한국   대만   중국   일본 
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Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound. <\ orpname="">\n
\n New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center <\ ddressline="">\n 40 Lincoln Center Plaza, New York, NY 10023-7498 <\ ddressline="">\n <\ ddress="">\n <\ epository="">\n \n 32 sound cassettes <\ xtent="">\n analog <\ hysfacet="">\n <\ hysdesc="">\n Interviews of twenty-six actresses conducted by Holly Hill for the book entitled Playing Joan: Actresses on the Challenge of Shaw's St. Joan (New York: Theater Communications Group, 1987). Interviewees include: Jane Alexander, Eileen Atkins, Elisabeth Bergner, Marjorie Brewer, Zoe Caldwell, Ann Casson, Constance Cummings, Judi Dench, Joyce Elbert, Pat Galloway, Ellen Geer, Lee Grant, Uta Hagen, Wendy Hiller, Frances Hyland, Barbara Jefford, Laurie Kennedy, Siobha\u0144 McKenna, Nora McLellan, Roberta Maxwell, Sarah Miles, Sian Phillips, Angela Pleasence, Joan Plowright, Lynn Redgrave, and Janet Suzman. <\ bstract="">\n <\ id="">\n <\ bjectxmlwrap="">", "title": "Holly Hill - St. Joan research recordings [sound recording] 1983-1985", "abstract": "Interviews of twenty-six actresses conducted by Holly Hill for the book entitled Playing Joan: Actresses on the Challenge of Shaw's St. Joan (New York: Theater Communications Group, 1987). Interviewees include: Jane Alexander, Eileen Atkins, Elisabeth Bergner, Marjorie Brewer, Zoe Caldwell, Ann Casson, Constance Cummings, Judi Dench, Joyce Elbert, Pat Galloway, Ellen Geer, Lee Grant, Uta Hagen, Wendy Hiller, Frances Hyland, Barbara Jefford, Laurie Kennedy, Siobha\u0144 McKenna, Nora McLellan, Roberta Maxwell, Sarah Miles, Sian Phillips, Angela Pleasence, Joan Plowright, Lynn Redgrave, and Janet Suzman.", "extent": "32 sound cassettes", "displayEntry": "Holly Hill - St. Joan research recordings [sound recording], 1983-1985", "originationNames": [ { "dataType": "OriginationName", "name": "Hill, Holly", "id": "11347428", "version": "6316737" } ], "repository": { "dataType": "Constellation", "ark": "http:\/\/\/ark:\/99166\/w6jx93s2", "entityType": { "id": "698", "term": "corporateBody", "uri": "http:\/\/\/control\/term#CorporateBody", "type": "entity_type" }, "nameEntries": [ { "dataType": "NameEntry", "original": "The New York Public Library. Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound.", "preferenceScore": "99", "id": "76796836", "version": "11240665" } ], "places": [ { "dataType": "Place", "original": "The New York Public Library. Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound.", "type": { "id": "400242", "term": "Address", "uri": "http:\/\/\/control\/term#Address", "type": "place_type" }, "address": [ { "dataType": "AddressLine", "text": "New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Dorothy and Lewis B. 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The Playhouse, located in Bushkill, Pennsylvania, was a prominent incubator of and a major creative outlet for theater, dance, film, and television in the mid-twentieth century. It nurtured many performers and writers who later became famous, such as Danny Kaye, Carol Burnett, Woody Allen, and Neil Simon. Much of the copious original material performed at Tamiment found its way to the professional stage, Broadway, and television. The Playhouse was part of Camp Tamiment, a summer resort for socialists and their families that opened in 1921.", "extent": "1 box", "date": "1947-1958", "displayEntry": "Guide to the Alexander Cohen Tamiment Playhouse Photographs, 1947-1958", "originationNames": [ { "dataType": "OriginationName", "name": "Cohen, Alexander.", "id": "11357914", "version": "6331191" } ], "languages": [ { "dataType": "Language", "language": { "id": "130", "term": "eng", "type": "language_code", "description": "English" }, "script": { "id": "586", "term": "Latn", "type": "script_code", "description": "Latin" }, "id": "11645089", "version": "8386176" } ], "repository": { "dataType": "Constellation", "ark": "http:\/\/\/ark:\/99166\/w63p2tmd", "entityType": { "id": "698", "term": "corporateBody", "uri": "http:\/\/\/control\/term#CorporateBody", "type": "entity_type" }, "nameEntries": [ { "dataType": "NameEntry", "original": "Tamiment Library and Robert F. 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(84 leaves) ; 28 cm.", "displayEntry": "Maddow, Ben, 1909-1992. 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