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Thi?n nguy?n ? Wikipedia ti?ng Vi?t B??c t?i n?i dung

Thi?n nguy?n

Bach khoa toan th? m? Wikipedia

Thi?n nguy?n la m?t d?ng ch? ngh?a v? tha bao g?m "cac sang ki?n ca nhan, danh cho hang hoa cong c?ng , t?p trung vao ch?t l??ng cu?c s?ng ". Ho?t đ?ng thi?n nguy?n đ?i l?p v?i cac sang ki?n kinh doanh, v?n la nh?ng sang ki?n ca nhan danh cho hang hoa t? nhan, t?p trung vao l?i ich v?t ch?t; va cung v?i cac n? l?c c?a chinh ph?, v?n la cac sang ki?n cong danh cho hang hoa cong c?ng, t?p trung ch? y?u vao vi?c cung c?p cac d?ch v? cong. [1] Ng??i chuyen lam cong vi?c thi?n nguy?n đ??c g?i la nha h?o tam ho?c nha thi?n nguy?n .

Chau A [ s?a | s?a ma ngu?n ]

Ho?t đ?ng t? thi?n co m?t l?ch s? lau đ?i t?i khu v?c chau A, vi?c thi?n nguy?n hay cach ti?p c?n co h? th?ng đ? lam vi?c thi?n đa co t? thu? s? khai. [2] Tri?t gia Trung Qu?c la M?c T? (kho?ng 470 ? 391 TCN)

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  1. ^ Robert McCully. Philanthropy Reconsidered (2009) tr.13
  2. ^ “Philanthropy in Asia needs a push from good government policies” (b?ng ti?ng Anh). 29 thang 1 n?m 2018 . Truy c?p ngay 27 thang 10 n?m 2021 .

đ?c them [ s?a | s?a ma ngu?n ]

  • Adam, Thomas. Philanthropy, Patronage, and Civil Society: Experiences from Germany, Great Britain, and North America (2008)
  • Burlingame, D.F. Ed. (2004). Philanthropy in America: A comprehensive historical encyclopaedia (3 vol. ABC Clio).
  • Curti, Merle E. American philanthropy abroad: a history (Rutgers UP, 1963).
  • Grimm, Robert T. Notable American Philanthropists: Biographies of Giving and Volunteering (2002) excerpt
  • Hitchcock, William I. (2014) "World War I and the humanitarian impulse." The Tocqueville Review/La revue Tocqueville 35.2 (2014): 145?163.
  • Ilchman, Warren F. et al. Philanthropy in the World's Traditions (1998) Examines philanthropy in Buddhist, Islamic, Hindu, Jewish, and Native American religious traditions and in cultures from Latin America, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. online
  • Jordan, W.K. Philanthropy in England, 1480?1660: A Study of the Changing Pattern of English Social Aspirations (1959) online
  • Kiger, Joseph C. Philanthropists and foundation globalization (Transaction Publishers, 2011).
  • Petersen, Jørn Henrik, Klaus Petersen, and Søren Kolstrup. "Autonomy, Cooperation or Colonization? Christian Philanthropy and State Welfare in Denmark." Journal of Church and State 56#1 (2014): 81?104.
  • Reich, Rob, Chiara Cordelli, and Lucy Bernholz, eds. Philanthropy in democratic societies: History, institutions, values (U of Chicago Press, 2016).
  • Zunz, Olivier. Philanthropy in America: A history (Princeton UP, 2014).

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