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Collaborative Lists | Trove

Collaborative Lists

With Collaborative Lists you and other Voluntroves can collect things that you find on Trove and keep them in a shared place. This can help with collaborative projects for research, work and community.

Collaborative Lists are public (ie visible to everyone) and people can request to join  them so that they can contribute to them. The person who created the Collaborative List ( list owner ) can also assign  list administrators to help manage the list.

Collaborative Lists can be updated by approved contributors ie  list collaborators , list administrators  and the list owner . Once a list owner or list administrator has approved a request to join a Collaborative List, the approved collaborator can update and contribute to the list.

Note : You can only collaborate on lists if your Trove profile is publicly visible. If you change your profile to Private, you will no longer be able to collaborate on a list.

Create a Collaborative List

To create a new Collaborative List in Trove, find something you would like to add to a list, then create the list from there.

After you create a list, it will appear in the Lists section of your Trove profile .

These are instructions on how to start a Collaborative List with a Trove item record. To start a Collaborative List with a newspaper or gazette article, see our Lists help page for instructions.

  1. Login to your Trove account.
  2. Go to the Trove work or item record that you want to add to a list.
  3. Scroll down to the Lists section.
  4. Select the +Add to list button.
  5. Enter a name in the Make a new list field to create a new list.
  6. Enter optional information in the  Describe this list  field.
  7. Select an option to make the list Public or Private Note: Public lists are visible to everyone.
  8. To make your new list collaborative, select the Collaborative  option. Note: Only public lists can be made collaborative. You can only create collaborative lists if your Trove profile is public.
  9. Enter optional information in the Reason for adding this item? field.
  10. Select the  Save  button.

Add to a Collaborative List

These are instructions on how to add a Trove item record to a Collaborative List. To add a newspaper or gazette article or web page to a Collaborative List, see our Lists help page for instructions.

  1. Login to your Trove account.
  2. Go to the Trove work or item record that you want to add to a list.
  3. Scroll down to the Lists section.
  4. Select the +Add to list button.
  5. Select a list to add the item record to.
  6. Enter optional information in the Reason for adding this item? field.
  7. Select the  Save  button.

Note: The maximum number of items allowed in a list is 1000.

Convert a Public or Private List to a Collaborative List

To convert an existing Public or Private list to a collaborative list the list owner should:

  1. Login to your Trove account.
  2. Go to the  Lists  tab. 
  3. Select the  Manage this   list  link next to an existing list.
  4. Select the Edit list details  button which appears under the list title.
  5. Change the list type  setting to  Public and the  Collaborative   radio slider button to the left to the 'on' position. Only public lists can be made collaborative.
  6. Select  Save .

Convert a Collaborative List to a Public or Private List

To convert an existing Collaborative List to a Public or Private List the list owner should:

  1. Login to your Trove account.
  2. Go to the  Lists  tab. 
  3. Select the  Manage this   list  link next to any existing collaborative list.
  4. Select the Edit list details  button which appears under the list title.
  5. Change the list type  setting Collaborative  radio slider button to the left to the 'off' position.

You will receive a warning message:
Changing a collaborative list to a non-collaborative public list will immediately remove all existing collaborators and their contributions to this list. Your own contributions will be unaffected.

Note:  The collaborative list will be converted to a public list containing only the list owners contributions, and any tags and notes added to the list by other people. The list will visible to everyone, but no one will be able to  request to join the list, or contribute to the list.


    Change the list type  setting to  Private

You will receive a warning message:
Changing a collaborative list to a private list will immediately remove all existing collaborators and their contributions to this list, and will delete all tags and notes associated with the list by other people. Your own contributions will be unaffected.

Note:  The collaborative list will be converted to a private list containing only the list owners  contributions. The list will only be visible to the list owner or creator. The list will not be visible to others, and no one will be able to  request to join the list, or contribute to the list.

    6. Select  Save .

Join or follow a Collaborative List

You must log in to your Trove account to request to join or follow a list.

A request to  join  a list sends a message to the list owner and  list administrator  indicating that a new person (a list collaborator ) would like to join and contribute to the list.

A request to follow a list adds a notification in your Trove profile activity feed. You will receive a notification in your activity feed  each time the list is changed or updated.

