한국   대만   중국   일본 
???? ???????? - ?????????? ?????????????

???? ????????

????????????? ?????????????
???? ????????
ภาพของชฺวี ยฺเหวียน โดยเฉิน หงโช่ว (คริสต์ศตวรรษที่ 17)
?????????? ???????? ??? ???? ?????? (??????????????? 17)
???? ??????  340   ??????????????
?????? , ??????????? ??????????? , ???
????????? 6 ???????? 278 ??????????????
????? ??? , ???????????

???? ???????? ( ??? : 屈原 ; ?????? : Q? Yuan ; ??? 340?278 ??????????????) [1] [2] [3] ????????????????????????? ???????? ??? ???????? ??????????????????????????????????????? ???????? ????????????????????????????? ?????? (楚辭) ???????????????????????????? ??????????????? ???????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????? ??? ?????? (詩經) ????????? ?????????????? ???????????????? ??????????????? (龍船節) ??????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ?????? ??????????? [4] ?????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????? ?????? (離騷) ???????????????????????????????????????????? ??????

?????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ??? ??????????????????? ????? ??? (賈誼) ?????????????????????????????????????? ????? (?沙) ????????????????? 174 ?????????????? ????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????? ???????? ?????????? [5] ???????????? ??????? ????? (司馬遷) ?????????????????????? ???????? ??????????????????????????? ?????????????????????? ??????? (史記) ??????????????? ???????????????? ????? ??????????????????????????? [6]

????? [ ??? ]

??????? ?????????? ????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? [7] ???????????????? ???? ???????? ????????????????? ???? (?) ???? ?????? (楚?) ????????????????????? ??????????????? (楚懷王) ????????????????? 328?299 ??????????????

???????????????????????? ???? ???????? ??????????????????? (左徒) [1] ????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????? (漢江) [1] ??????? ?????????????????????????????????????? ????? (??) [8] ?????????????????????????????????????????? [9]

??????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????? ??????????????????? (楚頃襄王) ???? ???????? ?????????????????? [8] ???????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????? (?江) [8] ????????? ???? ???????? ???????????????????????? ??????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? [8] ??????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????

?? 278 ?????????????? ???????????? ???? (?) ?????????????????? ???????? ??? ??? (白起) ???? ?????? (秦?) ????? ???? ???????? ?????????????????? ??????? (哀?; "???????") ????????????????????? ????????????? (汨羅江) ??????????????

????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????? ?? ?? (朱熹) ???? ?????????? ??????? ??????????????????????????????????? ????????? ???????? (漁父) ???????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

??????????????? [ ??? ]

???????????? ????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????? ? ??????????????? ???????????? ????????? ???????? ????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ??????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????? ??????????????????????????????

???????? [ ??? ]

??????? [ ??? ]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 CUHK (2007) , p.  205 .
  2. Knechtges (2010) , p. 745.
  3. Kern (2010) , p. 76.
  4. Zhao Kuifu 趙逵夫, " Riben xin de Qu Yuan fouding lun Chansheng de Lishi Beijing yu Sixiang Genyuan Chutan " 日本新的 “屈原否定論” ?生的歷史背景與思想根源初探, in Fuyin Baokan Ziliao, Zhongguo Gudai Jindai Wenxue Yanjiu 複印報刊資料,中國古代近代文學?究, (1995: 10): 89?93.
  5. Quoted in Ban Gu 's Book of Han biography of Jia Yi 《漢書·賈誼傳》, also appears in Wenxuan , "Diao Q? Yuan fu" 弔屈原賦.
  6. Hawkes (1959) , p. 52.
  7. Hartman (1986) , p. 352.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 CUHK (2007) , p.  206
  9. CUHK (2007) , p.  205?6

?????????? [ ??? ]

  • "Qu Yuan" , China: Five Thousand Years of History and Civilization , Kowloon: City University of Hong Kong Press, 2007, pp.  205?6 , ISBN   9789629371401
  • Davis, Albert Richard, ?.?. (1970), The Penguin Book of Chinese Verse , London: Penguin Books .
  • Guo Moruo (1952), 《屈原》 [ Qu Yuan ] , Beijing: Renmin Wenxue Chubanshe . (?????????)
  • Hartman, Charles (1986). "Ch'u Yuan 屈原". The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, Volume 1 . Bloomington: Indiana University Press. p. 352. ISBN   0-253-32983-3 .
  • Hawkes, David (1959), Ch'u Tz'u: The Songs of the South, an Ancient Chinese Anthology , Oxford: Clarendon Press .
  • Hawkes, David (1974), "The Quest of the Goddess" , Studies in Chinese Literary Genres , Berkeley: University of California Press, pp.  42?68 , ISBN   0-520-02037-5 .
  • Hinton, David (2008), Classical Chinese Poetry: An Anthology , New York: Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, ISBN   978-0-374-10536-5 .
  • Kern, Martin (2010). "Early Chinese literature, Beginnings through Western Han". The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature, Volume 1: To 1375 . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1?115. ISBN   978-0-521-11677-0 .
  • Knechtges, David R. (2010). "Qu Yuan 屈原". Ancient and Early Medieval Chinese Literature: A Reference Guide, Part One . Leiden: Brill. pp. 745?749. ISBN   978-90-04-19127-3 .
  • Wen Yiduo (1956), "人民的詩人一屈原 [ Renmin de Sh?ren?Q? Yuan, Qu Yuan: The People's Poet ]", 《神話與詩》 [ Shenhua yu Sh?, Mythology & Poetry ] , Guji Chubanshe . (?????????)
  • Yip Wai-lim (1997), Chinese Poetry: An Anthology of Major Modes and Genres , Durham : Duke University Press, ISBN   0-8223-1946-2 .
  • Zhang Zongyi (1957), 《屈原?楚辭》 [ Q? Yuan yu Ch?ci, Qu Yuan and the Songs of Chu ] , Changchun : Jilin Renmin Chubanshe . (?????????)

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