한국   대만   중국   일본 
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????????????????????????? VT ???????????? Vyborg?Petrozavodsk ????????????????????????? ?.?. 1944
?????? 25 ???????? ?.?. 1941 ? 19 ??????? ?.?. 1944
(3 ?? 2 ????? 3 ??????? 4 ???)
?? ?????????? [2] [3] [4] [5]
?????????????????????????????????????? [6]
???????? Petsamo ?????????????????? Porkkala ???????????????
528,000 Finns [Note 3]
220,000 Germans
650,000 [Note 4]
  • Finnish
  • 63,204 dead or missing
  • 158,000 wounded
  • 1,129 civilian deaths [10]
  • 2,377?3,500 captured [11]
  • 225,000 total casualties

  • German
  • 14,000 dead or missing
  • 37,000 wounded [7]
  • 51,000 total casualties
  • Soviet
  • 241,000 dead or missing
  • 385,000 wounded
  • 4,361 civilian deaths [Note 5]
  • 64,000 captured [14]
  • 700,000 total casualties

??????????????? ??????????????????????? ???????? ??? ???????????? ????????? ?.?. 1941 ??? ?.?. 1944 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????? ?????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 22 ???????? ?.?. 1941 ??????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 25 ???????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Karelian Isthmus ??? Ladoga Karelia ?????????????????? ?????????????? ???????? ?????????????????????? ?.?. 1941 ?? Karelian Isthmus ????????????????????????????? 30 ??.???????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???? ?.?. 1944 ????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????

???????? ????????????? ?.?. 1944 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?.?. 1944 ???????????????????????????? 5 ??????????????????????? ?????????????? ??????????? 19 ??????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ?????????????? ???????????????? ?.?.1945 ?????????????????? ?????????????????????? ?.?. 1947 ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? Pechengsky ??????????????? ??????????????? Porkkala ????????? ????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????

???????? [ ??? ]

  1. Italian participation was limited to the four motor torpedo boats of the XII Squadriglia MAS serving in the international Naval Detachment K on Lake Ladoga during the summer and autumn of 1942.
  2. The United Kingdom formally declared war on Finland on 6 December 1941 along with four Commonwealth states. Before that, the British conducted a carrier raid at Petsamo [1] on 31 July 1941 and deployed the No. 151 Wing RAF under Soviet command to support air raids in the Murmansk area and train Soviet crews for roughly a month from September to October in 1941.
  3. In 1941, around 500,000 soldiers. In August 1944, around 528,000 soldiers. Army strength varied around 260,000?360,000, Air Force 8,000?22,000, Navy 14,000?40,000 and directly under headquarters 15,000?36,000. In addition, some people were obliged by law to provide supporting tasks, such as 19,000 in labour groups and 25,000 men in air raid defence (e.g. fire brigades, air-raid shelter maintenance), and 43,000 women volunteers in various non-military tasks (e.g. clerks, radio operators, air observers, supply). [7]
  4. In June 1941, around 450,390 soldiers. [8] In June 1944, around 650,000 soldiers [9]
  5. Not including the estimated 632,253?1,042,000 civilian deaths during the Siege of Leningrad . [12] [13]

??????? [ ??? ]

  1. ??????????????: ???????? <ref> ?????????? ????????????????????????????????????? pvfkvi
  2. Mouritzen, Hans (1997). External Danger and Democracy: Old Nordic Lessons and New European Challenges. Dartmouth. p. 35. ISBN   1855218852 .
  3. Nordstrom, Byron (2000). Scandinavia Since 1500. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. p. 316. ISBN   978-0816620982 .
  4. Morgan, Kevin; Cohen, Gidon; Flinn, Andrew (2005). Agents of the Revolution: New Biographical Approaches to the History of International Communism in the Age of Lenin and Stalin. Bern: Peter Lang. p. 246. ISBN   978-3039100750 .
  5. Kevin Morgan; Gidon Cohen; Andrew Flinn (2005). Agents of the Revolution: New Biographical Approaches to the History of International Communism in the Age of Lenin and Stalin . Peter Lang. p. 246. ISBN   978-3-03910-075-0 .
  6. Provis, Peter (1999). "Nordic Notes: Finnish achievement in the Continuation War and after". Celsius Centre for Scandinavian Studies. ISSN 1442-5165. Archived from the original on 2013-11-03.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulun historian laitos , Jatkosodan historia 1?6 ("The History of the Continuation War, 1?6"), 1994
  8. Кривошеев, ?.?. (2001). Россия и СССР в войнах ХХ века (???????????). Олма-Пресс. pp. 269?71. ISBN   5224015154 .
  9. Manninen (1994) pp. 277?82
  10. Kurenmaa, Pekka; Lentila, Riitta (2005). "Sodan tappiot". ?? Leskinen, Jari; Juutilainen, Antti (?.?.). Jatkosodan pikkujattilainen (????????????). WSOY. pp. 1150?1162. ISBN   9510286907 .
  11. Malmi, Timo (2005). "Jatkosodan suomalaiset sotavangit". ?? Leskinen, Jari; Juutilainen, Antti (?.?.). Jatkosodan pikkujattilainen (????????????) (1st ed.). Werner Soderstrom Osakeyhtio. pp. 1022?32. ISBN   9510286907 .
  12. "фонд 8357, опись 6, дело 1108". Сведения городской комиссии по установлению и расследованию злодеяний немецко-фашистских захватчиков и их сообщников о числе погибшего в Ленинграде населения (???????????). Центральный государственный архив СПб. pp. 46?47.
  13. Glantz, David (2001). The Siege of Leningrad 1941?44: 900 Days of Terror . Zenith Press, Osceola, WI. p. 179. ISBN   0760309418 .
  14. Finland at War p. 320