Note :

  • You can only  join and collaborate on lists if your Trove profile is publicly visible
  • You are only able to request to  join lists that are  Collaborative i.e. you cannot request to join Public Lists or Private Lists
  • You are only able to  follow  lists that are Public or Collaborative  i.e. you cannot follow Private Lists
  • You are only able to  follow  lists for which you are not a list owner, administrator or collaborator i.e. you cannot follow a Collaborative List if you have owner, administrator or collaborator permissions for the list

To join or follow a list:

  1. Login to your Trove account.
  2. Go to the  Lists  category.
  3. Search for and select the title of a list that you want to join or follow .
  4. Select the green  Request to join  button, which appears below the list title, to request to  join  the list.
  • A message will display indicating that your request to join the list has been sent to the list owner for review: 
    Thank you! Your request to join this list is with the list owner for review.
  • Once the list owner has received your request, they can approve or deny. You will receive a notification in your activity feed letting you know if you can collaborate
  • You can check which lists you have joined using the  Collaborative lists  filter button on the  Lists  tab in your Trove profile


    Select the green  Follow  button, which appears on the far right of the list title, to follow the list.

  • Once you are following a list, you will receive notifications in your activity feed when the list is changed or updated
  • You can check which lists you are following using the  Lists I'm following  filter button on the  Lists  tab in your Trove profile
  • Once you are following a list, you can select the green  Unfollow  button, on the far right of the list title, to unfollow the list. You won't receive notifications in your activity feed  each time the list is changed or updated

Manage a request to join a Collaborative List

Once someone has sent a request to join  a collaborate list, the list owner and list administrator  will receive a notification message in their Trove profile notifications  feed:
[Date, Time]
[username] has offered to collaborate on the list "[list name]".

To approve a request from someone to collaborate, the list owner or list administrator should:

  1. Login to your Trove account
  2. Go to the  Lists  tab. 
  3. Select the collaborative lists button. Any lists with request to join  notifications awaiting approval will appear at the top of the list.
  4. Select the  Manage this   list  link next to any list which has an outstanding request to join . These requests will have an orange dot next to them in the Manage this list  link.
  5. Under the list title you will see a section called  Manage collaborators.

     This section shows a list of people that have requested to join the list under the Awaiting confirmation button, and the list of existing collaborators under the  Collaborators  button.

     Select either the ' Approve ', ' Deny ' or ' Block ' link which appears next to the Trove username under the  Awaiting confirmation  button to respond to the request to join the list.

  • Approve adds someone as a collaborator to the list and sends a notification message to them, which will appear in their notifications  feed:
    [Date, Time]
    Your offer to collaborate on the list "[list name]" has been accepted.

    The list will also update to indicate the total number of collaborators for the list:
    2 Voluntroves collaborating on this list

    The new collaborator is now able to contribute to the Collaborative List.
  • Deny  declines a request to join the list, and sends a notification to the person, which will appear in their notifications  feed:
    [Date, Time]
    Your offer to collaborate on the list "[list name]" has been declined.

    The person is not able to contribute to the Collaborative List but can request to join  the collaborative list again.
  • Block  declines the request to join the list and stops them from making another request to join  the list, then sends them a notification message which will appear in their notifications  feed:
    [Date, Time]
    Your offer to collaborate on the list "[list name]" has been declined.

    The blocked person will not able to contribute to the Collaborative List, and the request to join  button will not be available to them on this list.

    Note : The list owner or list administrator can also  Unblock a person by using the list's  Manage this list  link in their Trove profile, or when viewing the list in the Lists category search results.

    After selecting the  Manage this list  link, under the list title you will see a section called  Manage collaborators . This section shows requests to join the list under the Awaiting confirmation button; the list of existing collaborators under the  Collaborators  button; and the list of any blocked people under the  Blocked  button.

    Select the  Blocked  button and select Unblock next to the username to allow the person to request to join the list again.

Manage Owner, Administrator and Collaborator permissions on a Collaborative List

There are three types of roles in a Collaborative List. 

