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What’s the weirdest thing a judge has written about you?


“I expect to see you on Fox News in five years.”

I got “you seem shallow and superficial.” Wow, thanks for that little ray of sunshine!

“you’re too calm in CX”

“try to be less critical of their arguments”

“Try not to laugh at your opponents.”

“Could you stand a little shorter?“? ????

“You should practice with a real knife”

I like when your voice goes like this: ~~~~~~~


“Your case shouldn’t be philosophical” In LD

“Everything else was a tie, but you won because your opponent sweats way to much.”

Not on a ballot but I got told by a coach at camp that if it was between two girls to give the win they would give it to the one in a skirt over the one in pants. And that it’s ok for guys to sweat in speech rounds but not girls.

not weirdest, but favorite.?“Katherine, there is no need to be going that fast in constructive. Especially this early in the morning…slow that shit down.”

"You look like a hamster" when my HI piece had nothing to do with animals...


Honestly I can’t believe I ever managed to break 100 let alone 300!! I’m so thankful for all the support you guys have been giving me!! I wanted to do something to show my appreciation so I’m doing my first giveaway!

I guess I gotta set rules for these things hey? They’re pretty simple:

  1. This is to thank my followers so naturally you have to be one (i will include new followers too just bc i was thinking about it and thought otherwise would be too difficult for me to manage D:).?
  2. Reblog/Like this post, each counting for one entry! (Reblogs will only be counted once.)
  3. I can send a higher quality version for personal use, but just a heads up that a web version will be posted to this blog too. :D

I’ll use a randomizer to choose a name and will contact them. :)

I’ll draw up to two characters within my ability (e.g. not furries, mecha, the like, though we can discuss this later) from any fandom, or one original character as long as visual references are provided.

They’ll likely be in the style of any of the above images and we can talk about any specifics later on as well. :D

The giveaway will end June 29, 2016 11:59pm (PST/PDT UTC-08:00) . Thank you, and good luck! :D


when the heart of the card responds to your trust just right


THIS JUST GETS BETTER AND BETTER. All I need is Grandpa as the guy who breaks Kaiba’s groove.

“You threw off my groove!”

“I’m sorry, but you’ve thrown off the CEO’s groove.”

What’s next… Bakura becoming a cat?

“Don’t listen to that guy. He’s trying to lead you down the path of righteousness.”

“I’m gonna lead you down the path that rocks!”

What would that make Joey???





Ok just go ahead and redraw the movie scene by scene

So, would the jaguars be Beast-type monsters or Dragon-types?

“Get them!”

“Hey, I’ve been turned into a penguin. Can I go home?”

“You’re excused.”


Instead of a giant trampoline, it’s magical cylinder.

“For the last time, we did not order a Magic Cylinder!”

“You know pal, you could have told me that before I set it up.”

i hate all 126,000 of you


I’ve found it.

The perfect post.


I just… omg…. perfection


To everyone taking an AP exam tomorrow:

Please remember that you are not a test score. While this is an important exam, one mistake won’t derail your future. It is going to be okay. Have confidence in yourself and know that you are prepared. You are going to be okay no matter what happens in that exam room. Don’t panic when you don’t know an answer. Move on to the next one. Come back if you have time. It is going to be okay. Good luck!


nobody on this website knows what communism is

its the service of christian worship at which bread and wine are shared

No that’s communion communism was a show on nbc about a community college

you’re thinking of community. communism is a form of birth control that goes over a penis


youre thinking of a condom. communism is the travel to a place on a daily basis to go to work

youre thinking about commute. communism is when you share/exchange ideas,information, or news with someone.

you’re thinking of communication. communism is an electronic device used from storing and processing data.

you’re thinking of computer. communism is a type of bandage that uses pressure to reduce the flow of blood.

You’re thinking of compression bandages. Communism is when you pay an artist to draw something for you.

You’re thinking of commission. Communism is when you feel really good about yourself, as well as your abilities and qualities.

You’re thinking of confidence. Communism is a machine that cuts, and threshes a grain crop at the same time.

You’re thinking of a combine. Communism a way of obscuring something, usually from an enemy, like painting an object to match what’s around it or wearing mottled clothing.

you’re thinking of camouflage - communism is that italian improv theatre with the masks and stock characters

you’re thinking of commedia dell’arte. communism is a kind of pot with holes in for straining pasta.

you’re thinking of a colander. communism is an authoritative order

you’re thinking of a command. communism is a video advertisement

You’re thinking of a commercial. Communism is money awarded to someone who has had injury, loss, or suffering.

you’re thinking of compensation. communism is a joining or merging of different parts or qualities in which the component elements are individually distinct.


You’re thinking of combination. Communism is an alternative title for the office of the President of the United States of America.


You’re thinking of commander-in-chief. Communism is a property of binary operators such that the value of the expression is the same regardless of the order of the two operands.

You’re thinking of the commutative property. Communism is essentially an apartment that you purchase instead of renting.

You’re thinking of a condo. Communism is a colorless, odorless gas produced by burning carbon and organic compounds and by respiration.

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