Frequently Asked Questions About Slate Plus

Everything you ever wanted to know about Slate’s membership program.

Here are the most common questions we receive about Slate Plus, Slate’s membership program. You can find more detailed answers in our support center . If you need additional help, please email .

I want to sign up for Slate Plus

I’m having trouble signing up for Slate Plus

I want to access my Slate Plus benefits

I want to listen to the ad-free podcasts, and/or to the bonus podcast content

I want to cancel my account

I need to edit my credit card information

I’m having trouble signing in

I don’t want my account to auto-renew

I signed up through the iOS app and am unable to access Slate Plus content on the website

I purchased Slate Plus through the iOS app and have a question about billing

What is Slate Plus?

It’s Slate’s membership program. When you join, you help us build a better magazine, and you get a suite of benefits that help you get more from our site and our podcasts. To learn more, visit .

How much is Slate Plus?

A new subscription is typically $15 for the first three months, and $119 for the first year after that. Prices may vary depending on special promotional offers. (Pricing is slightly different in the iOS app, Apple News and Apple Podcasts.)

How do I sign in to Slate Plus?

Click Sign In at the top right corner of any Slate page. You’ll also find an option to sign in to an existing membership account on our signup page .

If you created your account using your Facebook, Yahoo, Google, or Twitter account, make sure to click the appropriate button to log in.

If you’re using Slate’s iOS or iPad apps, locate the menu button in the top left corner and click LOG IN / SIGN UP .

That didn’t work? Visit our support center .

How do I manage my newsletters?

At .

Can I give Slate Plus as a gift?

Yes! You can give a 6-month or 1-year gift subscription to a fellow Slate fan today. They’ll receive all the benefits of membership: unlimited reading, ad-free listening, and much more.

I don’t want to sign up for Slate Plus, but I’d like to donate.

You can make a one-time donation by visiting . Your contribution, big or small, will help support our independent journalism. Thank you from all of us at Slate.

I just read this whole FAQ and you didn’t answer my question!

Visit our support center to find more detailed answers and troubleshooting information. Or email and we’ll get back to you soon.