한국   대만   중국   일본 
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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Peter Brown (1999). "Pagan". ?? Glen Warren Bowersock; Peter Brown; Oleg Grabar (?.?.). Late Antiquity: A Guide to the Postclassical World . Harvard University Press. pp.  625 ?26. ISBN   978-0-674-51173-6 .
  2. J. J. O'Donnell (1977), Paganus : Evolution and Use ???????? 29 ?????? 2019 ??? ?????????????? , Classical Folia , 31 : 163?69.
  3. Augustine, Divers. Quaest. 83.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Jones, Christopher P. (2014). Between Pagan and Christian . Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. ISBN   978-0-674-72520-1 .
  5. Owen Davies (2011). Paganism: A Very Short Introduction . Oxford University Press. pp. 1?2. ISBN   978-0-19-162001-0 .
  6. Kaarina Aitamurto (2016). Paganism, Traditionalism, Nationalism: Narratives of Russian Rodnoverie . Routledge. pp. 12?15. ISBN   978-1-317-08443-3 .
  7. Owen Davies (2011). Paganism: A Very Short Introduction . Oxford University Press. pp. 1?6, 70?83. ISBN   978-0-19-162001-0 .
  8. Davies, Owen (2011). Paganism: A Very Short Introduction . New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN   978-0191620010 .
  9. "A Basic Introduction to Paganism" , BBC, retrieved 19 May 2007.

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