한국   대만   중국   일본 
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??????? ( ?????? : megalith ) ??? ??? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????? 35,000 ???? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? [1]

???????????????????? ?.?. 1849 ??? ??????????? ??????????? ?????????????????????? ????????????????? ????????? [2] [3] ??????????????????? ????????????? " mega " ??????????????????? ??? " lithos " ?????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????? ??????? ????????? ?????????? ??????????? [4]

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  1. "Europe's Megalithic Monuments Originated in France and Spread by Sea Routes, New Study Suggests" .
  2. Herbert, A. Cyclops Christianus, or the supposed Antiquity of Stonehenge. London, J. Petheram, 1849.
  3. "Europe's Mighty Megaliths Mark the Winter Solstice" . National Geographic Society . 21 December 2017.
  4. Johnson, W. (1908) p.  67 . Retrieved July 28, 2018.