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Bibliofilia ose bibliofilizmi eshte dashuria per librat, dhe ndersa bibliofil quhet nje individ qe i pelqen librat dhe i lexon e i shfleton shpesh ato. [1]

Bibliofili klasik eshte ai qe pelqen te lexoje, admiroje, mbledhe libra, [2] [3] dhe qe shpesh mbledh nje koleksion te madh dhe te specializuar. Bibliofilet zakonisht posedojne libra qe i duan ose qe kane nje vlere te vecante, si dhe botime te vjetra me kopje te pazakonta, te autografuara dhe / ose te ilustruara. [4] "Bibliofil" eshte nje term me i pershtatshem per nje pakice njerezish qe jane mbledhes te librave .

Bibliofilia nuk duhet te ngaterrohet me bibliomanine , nje simptome e mundshme e crregullimit obsesivo-kompulsiv qe perfshin mbledhjen e librave ne ate mase qe marredheniet ndernjerezore ose shendeti mund te ndikohen negativisht, dhe ne te cilat thjesht fakti qe nje objekt fizik eshte liber eshte i mjaftueshem qe ajo te mblidhet ose te dashurohet. Disa e perdorin termin "bibliomania" ne menyre te shkembyeshme me "bibliofiline", dhe ne fakt, Biblioteka e Kongresit nuk e perdor fare termin "bibliofili", por perkundrazi u referohet lexuesve te tij ose si mbledhes librash ose bibliomaniak. [5]

Shih edhe [ Redakto | Redakto nepermjet kodit ]

Referime [ Redakto | Redakto nepermjet kodit ]

  1. ^ "Bookwork" (ne anglisht). Urban Dictionary . Marre me 19 qershor 2019 . The Urban Dictionary opines: "So fascinated by books that they don't see the world around them, thrust [sic] spending their days walking into trees, walls and anything else that is ether solid or just in the way"
  2. ^ "Is 'bookworm' positive or negative?" (ne anglisht). Merriam Webster . Marre me 18 qershor 2019 . Of course, a bookworm is an insect that eats books. The term "bookworm" is often used as a metaphor to describe a voracious reader, an indiscriminate reader, or a bibliophile. In its earliest iterations, it had a negative connotation, e.g. , an idler who read rather than worked. Over the years its meaning has drifted in a more positive direction. Another meaning of the phrase is "a person who pays more attention to formal rules and book learning than they merit."
  3. ^ "Bookworm" . synonyms (ne anglisht) . Marre me 19 qershor 2019 .
  4. ^ Carter, John (1952). ABC for Book Collectors (ne anglisht). Arkivuar nga origjinali me 21 nentor 2017 . Marre me 2011-10-04 .
  5. ^ Library of Congress

Literatura [ Redakto | Redakto nepermjet kodit ]

  • Bulletin du Bibliophile (1834-) [1] . Since 1963 published by the Association Internationale de Bibliophilie. [2]
  • Richard de Bury (1902). The Love of Books: "The Philobiblon" translated by E. C. Thomas . London: Alexander Moring
  • Rugg, Julie (2006). A Book Addict's Treasury . London: Frances Lincoln   ISBN 0-7112-2685-7
  • Thomas Frognall Dibdin (1809). Bibliomania . New York, Henry G. Bohn.
  • Andrew Lang (1881). The Library . London, Macmillan & Co.
  • Stebbins, Robert A. (2013). The Committed Reader: Reading for Utility, Pleasure, and Fulfillment in the Twenty-First Century . Lanham, MD: Scarecrow.