한국   대만   중국   일본 
???????? - ?????????? ?????????????


????????????? ?????????????
?????????????????????????????????? (surface-supplied)

???????? ( ?????? : underwater diving ) ????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? [1]

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????? ?????????????????????? ?????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????? 40 ???? (130 ???) [2] [3] ?????????????????????????????? 530 ???? (1,740 ???) ???????????????????????????? 610 ???? (2,000 ???) ???????????? atmospheric suit ??????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? [4] [5] [6]

????????????????? [ ??? ]



???????? (freediving) [ ??? ]

???????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? [7] ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 3 ??? ???????????????? ??????????? (snorkeling) ??????????? ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

???????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????? ? ????????????????????????? Apnea ????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? (snorkel) ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? [7] [13]

????????????? [ ??? ]

????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (surface-supplied diving equipment ???? SSDE) [14]

??????? [ ??? ]

  1. Kot, Jacek (2011). Educational and Training Standards for Physicians in Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine (PDF) . Kiel, Germany: Joint Educational Subcommittee of the European Committee for Hyperbaric Medicine (ECHM) and the European Diving Technical Committee (EDTC) . ??????????? 30 March 2013 .
  2. Staff. "Competencies of a recreational scuba diver at level 2 "Autonomous Diver" " . EUF Certification International. ????????????????????? ????????? ????? 29 October 2013 . ??????????? 29 September 2013 .
  3. Brylske, A. (2006). Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving (3rd ed.). Rancho Santa Margarita, California: PADI . ISBN   1-878663-01-1 .
  4. Comex SA. "Innovation in extreme environments" . Compagnie maritime d'expertises . ????????????????????? ????????? ????? 2016-10-05 . ??????????? 11 November 2016 .
  5. Logico, Mark G. (4 August 2006). "Navy Chief Submerges 2,000 Feet, Sets Record, Story Number: NNS060804-10" . Official Website of the United States Navy . U.S. Navy . ??????????? 3 November 2016 .
  6. Staff (2016). "Hardsuit depth record" . Nuytco Research Ltd. ????????????????????? ????????? ????? 2018-06-29 . ??????????? 24 September 2016 .
  7. 7.0 7.1 Busuttili, Mike; Holbrook, Mike; Ridley, Gordon; Todd, Mike, ?.?. (1985). "Using basic equipment". Sport diving ? The British Sub-Aqua Club Diving Manual . London: Stanley Paul & Co Ltd. p. 58. ISBN   0-09-163831-3 .
  8. Ostrovsky, Igor. "Aquathon" . History of Underwater Sports . World Underwater Federation (CMAS). ????????????????????? ????????? ????? 2013-05-16 . ??????????? 9 November 2016 .
  9. Ucuzal, Levent. "Apnoea" . History of Underwater Sports . Rome: World Underwater Federation (CMAS). ????????????????????? ????????? ????? 2019-06-19 . ??????????? 9 November 2016 .
  10. Staff. "Hockey" . History of Underwater Sports . World Underwater Federation (CMAS). ????????????????????? ????????? ????? 2019-06-08 . ??????????? 9 November 2016 .
  11. Wiesner, Rudi. "Rugby" . History of Underwater Sports . World Underwater Federation (CMAS). ????????????????????? ????????? ????? 2019-06-08 . ??????????? 9 November 2016 .
  12. Staff. "Spearfishing" . History of Underwater Sports . World Underwater Federation (CMAS). ????????????????????? ????????? ????? 2019-06-08 . ??????????? 9 November 2016 .
  13. North Pacific Acoustic Laboratory: Environmental Impact Statement (Report). Vol. 1. Arlington, Virginia: Office of Naval Research. 2001. pp. 3?45.
  14. US Navy Diving Manual (2006) , Chapter 1 Section 3 Scuba Diving.