . Billy Herrington

by Richard LaFrance

Copyright 2002 by Richard LaFrance. All Rights Reserved.

Billy Herrington at Cherry's, July 18, 2002.

CHERRY GROVE, N.Y. July 18, 2002. Billy Herrington was raised on the North Shore of Long Island and presently lives in New Jersey. In his own words, ?I was a fighter and into boxing, wrestling and martial arts, but wasn?t really interested in body building. In his teens he compared to the skinny man in the Charles Atlas ad, until ?somebody left me for a bodybuilder. Then, I started going to the gym, fell in love with the sport and here I am now, two hundred sixty pounds later and willing to show it on film.

?First there was a year-and-a-half of print work; I?ve been in the adult film industry for three-and-a-half years now. A friend of mine sent a photo of me to Colt and they flew me to California to test. We did a photo shoot, then another. In a year?s time, we did some eight photo shoots and one video. Then I became Colt Man of the Year 2000 and moved on to All World Video, which produces sixty percent of the adult gay video market, and became their biggest star.

?So far, I?ve made about six films and the rest of the time make personal appearances around the world at White Parties, Caligula, Black Parties and other big events with people like Boy George and Taylor Dane.?

I told him that I?m not a fan of adult film videos because they make me feel left out and instead of turning me on, everything that goes on looks like it hurts. 

He smiled and said, ?Some of it does.?

Before his appearance at Cherry?s, Billy said, ?We?ve got a lot of tee-shirts and videos to give away to the fans, and even if we didn?t, they?d be getting something, because I?m going to get onstage and we?re going to have a ball.

?I?m just a crowd pleaser. I get off on people?s reactions to me. At an event like this, it?s more about the crowd than it is about me.

?When people see me, they create a fantasy in their minds. That?s what I try to give to my fans, to give back to them, to interact with them.

?I?ve traveled all over the world -- Beijing, Barcelona, Madrid ? and when I get there I?m ready to go.?

I asked him what it felt like to be admired for his body, and he said, ?Gee, I could get real deep about it . 

. . it?s a good feeling, but sometime, when you?re by yourself . . . you have to keep an even keel because it?s my image. The person that they see onstage is completely different from the person I am at home. I try to keep a clear separation of the two. Sometimes, I feel a little sad, because they see the image, not the real me . . . actually, I don?t want them to see the real me, because it?s my buffer.

?When I come here, I put on my mask. I?m a performer . . . it?s my role. When I leave, I take that mask off or do whatever I have to do to come back down a notch. Usually my lover will just bring me back down to size.?

When I repeated, you have a lover , Billy said, ?Actually, I have a boyfriend and a girlfriend. Even if I were not in this industry, I would only go with people who are secure within themselves.?

I reminded him, ?Yes, but you?re being sexually admired by people around the world -- having sex on film. It takes a very strong person to not feel threatened by that.?

He replied, ?I think it?s up to me to convince them that what he or she gets is different from what my 

Billy and Chi Chi LaRue at Cherry's.

  audience gets. The audience gets 
  my image. The person who I'm 
dating gets me . . . the real meat and potatoes . . . that?s who they date. Personally, I?m a pretty secure individual. I wake up every morning, do my laundry, vacuum the floor and all that regular stuff.?

I said, ?How about the person who wants the guy you are on film??

Billy said, ?I try not to date those people because convincing a person that I?m not that image is very hard. If we had an argument, they might say, ?You?re being this way because you?re a famous star . . . because you?re a spoiled brat.' It gives them fuel.

?Relationships can be very tricky in this industry. I?ve learned that pressure is on the star to make their partner understand that what they?re doing is completely external from their relationship. I?m extremely loyal to the people I date. My healthiest relationships are with those who I can communicate, who I am underneath . . . when I say something witty and the person gets attached to that, that?s when a real relationship starts.

?I need to have an entirely different environment when I go home . . . the last thing I want when I go home is to be sexy. . . we derive sexual activity through mental stimulation,

conversation, romance. I?ve been with the girl I'm dating for a year and a half; the guy, I met just recently.?

I asked him how the people he dates deal with his bi-sexuality, and he said, ?The real thing is if I can deal with how they react.

?The adult film industry has helped me to cope with my bisexuality. It didn?t trouble me in any respect, but I?m a coward. I didn?t feel comfortable going to bars and just picking up men, going home with them and anything goes. I didn?t want to dive headlong into a relationship with a guy. I wanted to put my toe in the water first. Three years ago my first big step was kissing a guy, a guy performing oral on me, then me on him. It progressed ?til in my last film I was bottoming.

?I have complete control of my films. I go to my company and say I have an idea for a film. The structure is my own. I know what I?m going to do and what I?m not going to do. I use it as a diving board. Then I go home and examine whether I feel comfortable including it in my life.?

Billy emphasized that by producing his own films, he makes sure that people are treated well. He likes to treat everyone like they?re the star. He said, ?It just puts out a better product. My purpose is to put out a good product.?

I asked him a question that I had wanted to ask Matt Rush last week, but forgot, ?Why are all porn stars tops??

Billy said, ?Actually, they?re not. They?re bottoms. But the real stars of the industry are tops. The cr?me of the cr?me are tops.?

I asked, ?Why ??

He said, ?Probably because tops are considered more alpha male . . . I don?t know many feminine guys who are put up on a pedestal.?

I said, ?I?m not talking about guys who are feminine . . . ?

Josie, Cherry's manager, and Billy

"Well, bottoming to me segues into
being more feminine. If you're
bottoming, you?re being passive. Somebody is putting their dick inside you, and you have to be accepting of it.?

I said, ?As a bottom, one gives up control??

He said, ?Exactly. A top never loses control Tops are thoroughbreds in a stable of quarter horses.?

I asked him how often he worked out.

?He said, ?Every day. I love it.?

And according to the reception he got last night, his fans love it, too. He seemed to have genuine affection for the people who showed up at Cherry?s to see him last Thursday night and then stood in line for an autographed photo.

He told me he gets tired of signing autographs on his photos and likes to get ?creative.?

With just a bit of a smile, he added, "Last night I signed two pairs of tits and three asses."

Billy likes to dive and is currently looking for property around Melbourne and Sebastian, Florida, where he has family and hopes to live ?so my money goes a little bit further.? You can reach him on the Internet at the following web addresses: or .

  (Editor: Dominick has given me permission to do a series of articles on people in the adult gay film industry who appear at Cherry?s this summer. I guess I?m interested in demystifying the image and discovering what makes them tick So far, the answer is: A LOT! Stay tuned . . . )