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Create something | Trove

Create something

Trove is a platform for building and creating your own tools and resources.

This section provides information about using Trove to enhance your research.

If you are a researcher or developer thinking about what you could do with Trove's rich stores of data, look here for support and inspiration.

  • Using the API ? detailed information on methods, query syntax, and result formats
  • Bulk download ? get your feet wet and sample bulk content download
  • Case Studies ? what other Trove users have created using the API

Dive in and look at the sort of data delivered through the API with the experimental  Trove API Console .

Share it 

The Trove team would love to hear how you've used the API to create something, so feel free to share your creation or research with us. We can be contacted through our  Contact Us form , our  Twitter account  or our  Facebook page .