한국   대만   중국   일본 
??????? ????????????? - ?????????? ?????????????

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???? 25 ?????? ?.?. 2540 (27 ??)
??????? ?????????????
????????????? ?????????
????? ???????
????????? ?.?. 2560?????????
????????? ?? - 30 ????????? The Series
?????? - Kiss Me Again ??????????????????????
????? - The Underclass ????????????????
?????? ??????????????

??????? ????????????? (???? 25 ?????? ?.?. 2540) ???????? ???? ??????????? ????????????????????? ?????????????? ?????? ?????? ????????????? ????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? 3 ????????????????????????? Water Boyy the Series ????????? “?????” ???????????????????????????? 30 ????????? The Series ???? “??” ??? Kiss Me Again ?????????????????????? ???? “??????”

??????? [ ??? ]

??????? ????????????? ????????????? ???? ???????????????????? 25 ?????? ?.?. 2540 ??? ????????????? ?????????? ????????????????? ???????????? ???????? ??? - ??????? ??????????????????????? 3 ???????? 1 ????? ?????? ( ?????? ????????????? ) ???????? 1 ????? ??? ( ????? ????????????? ) ????????? 1 ????? ???? ( ??????? ????????????? ) [1]

???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? 1 ??? ????????????????? ?????????????? ????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????? ?????????? ?????????????????????? 2-3 ????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????? GED (General Educational Development) ????????????????????????????????????????????????? [2] ?????????????????????????????????? ?????????????? ??????????????????

???????? ?????????????????????????? ?????????????? ????????????????????????? Water Boyy the Series ????????? “?????” [3] ???????????????????????????? 30 ????????? The Series ???? “??” [4] [5] ??? Kiss Me Again ?????????????????????? ???? “??????” [6] ??? The Underclass ???????????????? ???? "?????" [7]

????? [ ??? ]

???? [ ??? ]

?????? [ ??? ]

?? ?????? ??? ????? ????????
2560 Water Boyy the Series ? ????? ??????????25
30 ????????? The Series ? ????? (??) ??????? 31
2561 Kiss Me Again ?????????????????????? ? ?????? ??????????25
The Judgement Like… ????????? ? ???????? / ??????? (?????) ??????????25
2562 Boy for Rent ????????????? ? ????? ??????? 31
2563 The Underclass ???????????????? ? ????? ??????????25
??????????????? Dodo AIS Play
2564 Not Me ???… ???????? ? ???? ??????????25
2565 ????????????????? ? ?.?.?.??????? ???????? (????????) ??????????25
2565 Midnight Hotel ?????? ????????? ??? ??????????25
2566 Only friend ?????????????? ?????? ??????????25
2567 ??????????????? Ploy’s Yearbook ????????? ???????? (????) ??????????25

???? [ ??? ]

?.?. ?????? ????? ????????
2562 ???????????????? ???? ?????????? 25
2563 ???????????? ???

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2561 ??????????????????????? ???????? 8 ??????? ?.?. 2561 ?????????????? ???????????? [8]

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