한국   대만   중국   일본 
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?????????????? ?.?. 1707

?????????????? ( ?????? : Treaty of Union ) ????????????????????????? ????????????????????? ??????????? ??? ????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????? ????) ??? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????? "??????????" [1] (Great Britain) ???????????????????????????????????? ?????????????? (Articles of Union)

?????????????? ? ?????????????????????????????????? 22 ??????? ?.?. 1706 ????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????? ????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????? 1 ??????? ?.?. 1707

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  1. "The Treaty (act) of the Union of Parliament 1706" . Scots History Online. ????????????????????? ????????? ????? 2019-05-27 . ??????????? 18 July 2011 .
    "Union with England Act 1707" . The national Archives . ??????????? 18 July 2011 .
    "Union with Scotland Act 1706" . ??????????? 18 July 2011 . : Both Acts of Union and the Treaty state in Article I: That the Two Kingdoms of Scotland and England, shall upon 1 May next ensuing the date hereof, and forever after, be United into One Kingdom by the Name of GREAT BRITAIN .