
????????????? ?????????????

State of Western Australia
Wildflower State or the Golden State
?????? ธงของประเทศออสเตรเลีย  ??????????
????????? ??????
???????????? Wayne Martin (????????)
 ? ???????? Colin Barnett ( LP )
 ? ???????????????????? 15
 ? ????????????? 12
 ? ??????? 2,645,615 ??.??. (1,021,478 ??.????)
 ? ??????? 2,529,875 ??.??. (976,790 ??.????)
 ? ??????? 115,740 ??.??. (44,690 ??.????)  4.37%
????????????? 1 st
???????????????? ( Mount Meharry ( AHD )) 1,249 ???? (4,098 ???)
  (December 2007)
 ? ??????? 2,163,200 ??
 ? ?????? 4 th [1]
 ? ??????????? 0.84 ??/??.??. (2.2 ??/??.????)
 ? ????????????????? 7 th
???????????????  (2007-08)
 ? ????????? $146,444 [2] ????
(????????? 4 th )
 ? ?????? $68,142
(????????? 1 st )
 ? Floral Red and Green Kangaroo Paw
( Anigozanthos manglesii ) [3]
 ? Mammal Numbat
( Myrmecobius fasciatus )
 ? Bird Black Swan
( Cygnus atratus )
 ? Fossil Gogo Fish
 ?  Colours Gold and Black (from the State Badge)
??????? AWST UTC+8 does not observe DST
???????????? WA
???? ISO 3166 AU-WA
???????? www.wa.gov.au

?????????????????????? [4] ( ?????? : Western Australia ) ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????? 2 ???????????? ????????????? ????????? 2.1 ?????? (10% ?????????) ?? 85% ??????????????????????-????????????? ????????????????? ??????

??????? [ ??? ]

  1. "Australian Demographic Statistics Dec 2007" . ABS . 24 June 2008. ????????????????????? ????????? ????? 2018-12-25 . ??????????? 2008-09-16 .
  2. Australian National Accounts: State Accounts, 2007-08
  3. "The Floral Emblem of Western Australia" . Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Government of Western Australia . ??????????? 2008-06-13 .
  4. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????? ?????? ???????????? ???????????? . ??????????????. ???? 21.