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Gyllenhammar on Path to Becoming a Canadian – Swedish Press

Gyllenhammar on Path to Becoming a Canadian

For 23 years, Pehr G.Gyllenhammar was the?face of Volvo, serving as its?CEO and/or chairman from?1971 to 1993, at a time?when the company was?synonymous with Sweden.?Now Gyllenhammar, voted?Sweden’s most admired man?for nine consecutive years, is?becoming a Canadian.

Pehr G. Gyllenhammar?was always an unconventional?business leader. He?earned his degree in law?but was bored by its practice. In?1965 he was recruited to the Swedish?insurance company Skandia?where he eventually succeeded his?father Pehr Gyllen-hammar Sr as?CEO. Shortly there-after, his father-in-law Gunnar Engellau, CEO?of Volvo, offered him a position on?the company’s top management?team. At merely 36 years of age,?Gyllenhammar succeeded Engellau?as CEO of Volvo.?One of Gyllenhammar’s first?decisions was to discontinue the?Volvo P1800 sports car and focus?on building Volvo’s brand around?safety. Gyllenhammar also championed?initiatives to promote worker?participation and dialogue.?Today,?safety, as well as informal, nonhierarchical?workplaces, are some of?the things that many associate with?Sweden and the country’s brand.?And there is no doubt that Volvo?and Gyllenhammar’s leadership?influenced that development.?

Gyllenhammar quickly earned?a reputation of being a controversial?leader, making enemies among?middle management while gaining?the trust and admiration of the?workers. As he visited the factories,?Gyllenhammar found many of the?workers’ tasks soulless and uninteresting,?and decided to move the?company away from the assembly?line.

“I organized the company by?product instead of by function; cars,?trucks, etc.; that made the motivation?much higher in the group,” he?says. “The assembly line is very?impersonal. I changed the production?lines so that instead of having?90 seconds per task,?like Charlie Chaplin,?the workers could see?what they were making. This?improved both quality and loyalty?of the workforce.”

Satisfaction among the workers?rose to 90 percent and Gyllenhammar?became popular among?Swedes across the nation. For nine?years in a row, he was voted Sweden’s?most admired man.

“I was surprised to start with,?and then even more surprised?when it continued year after year,”?says Gyllenhammar.

When asked about the reason?for this widespread admiration,?Gyllenhammar linked it to being?transparent about his missteps.

“I made my mistakes and accepted?them, and people seem to like that,”?he says.

While his achievements are numerous,?it is his failures that haunt?the national psyche of the Swedes.?In the 1970s, Norway was not yet?the oil rich nation that it is today.?Exploratory drilling was underway,?but it was still uncertain how?much black gold would be found?under the sea. Gyllenhammar?negotiated a trade with Norway?that would see 40 percent of Volvo?become Norwegian in return for?access to the Norwegian oil fields.?However, in the end, he failed to?convince his own shareholders and the deal was?voted down at Volvo’s?annual shareholders’?meeting ? a mistake that,?according to some, cost Volvo?700 billion SEK (about 82 billion?USD) in lost revenue.

About a decade later, serving?now as chairman, Gyllenhammar?tried to affect a merger between?Volvo and French Renault, but?after three years of architecting?the deal, the new CEO and the top?management rejected it. Gyllenhammar?resigned in frustration,?leaving both Volvo’s board and?Sweden for a new career in the?insurance industry in London.

“After I left, they sold the car?business to Ford and Ford then?sold it to the Chinese. They sold?it piece by piece until everything?was gone except the trucks and the?heavy equipment. They sold it all?to foreigners, America and China.?The whole company was slaughtered,”?he says.

Ironically, Gyllenhammar’s?decision to reorganize Volvo by?product, rather than by function,?made the company easier to divest.

“That was never my intention,” he?says. “For me the important part?was to have all employees work?on something that you could see?what it became. It made it more?meaningful for the workforce and?inspired pride and efficiency. Productivity?was better when people?had more meaningful tasks.”

Gyllenhammar went on to?have a globally successful career in?insurance and financial services,?working for companies such as?Rothchilds and NY-based investment?bank Lazard. He was intimately?involved in the creation of?Aviva, the largest insurance and?financial services group in the UK?? the result of multiple insurance?company mergers.?After many years in London?and New York, Gyllenhammar?was on a flight to London one day?when he ended up seated next to?industrial psychologist Lee Welton?Croll, an American with Canadian?roots. They fell in love and were?married in 2013. It was Gyllenhammar’s?third marriage and in?2016, at the age of 80, he became?a father for the fifth time. Eager to?avoid Trump’s America, the family?immigrated to Toronto in 2019.?They have spent the past year in?quarantine, which has afforded?Gyllenhammar much time with his?wife and now five-year-old daughter?Barrett.

Gyllenhammar sees few similarities?between Sweden and his?new homeland.

“The cultures are very different.?The population in Canada is?more international than almost?any other country. You have people?from the Far East, the Middle East,?Asia, from everywhere really.”?While he says he still feels?Swedish at heart, Sweden has?come to mean less and less over?the years.

“Sweden has many advantages and?very good technology, good workmanship?and loyal people so in that?sense I still think it’s a good country,?but on the other hand I lost?my appetite when they dismantled?what I had built.”

Gyllenhammar will soon be eligible?for Canadian citizenship and?it is in Canada that the 85-year-old?Swedish icon sees himself living?out the rest of his days.

“I’m looking forward to becoming?a Canadian citizen,” he says.

By Kajsa Norman