한국   대만   중국   일본 
????????????????? - ?????????? ?????????????


????????????? ?????????????
?????? ?????? ensign
????????? 9 ??? 14
????????? 27 ?????????? ?.?. 2355
?????? ???????????????????-???-??? ????????????????????????????????????? 32 ???
????????? ??????? ???????? (Manuel Belgrano)

?????? ??????????? ???????????????????? ?.?. 2355 ???????????????????????? ????????????? ????? - ????? - ????? ???????????????????????????? ??????? ?????????? ???????? ?????? ?????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ( ???? : Sol de Mayo ) ?????????????????????????? ?.?. 2361 ?????????????????????? ??????????????????? ( ???? : Bandera Oficial de Ceremonia ) ?????????????????????????? ????????? ???????????????????????? ( ???? : Bandera de Ornato ) ????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

??????????? ???????? ???? ????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????

????????????????????? [ ??? ]

??????????? [ ??? ]

?????????? ?.?. 2521 ????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 9 ???? ??? 14 ???? ?????????????????????????????????????? 90 ????????? ??? 140 ????????? ???????????????????????? 3 ??? ????????????????????? ???????????? ????????????????? 30 ????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ????????????? ?????????????????????????? ( ???? : Sol de Mayo ) ????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ???????? ????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? 1:2 ??? 2:3 ???????????

??????? [ ??? ]

??????????????????????????????????????????????????? CIE 1976 ??????

?????? ????? ???????? ????????
CIE (L*, a*, b*) 67.27, -6.88, -32.23 74.97, 29.22, 81.58 44.53, 27.16, 22.48
*Black and white are as normal. *Source: ???????? 2009-04-06 ??? ??????????????

??????????????????????????? ????????????????????????? ?????? RGB ??? ????????????

?????? ????? ???????? ????????
RGB 117, 170, 219 252, 191, 73 132, 53, 17
???????????? (?????) 16-4132 TC 14-1064 TC 18-1441 TC
?????? (????????) 284 C / 284 U 1235 C / 116 U 284 C / 284 U
?????? (???????) Q 300-4-1 Q 030-2-1 Q 120-2-4
*Source: ibid.

?????????????????????????? [ ??? ]

?????????????????????????? ( ???? : Sol de Mayo ) ????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????? 8 ????????????????????????? ?.?. 2356 (???????????? 1 ?????????????????????) ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 16 ???

????? ?.?. 2521 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ( amarillo oro ) ???????????????????????????????????? 10 ????????? ????????????????????????????? 25 ????????? (?????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????) ????????????????????????????????????? 32 ??? ?????????????????????????????????????????? 16 ??? ??????????????????????????????????????????????

???????? [ ??? ]

?????????? [ ??? ]

Aurora (??????????????) [ ??? ]

??????????? Luigi Illica ??? Hector Cipriano Quesada ????????????? Hector Panizza ????????????????????????????????????????????????.

Alta en el cielo, un aguila guerrera
Audaz se eleva en vuelo triunfal.
Azul un ala del color del cielo,
Azul un ala del color del mar.

Asi en el alta aurora irradial.
Punta de flecha el aureo rostro imita.
Y forma estela el purpurado cuello.
El ala es pano, el aguila es bandera.

Es la bandera de la patria mia,
del sol nacido que me ha dado Dios.
Es la bandera de la Patria Mia,
del sol nacido que me ha dado Dios.

High in the sky, a warrior eagle
rises audacious in its triumphal flight
One wing is blue, sky-colored;
one wing is blue, sea-colored.

In the high radiant aurora
its golden face resembles the tip of an arrow.
And its purple nape leaves a wake.
The wing is cloth, the eagle is a flag.

It is the flag of the Fatherland of mine
that God gave me, born of the sun.
It is the flag of the Fatherland of mine
that God gave me, born of the sun.

Saludo a la bandera (???????) [ ??? ]

Salve, argentina
bandera azul y blanca.
Jiron del cielo
en donde impera el Sol.
Tu, la mas noble,
la mas gloriosa y santa,
el firmamento su color te dio.

Yo te saludo,
bandera de mi Patria,
sublime ensena
de libertad y honor.
Jurando amarte,
como asi defenderte,
mientras palpite mi fiel corazon.

Hail, Argentine
Blue and white flag
Shred of the sky
Where the Sun reigns
You, the Most Noble
The Most Glorious and Holy
The sky gave its color to you

I salute you
Flag of my motherland
Sublime ensign
of freedom and honour
Swearing to love you
as well as to defend you
for as long as my faithful heart beats

Mi Bandera (????????????) [ ??? ]

Aqui esta la bandera idolatrada,
la ensena que Belgrano nos lego,
cuando triste la Patria esclavizada
con valor sus vinculos rompio.

Aqui esta la bandera esplendorosa
que al mundo con sus triunfos admiro,
cuando altiva en la lucha y victoriosa
la cima de los Andes escalo.

Aqui esta la bandera que un dia
en la batalla tremolo triunfal
y, llena de orgullo y bizarria,
a San Lorenzo se dirigio inmortal.

Aqui esta, como el cielo refulgente,
ostentando sublime majestad,
despues de haber cruzado el Continente,
exclamando a su paso: ¡Libertad!
¡Libertad! ¡Libertad!

Here is the idolized flag,
the flag that Belgrano left to us,
when the sad enslaved Homeland
bravely broke its bonds.

Here is the splendorous flag
that surprised the world with its victory,
when arrogant and victoriously during the battles
the top of the Andes it has climbed.

Here is the flag that one day
triumphantly rose in the middle of the battle
and, full of pride and gallantry,
to San Lorenzo it went immortal.

Here it is, like the shining sky,
showing sublimate majesty
after having crossed the continent
shouting in its way: "Freedom!"
" Freedom! Freedom!"

??????? [ ??? ]

??????? [ ??? ]

???????? [ ??? ]

??????????????? [ ??? ]