Each role has different permissions which enable them to do different tasks:

  • The list owner - Is able to create, edit and delete the list and list description, add list items, create notes and tags at the list level, create notes and tags at the list item level, sort list items, and delete any list items, notes and tags that have been added to the list.

    list owner  can also add list administrators to help manage the administrative functions of the list including managing requests to join the list.
  • List administrators - Are able to manage requests to join the list, edit the list and list description, add list items, create notes and tags at the list level, create notes and tags at the list item level, sort list items, and delete any list items, notes and tags that have been added to the list.
  • List collaborator s - Can add list items, create notes and tags at the list level, create notes and tags at the list item level, and delete the list items, notes and tags which they have added to the list. 
  Owner Administrator Collaborator
Delete list X - -
Change list to non-collaborative or private X - -
Change list feature image X X -
Change list title/description/facebook link X X -
View list participants X X X
Add/delete list items X (any)
can add list items delete list items added by anyone
X (any)
can add list items and delete list items added by anyone
X (own)
can add list items and delete list items added by themselves
Add/delete list notes X (any)
can add list notes and delete list notes added by anyone
X (any)
can add list notes and delete list tags added by anyone
X (own)
can add list notes and delete list notes added by themselves
Add/delete list tags X (any)
can add list tags and delete list tags added by anyone
X (any)
can add list tags and delete list tags added by anyone
X (own)
can add list tags and delete list tags added by themselves
Sort list items X X -
Manage request to join list (Approve/Deny/Block) X X -
Add/remove list administrator X - -


Change a List Owner

To transfer ownership of a list to a list administrator  the list owner should:

  1. Login to your Trove account.
  2. Go to the  Lists  tab. 
  3. Select the Collaborative lists  button.
  4. Select the  Manage this   list  link next to any list.
  5. Under the list title you will see a section called  Manage collaborators.  This section shows the list of existing collaborators under the  Collaborators  button.
  6. Select the Change owner  link next to the list owner username.

    You will be shown a drop-down:
     Transfer ownership to: [Select a list administrator]

      7. Select a list administrator from the drop-down and select  Transfer ownership  to transfer ownership of the collaborative list to this person, or  Cancel  to exit.

You will receive a pop-up asking you to confirm:
You are about to make [username] the owner of this list. You will lose all owner privileges and become a list Collaborator. Are you sure you wish to proceed?

      8. Select  OK to transfer ownership of the list, or  Cancel  to exit without saving your changes.

Note: You can only transfer list ownership to a list administrator . If there are no list administrators for the list you will receive a notification at Step 6:
You can only transfer ownership of this list to an Administrator. There are no administrators assigned to this list.

Create a List Administrator

To create a list administrator  the list owner should:

  1. Login to your Trove account.
  2. Go to the  Lists  tab. 
  3. Select the Collaborative lists  button.
  4. Select the  Manage this   list  link next to any list collaborative list.
  5. Under the list title you will see a section called  Manage collaborators.  This section shows existing collaborators under the  Collaborators  button.
  6. Select the Change to Administrator  link next to the collaborator username.

    The link text next to the username will update to show: 
    Change to Collaborator

This indicates that the collaborator has now become an administrator and is now able to help administer the list.

Note: You can only convert an existing list collaborator into a list administrator .

Leave a Collaborative List

To leave or remove someone from a collaborative list, the  list collaborator , list administrator or  list owner  should:

  1. Login to your Trove account.
  2. Go to the  Lists  tab. 
  3. Select the Collaborative lists  button.
  4. Select the  Manage this   list  link next to any collaborative list.
  5. Under the list title you will see a section called  Manage collaborators.  This section shows existing collaborators under the  Collaborators  button.
  6. Select the Remove collaborator icon next to the collaborator username to remove that collaborator from the list.


  • List collaborators are only able to remove themselves from the collaborative list.
  • List administrators and  list owners  are able to remove any collaborator from the collaborative list.

Close a Collaborative List

list owner may decide they no longer want to manage or keep a Collaborative List active.

In this case, the list owner  can:

  • change ownership of the list to another member of the list
  • convert  the Collaborative List to a Public or Private List, or
  • delete the Collaborative List

To delete a collaborative list the  list owner  should:

  1. Login to your Trove account.
  2. Go to the  Lists  tab. 
  3. Select the Collaborative lists  button.
  4. Select the  Manage this   list  link next to the list to be deleted.
  5. Under the list title you will see a link called  Delete this list.

Select the Delete this list icon to delete the list.

You will receive a pop-up notification:
There is [one] other contributor to this list. Are you sure you want to delete this list? You may want to consider transferring ownership to one of the contributors instead.

     6. Select  OK to delete the list, or  Cancel  to keep it.