Mount Everest

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Mount Everest

Mount Everest ar varldens hogsta berg.

Citat om berget [ redigera ]

"Because it is there." George Leigh Mallory , svar till fragan 'Why do you want to climb Mt. Everest ?'. [1]

"I have climbed my mountain, but I must still live my life" Tenzing Norgay [2]

"As far as I knew, he had never taken a photograph before, and the summit of Everest was hardly the place to show him how." Edmund Hillary [3] referring to the Sherpa Tenzing Norgay .

"The highest of the world's mountains, it seems, has to make but a single gesture of magnificence to be the lord of all, vast in unchallenged and isolated supremacy." George Leigh Mallory , 1924 [2]

"Oh, the absolute lethargy of 24,600'. You want to pee, and you lie there for a quarter of an hour making up your mind to look for the pee bottle." Sir Christian Bonington , 1975 [2]

"I have not conquered Everest, it has merely tolerated me" Peter Habeler [2]

"Everest for me, and I believe for the world, is the physical and symbolic manifestation of overcoming odds to achieve a dream." - Tom Whittaker [2]

"Technique and ability alone do not get you to the top; it is the willpower that is the most important. This willpower you cannot buy with money or be given by rises from your heart" Junko Tabei efter sitt lyckade forsok 1975 [2]

"Getting to the summit is optional, getting down is mandatory" Ed Viesturs [2]

"Pissing through 6 inches of clothes with a 3 inch penis" svaret fran en anonym Everest-bestigare om vad som var tuffast med bestigningen. [2]

"I was in continual agony; I have never in my life been so tired as on the summit of Everest that day. I just sat and sat there, oblivious to everything." Reinhold Messner , 1980 [2]

"Tiden pa toppen ar helig for mig, Dar pa toppen vidrorde jag min fars sjal." Jamling Tenzing Norgay , son till Tenzing Norgay (Forste bestigaren av Everest) [4]

"Vilken idiot som helst kan na toppen, tricket ar att ta sig ner" Rob Hall , omkom sjalv 1996 pa berget efter att ha bestigit toppen for sent pa eftermiddagen och tagit beslut mot allt fornuft. [5]

"That bivouac (on Everest in -75) was crucial to me, a turning point in the way I have lived" - Doug Scott [6]

"Berget kan inte besegras" - Goran Kropp [7]

Referenser [ redigera ]

  1. Why Everest?,
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 Mount Everest Quotes,
  4. IMAX Mount Everest, MacGillvray Freeman 1998
  5. 8000+, David Lagercrantz/Goran Kropp 1997
  7. 8000+, David Lagercrantz/Goran Kropp 1997
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Mount Everest