William Cameron Menzies

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William Cameron Menzies (29 Temmuz 1896? 5 Mart 1957) Amerikalı  produksiyon tasarımcısı , (kendi icat etti?i bir unvan) [1]   Sanat Yonetmeni ve  film yonetmeni .

Konuyla ilgili yayınlar [ de?i?tir | kayna?ı de?i?tir ]

  • urtis, James. (2015). William Cameron Menzies: The Shape of Films to Come, Pantheon Books, 978-0-375-42472-4

Kaynakca [ de?i?tir | kayna?ı de?i?tir ]

  1. ^ Cairns, David (Mart?Nisan 2011). "The Dreams of a Creative Begetter" . The Believer . 30 Haziran 2017 tarihinde kayna?ından ar?ivlendi . Eri?im tarihi: 31 Mart 2011 . Menzies was an art director, production designer (a title he invented himself), producer, and director, the man who created the look of Gone with the Wind, unifying the work of a posse of directors.  

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