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  21. Wilgoren, Jodi and Edward Wong (September 13, 2001). "On Doomed Flight, Passengers Vowed To Perish Fighting" . The New York Times . ??????????? 2011-09-01 .
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  24. Ahlers, Mike M. (January 27, 2004). "9/11 panel: Hijackers may have had utility knives" . CBS News . ??????????? 2011-09-01 .
  25. 25.0 25.1 9/11 Commission Report, pp. 4?14.
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  27. "National Commission Upon Terrorist Attacks in the United States" . National Commission Upon Terrorist Attacks in the United States. January 27, 2004 . ??????????? January 24, 2008 .
  28. Summers and Swan (2011), p. 343.
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 "We Have Some Planes" (pdf) . The 911 Commission Report . 911 Commission. pp. 20?42 . ??????????? 2011-09-09 .
  30. "Cheney: Order To Shoot Down Hijacked 9/11 Planes 'Necessary' " . Fox News . September 4, 2011 . ??????????? 2011-09-09 .
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  32. Greer, Gordon (2005). What Price Security? . iUniverse, Inc. p. 73. ISBN   059535792X .
  33. Hendrix, Steve (September 8, 2011). "F-16 pilot was ready to give her life on Sept. 11" . The Washington Post . ??????????? 2011-09-09 .
  34. Viser, Matt (September 11, 2005). "Two pilots revisit their 9/11" . The Boston Globe . ??????????? 2011-09-09 .
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 Miller, Bill (May 1, 2002). "Report Assesses Trade Center's Collapse" . The Washington Post . ??????????? 2011-09-02 .
  36. World Trade Center Building Performance Study , Ch. 5 WTC 7 ? section 5.5.4
  37. Final Report on the Collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 , p. xxxvii.
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  39. Miller, Mark (August 26, 2002). "Broadcasting and Cable" . Broadcasting & Cable . Reed Business Information . ??????????? 2011-09-02 .
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  41. Fouda and Fielding (2004), pp. 158?9.
  42. 42.0 42.1 {Summers and Swan (2011), p. 323.
  43. "Al-Qaeda 'plotted nuclear attacks' " . BBC News. September 8, 2002 . ??????????? 2011-09-02 .
  44. "2006 9/11 Death Toll" . CNN. 2006, April 26 . ??????????? 2006-09-07 . {{ cite news }} : ??????????????????: |date= ( help )
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