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  • 219.8 ???????????????? (?????) [1]
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  1. Reid, Caroline (September 20, 2023). "Disney Reveals $270 Million Bill For 'The Marvels' " . Forbes . ???? ????????????????? September 20, 2023 . ??????????? September 20, 2023 . it spent $274.8 million and banked a $55 million subsidy from the government of the United Kingdom where the movie was made. This brought its net spending down to $219.8 million
  2. " The Marvels (2023) - Financial Information " . The Numbers . Nash Information Services, LLC . ??????????? January 16, 2024 .
  3. "The Marvels (2023)" . ???? ????????????????? April 30, 2023 . ??????????? January 16, 2024 .

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