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?tatnik ? Wikipedia Presko?i? na obsah


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O Platonovom dialogu pozri ?tatnik (dialog) .

?tatnik je vysoko postaveny politik , osoba podie?ajuca sa na vedeni ?tatu . [1] [2] [3] [4] Vyraz sa pou?iva zvy?ajne na ozna?enie obzvla?? re?pektovaneho politika, oplyvajuceho znalos?ami, zru?nos?ou a viziou pri vedeni ?tatu. [5] [6] [7]

?tatnik a politik [ upravi? | upravi? zdroj ]

Rozdielom medzi politikom a ?tatnikom sa zaoberal napr. americky teolog a spisovate? James Freeman Clarke v eseji Wanted, A Statesman! publikovanej v ?asopise Old and New (december 1870), v ktorej tvrdi: ? ve?ky rozdiel medzi politikom a ?tatnikom. Politik, napriklad, je ?lovek, ktory mysli na nasledujuce vo?by ; zatia? ?o ?tatnik mysli na nasledujucu generaciu. Politik rozmy??a nad uspechom jeho strany , ?tatnik nad dobrom krajiny. Politik si ?ela ustanovi? to ?i tamto opatrenie, ?tatnik chce zavies? tento ?i tamten princip. Nu? a napokon, ?tatnik chce vies?; zatia? ?o politik sa uspokoji s tym, ?e je una?any prudom.“ [8]

12. aprila 1958 sa vtedy u? byvaly (33.) prezident Spojenych ?tatov Harry S. Truman pre dennik New York World-Telegram and Sun vyjadril: ?Politik je ?lovek, ktory rozumie vlade, a politik je potrebny na to, aby vlada fungovala. ?tatnik je politik, ktory je m?tvy 10 ?i 15 rokov.“ [9]

Referencie [ upravi? | upravi? zdroj ]

  1. Ka?ala, Jan; Pisar?ikova, Maria; Pova?aj, Matej, edi. (2003), ??tatnik“ , Kratky slovnik slovenskeho jazyka (4. vyd.), Bratislava: Veda , ISBN 802240750X  
  2. Havranek, Bohuslav, ed. (1989), ?statnik“ , Slovnik spisovneho jazyka ?eskeho , Praha: Academia, OCLC 20553943  
  3. ?statesman“ , The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (5. vyd.), Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011, ISBN 1784022772 , , dost. 2015-02-18  
  4. ?Staats­mann“ , Duden, deutsches Universalworterbuch , [Mannheim]: Bibliographisches Institut, c2013, OCLC 166322547  
  5. Agnes, Michael, ed. (2010), ?statesman“ , Webster's New World College Dictionary , Cleveland: Wiley, ISBN 0028631188 , , dost. 2015-02-18  
  6. ?statesman“ , The Collins English Dictionary , London: HarperCollins Publishers, c2014 , , dost. 2015-02-18  
  7. ?statesman“ , Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary (4. vyd.), [New York, NY]: Random House, c2010  
  8. Clarke, J. F. (December 1870), ? Wanted, a Statesman “, Old and New (Boston: Lee & Shepard) 2 (6): 644-650, ISSN 0275-8822 ,   . ?...but there is a wide difference between the politician and the statesman. A politician, for example, is a man who thinks of the next election; while the statesman thinks of the next generation. The politician thinks of the success of his country. THe politician wishes to carry this or that measure, the statesman to establish this or the other principle. Finally, the statesman wishes to steer; while the politician is contented to drift.“
  9. Ratcliffe, Susan, ed. (2010), ?Politicians“ , Oxford Dictionary of Quotations by Subject , Oxford: Oxford University Press , str. 370-371, ISBN 0199567069   . ?A politician is a man who understands government, and it takes a politician to run a government. A statesman is a politician who's been dead 10 or 15 years.“

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