한국   대만   중국   일본 
?????????????? - ?????????? ?????????????


????????????? ?????????????

?????????????? ( ?????? : Great Resignation ; ?????????????????) ???? ??????? ( Big Quit ; ???????????????) [2] ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? 2021 ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????-19 , ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??? ???????????????????????? ??? ???????????????? ????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????? 2021 ??????????????? ?????????????

?????????????????????? ?????? (Anthony Klotz) ?????????????????????????????? ????????????????? ????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????? 2021 [3] [4] [5]

?????? [ ??? ]

????????????????????-19 ?????????????????????????????????, ???????????? ????????????????????????? [6] ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (in-person) ????????????????????????? ??????????????? ??????????????????????????????-19 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????? ? ??? ??????????????????????????? ???????? ?????????????? 2021 [7] ????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????? (work?life balance) ????????? [8]

???????? ?????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? (in-person interaction) ???????????????????????????????????????????????? [9] ??????????????????????????????????-19 (COVID-19 stimulus payment) ??? ??????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? [9] [6] [10]

?????????????? ?????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????? ??? ????????????? ???????????????????????? ?????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? [11]

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????? [12]

??????? [ ??? ]

????? [ ??? ]

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 2021 ??????????????????????? 4.0 ???????????????????????????????? [13] [14] ??????? 3.9 ????????????????????? 2021 [15] ???????????????????????? ?????? ?????????? 2.9% ???????????????????????????????????? 2021 ???????? ????????????????????? ???????????????? ??????? 2.0% ????????? [16]

????????????????????? 2021 ( Work Trend Index 2021 ; ???????????????) ??? ?????????? ???????????????????? 40% ????????????????????????????? 2021 [17] ????????????? ????????????? ????????????????? 2021 ????? 65% ??????????????????????????????? ??? 88% ??????????????????????????????????????????? ???????-?????? (turnover) ?????????????? [18]

????? [ ??? ]

????????????????? 5,000 ???????????? ???????? ????????????? ???????????? ?????????? ?????????????? ?????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????-19 ????????? ??????????? 6.0% ??????????? ???????????????????????????????? [19]

??? [ ??? ]

????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????? ???????? (Tang ping) ????????????????????? 2021 [20] ???????????????????????????????????????

??????? [ ??? ]

  1. "JOLTS" . Economic Policy Institute (?????????????????????). ???? ????????????????? 2021-11-12 . ??????????? 2021-12-09 .
  2. Curtis, Lisa. "Why The Big Quit Is Happening And Why Every Boss Should Embrace It" . Forbes (??????????). ???? ????????????????? 2021-07-16 . ??????????? 2021-07-16 .
  3. Cohen, Arianne (May 10, 2021). "How to Quit Your Job in the Great Post-Pandemic Resignation Boom" . Bloomberg . ???? ????????????????? July 8, 2021 . ??????????? July 8, 2021 . Ready to say adios to your job? You're not alone. "The great resignation is coming," says Anthony Klotz, an associate professor of management at Texas A&M University who's studied the exits of hundreds of workers.
  4. "Transcript: The Great Resignation with Molly M. Anderson, Anthony C. Klotz, PhD & Elaine Welteroth" . Washington Post (?????????????????????). ISSN   0190-8286 . ???? ????????????????? 2021-11-10 . ??????????? 2021-10-25 .
  5. Kaplan, Juliana. "The psychologist who coined the phrase 'Great Resignation' reveals how he saw it coming and where he sees it going. 'Who we are as an employee and as a worker is very central to who we are.' " . Business Insider (?????????????????????). ???? ????????????????? 2021-10-25 . ??????????? 2021-10-25 .
  6. 6.0 6.1 "As The Pandemic Recedes, Millions Of Workers Are Saying 'I Quit' " . (??????????). ???? ????????????????? 2021-08-27 . ??????????? 2021-08-27 .
  7. Reinicke, Carmen (2021-08-25). "The 'Great Resignation' is likely to continue, as 55% of Americans anticipate looking for a new job" . CNBC (??????????). ???? ????????????????? 2021-08-27 . ??????????? 2021-08-27 .
  8. "What's fueling 'The Great Resignation' among younger generations?" . Fortune (??????????). ???? ????????????????? 2021-08-27 . ??????????? 2021-08-27 .
  9. 9.0 9.1 "Hotels And Restaurants That Survived Pandemic Face New Challenge: Staffing Shortages" . (??????????). ???? ????????????????? 2021-08-27 . ??????????? 2021-08-27 .
  10. "Millions Lose Jobless Benefits Today. It Doesn't Mean They'll Be Rushing Back To Work" . (??????????). ???? ????????????????? 2021-10-09 . ??????????? 2021-10-09 .
  11. Smart, Tim (August 26, 2021). "Study: Gen Z, Millennials Driving 'The Great Resignation' " . USNews . ???? ????????????????? August 26, 2021 . ??????????? August 26, 2021 .
  12. Beilfuss, Lisa. "Where Are the Workers? Millions Are Sick With 'Long Covid.' " . Barrons . Barrons . ??????????? 9 December 2021 .
  13. Liu, Jennifer (2021-06-09). "4 million people quit their jobs in April, sparked by confidence that they can find better work" . CNBC . ???? ????????????????? 2021-06-30 . ??????????? 2021-06-28 .
  14. "U.S. job openings, quits hit record highs in April" . Reuters (??????????). 2021-06-08. ???? ????????????????? 2021-08-31 . ??????????? 2021-08-31 .
  15. Pressman, Aaron; Gardizy, Anissa (2021-06-27). " 'A giant game of musical chairs': Waves of workers are changing jobs as the pandemic wanes" . The Boston Globe . ???? ????????????????? 2021-06-28 . ??????????? 2021-06-28 .
  16. "Table 4. Quits levels and rates by industry and region, seasonally adjusted" . (??????????). 2021-09-08. ???? ????????????????? 2021-09-10 . ??????????? 2021-09-14 .
  17. "The Work Trend Index: The Next Great Disruption Is Hybrid Work?Are We Ready?" . . Microsoft Corporation. 2021. ???? ????????????????? July 7, 2021 . ??????????? July 8, 2021 . 41% of employees are considering leaving their current employer this year and 46% say they're likely to move because they can now work remotely.
  18. "PwC US Pulse Survey: Next in work" . PricewaterhouseCoopers . PwC. ???? ????????????????? 2021-08-23 . ??????????? 2021-08-23 .
  19. LLB Staff, Reporter (2021-08-11). "Pandemic fuels 'Great Resignation' in UK job market as workforce rethinks career priorities" . LondonLovesBusiness . ???? ????????????????? 2021-08-19 . ??????????? 2021-08-19 .
  20. * Kaplan, Juliana (3 November 2021). "The labor shortage is reshaping the economy and how people talk about work. Here's a glossary of all the new phrases that sum up workers' frustration with their deal, from 'lying flat' to 'antiwork.' " . Business Insider . ???? ????????????????? 17 November 2021 . ??????????? 17 November 2021 .