???????? ????????? ????

??????? ??????????????? ?????????????????? ???????.

???????? ????????? ???? ( Christian liturgy ) ?????? ???????? ?????? ??? ????? ????????? ??????????????? ?????????? ???????????? ???????? ?????, ?????????????? ?????????? ????? ???????????????????? ???? ?????.

"???????" ( liturgy ) ??????? ???? ?????????????? ???? ??????????? ?????????? ?????????, ????????? ????????? ???????? ??????? "???????? ?????????" ?????????????. [1]

????? ???, ??????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ???????? [ ???? ]

???????? ???????? ???????? ??????????? ???????? ????????? ????????? ????????????????????.

?????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ???????????? [ ???? ]

???????? ???? ?????????? ????????? [ ???? ]

  • ????? ????????????? ( Roman Rite ): ??? ????????? ???????? ??????????:
    • ???????????? ???????? ????????? ????: 1570???? ???????? ???????? ???????
    • ????? ????????? ???????? ??? ??? ( Extraordinary form of the Roman Rite ): ??? "???????? ????????? ????" ( Tridentine Mass ) ?????? ????????????????. ??? 1570-1970 ??????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????? ?????? ???? ??????? ????????. ???? 1962??? ????? ?????????? ??? ??????????????? ???? ???????????????? ????? 2007??? ??????????? ????????? ????????? ??????? ?????????.
    • ????? ????????? ???????? ???? ??? ( Ordinary form of the Roman Rite ). ???????? ??????????? ???????????? (1962-1965) ?????? ??????????? ????, 1970????????? ???????? ???????? ???? ?????????? ????????????? ????? ????????? ??????? ???? ???? ??????? ????????. ??? ??? ????????? "??????????? ????? ?????" ??????? ???? ?????, "????? ????????? ????" ( Novus Ordo ) ????? ????????????????.
    • ?????????? ??????? ( Anglican Use ): ??? ???????? ?????????? ????????? ??????? ??????? ?????????? ??????? ????????????????????? ??????.
  • ?????????? ????????? ???? ( Ambrosian Rite ): ??????????? ?????? ???????????????? ??? ?????? ???????????? ??????????? ???? ????.
  • ????????? ????????? ???? ( Aquileian Rite ): ?? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ???? ??????? ???????????? ???????.
  • ?????? ????????? ???? ( Rite of Braga ): ??????????? ?????? ?????? ??????????????? ??????? ??????? ???????? ??????????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ???? ???????? ??????????? ?????.
  • ?????? ????????? ???? ( Durham Rite ): ????????????? ?????? ??????????????? ????? ????????? ????? ?????????? ??????????? ??????????? ???? ????. ??????? ???????????????????.
  • ????? ????????? ???? ( Gallican Rite ): ????????? ?????????? ( Gaul ) ??????????? ????????. ??????? ???????????????????.
  • ??????? ????????? ???? ( Mozarabic Rite ): ??????????????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ???????????????? ??????????? ????????. ???????? ??????????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ???? ???????? ??????????? ?????.
  • ???????? ????????? ???? ( Celtic Rite ): ??????????? ????????? ??????????? ????????. ??????? ???????????????????.
  • ?????? ????????? ???? ( Sarum Rite ): ????????????? ?????? ???? ????????? ???? ??????? ???????????????????.
  • ?????????? ????? ?????? ????????? ???????: ??? ???????????? ??????????????????.
    • ????????? ????????? ???? ( Benedictine Rite )
    • ??????? ????????? ???? ( Carmelite Rite )
    • ??????????? ????????? ???? Carthusian Rite )
    • ??????????? ????????? ???? ( Cistercian Rite )
    • ???????? ????????? ???? ( Dominican Rite )
    • ?????????? ????????? ???? ( Franciscan Rite )
    • ?????????? ??????????? ????????? ???? ( Friars Minor Capuchin Rite )
    • ????????????????? ????????? ???? ( Premonstratensian Rite )
    • ????????? ?????? ??? ????????? ???? ( Servite Rite )

?????????????? ?????????????? ????????? ??????? [ ???? ]

??? ?????????????? ?????? ???????????????? ????????? ????????? ??????????????????. ????? ??? ?????????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ??????????.

????????????? ????? ?????? [ ???? ]
???????? ???????????? [ ???? ]
?????????? ????? ????????? [ ???? ]
?????? ????????? ????????? [ ???? ]

?????? ???????? ???????????? [ ???? ]

???? ??????? ?????? [ ???? ]

??????? ??????? ???????????? [ ???? ]

??????? ?????? ??? [ ???? ]

???? ?????????? ?????? [ ???? ]

????????? [ ???? ]

  1. Mother Mary and Ware, Kallistos Timothy, Festal Menaion (3rd printing, 1998), St. Tikhon's Seminary Press, p. 555, ??????????? ?????????? ??? 1-878997-00-9

???? ????????? [ ???? ]

  • Reed, Luther D. (1947) The Lutheran Liturgy: a Study [especially] of the Common Service of the Lutheran Church in America . Philadelphia, Penn.: Muhlenberg Press. N.B .: This study also includes some coverage of other Lutheran liturgical services, especially of Matins and Vespers

???? ?????????? [ ???? ]