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    1. "DJScias/Discord-Datamining" . GitHub . August 15, 2021. ???? ????????????????? November 12, 2020 . ??????????? August 15, 2021 .
    2. "Why Discord is Sticking with React Native" . July 26, 2018. ???? ????????????????? June 30, 2020 . ??????????? January 17, 2021 .
    3. Vishnevskiy, Stanislav (June 6, 2017). "How Discord Scaled Elixir to 5,000,000 Concurrent Users" . DiscordApp . ???? ????????????????? April 26, 2020 . ??????????? December 15, 2017 .
    4. "Real time communication at scale with Elixir" . elixir-lang.org . October 8, 2020. ???? ????????????????? January 28, 2021 . ??????????? January 17, 2021 .
    5. Nowack, Matt (May 17, 2019). "Using Rust to Scale Elixir for 11 Million Concurrent Users" . Discord Blog . Discord Inc. ???? ????????????????? April 26, 2020 . ??????????? June 7, 2019 .
    6. "Why Discord is switching from Go to Rust" . blog.discord.com . February 4, 2020. ???? ????????????????? June 30, 2020 . ??????????? January 17, 2021 .
    7. "How Discord resizes 150 Million images Every Day with Go and C++" . blog.discord.com . November 14, 2017. ???? ????????????????? June 30, 2020 . ??????????? January 17, 2021 .
    8. "Discord Terms of Service" . Discord (?????????????????????). October 19, 2018. ???? ????????????????? May 4, 2020 . ??????????? July 15, 2019 .
    9. Geyser, Werner (August 31, 2021). "Discord Statistics: Revenue, Users & More" . Influencer Marketing Hub (?????????????????????) . ??????????? September 22, 2021 .

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