한국   대만   중국   일본 
????????????? - ?????????? ?????????????


????????????? ?????????????
?????? ???????? ?????????
????? ????????? ??????????
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???? ???????? ?????????
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????????? ????????? ??????????????

?????? ?????? ???????????
????? ????? ??????????
?????? ?????? ???????????
?????? ?????????? ???????????

????????????? ( generalissimo ) ???????? ?????????? ?????????? generale ????????????????????? -issimo ????????? ????????? -issimus [1] ??????????? "???????????, ?????????????????" ??????????????????????? ?????

????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????? "?????????????" ?????????????????????? ???????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????

???????????????????????????????????????? [ ??? ]

???? ?????? (??????) ?????? ??????????? ????????
??? ???????   ???????????? ?.?. 1921 ????????????????????? [2] ( source does not support this )
????? ????? ???????????????????????? ??????????????????? ?.?. 1935 Teji Shangjiang (特級上將), "Generalissimo" [3]

[Note 1]

??????, ????? ????? ?????? ????????????????   ???????? ?.?. 1914 ????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? generalissime .
????, ?????????? ?????????? ???? ???????????????? France ?.?.1918 Generalissime was the title used to describe Ferdinand Foch's Allied Command, starting 26 March 1918. He actually held the rank of general de division , and later the dignity of Marshal of France . [4]
???????, ????? ????? ??????? ???????????????? France ?.?.1939 ??????????????? ??????????????????????????????? generalissime .
Weygand, Maxime Maxime Weygand ???????????????? France ?.?.1939 ??????????????? ??????????????????????????????? generalissime .
????????? ?? ??????? ??????????????????   ?????????? ?.?. 1812
????? ??????? ????????????????????? ???????-???????? ??????? 1810 ? ?????????? 1811 [5]
????????? ?????? ??????????   ???? ?.?. 1936?1975 generalisimo [6]
???????? ????????? ??????????????????????? ?????????????????????? 1 ?.?. 1898?1901 Heneralismo [7]
Ihsan Nuri Ararat Forces Kurdish Republic of Ararat ?.?. 1927?1930 [8]
??????????????? 14 ??????????????? ??????????????   ?????? ?.?. 1810?1818 [9]

[Note 2]

??????????? ???????? ????????????????????????   ??????? ?.?. 1727?1728 [10]
??????????? ??????? ????????????????????????   ??????? ?.?. 1799
????? ?????? ?????????????   ???????????? ?.?. 1945 ????????????????????????????? [11] (declined)
??? ???-???? ???????????????????   ??????????? ?.?. 1992 ???????? [12]
??? ????-??? ???????????????????   ??????????? ?.?. 2012 ???????? (Promoted posthumously) [13]
??????? ??????? ?????????????????   ?????????????????? ?.?. 1930 [14]
Albrecht von Wallenstein ?????? 30 ?? ????????????????????????????? ?????? "??????????????????????" [15] ?.?. 1625 [16]
Johann t’Serclaes von Tilly ?????? 30 ?? ????????????????????????????? ?????? "??????????????????????" [15] ?.?. 1630 [16]
????? ???????? Continental Army
  ????? ?.?. 1776 ??????????????????? Promoted posthumously [17]
????? ???????? American Expeditionary Forces   ????? ?.?. 1919 ??????????????? (???????????????????) [18]
???????? ?? ??????? ??????????????   ?????? ?.?. 1890 ??????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????
??????? ?????? ??????????? ??????????? ?.?.1940 ?????????????????????????????? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ????????? (???????????)

?????? [ ??? ]

??????? [ ??? ]

???????? [ ??? ]

  1. Chiang Kai-shek was a 特級上將 ("general special class") of the Republic of China, cf. 特級上將授任條例
  2. The Napoleonic Marshal of France Jean Baptiste Bernadotte , Prince of Ponte Corvo , was elected Crown Prince of Sweden by the Riksdag of the Estates and King Charles XIII in 1810. Given his exalted French military rank, the rank of generalissimus was likely granted him in order to give him precedence over "mere" Swedish field marshals . Once he became King of Sweden and Norway in 1818, the generalissimus rank became superfluous.

??????? [ ??? ]

  1. Webster's Third New International Dictionary . , French Larousse Etymologique .
  2. Linda Pomerantz-Zhang (1992). Wu Tingfang (1842?1922): reform and modernization in modern Chinese history . Hong Kong University Press. p. 255. ISBN   962209287X . ??????????? 2010-10-31 .
  3. Jay Taylor: The Generalisimo:Chiang Kai-shek and the struggle for modern China (2009) Harvard Press
  4. John McGroarty : The Gray Man of Christ: Generalissimo Foch (1919) Los Angeles, Walter A Abbott
  5. Comunica Miguel Hidalgo su proclamaci n como General simo de Am rica ???????? 2015-09-23 ??? ?????????????? . Documentos Historicos de Mexico, 24 Oct 1810.
  6. Cover ???????? 2012-09-15 ??? ?????????????? , TIME magazine, 18 Oct 1943
  7. Emilio Aguinaldo . Retrieved 16 August 2015.
  8. Bletch Chirguh, La Question Kurde: ses origines et ses causes , Le Caire, Impimerie Paul Barbey, 1930, front cover, IHSAN NOURI PACHA Generalissime des forces nationales Kurdes (????????)
  9. Anciennete och Rang-Rulla ofver Krigsmagten ar 1813 (??????)
  10. "Menschikow und Stalin waren die einzigen Heerfuhrer der russischen Geschichte, die sich ?Generalissimus" nennen ließen." [Menshikov and Stalin were the only military leaders in Russian history who declared themselves " generalissimus ".] Jena, Detlev (1996): Die russischen Zaren in Lebensbildern, Graz, p. 520.
  11. Joseph Stalin was appointed Generalissimus of the Soviet Union . See: Ivan Aleksandrovich Venediktov, Selskokhozyaystvennaya yentsiklopediya , Vol. 4, Gos. izd-vo selkhoz, 1956, p. 584. (???????)
  12. The Daily Yomuiri, 29 September 2010, Kim Jong Un spotlighted / 'Heir apparent' promoted to general, makes DPRK media debut
  13. The Australian, 15 February 2012, Late Kim Jong-il awarded highest honour by North
  14. Stanley Walker : Generalissimo Rafael L. Trujillo (1955) Caribbean Library
  15. 15.0 15.1 A short history of Germany . Ernest Flagg Henderson, 1908
  16. 16.0 16.1 Tilly und Wallenstein ? ein Vergleich zweier Heerfuhrer . Harry Horstmann, 2010. (???????)
  17. Public Law 94-479 of January 19, 1976 to provide for the appointment of George Washington to the grade of General of the Armies of the United States
  18. Public Law 66-45 of September 3, 1919 to revive the office of General of the Armies