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Diagnosis - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to content


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A diagnosis is an accurate and precise account of the nature or cause of something.

Medical diagnosis is the best-known field, but diagnosis can be applied to any subject. Whereas a doctor diagnoses what is wrong with a patient, a motor mechanic can diagnose the fault in a car. In all cases they replace a vague query, such as "My car will not start", with an exact analysis , such as "It's out of petrol". Notice the diagnosis is precise enough so the solution can be seen.

These ideas work even in more subtle cases. A boy brings an insect in a box to a natural history museum. He asks an expert "What is this?" The expert says "You mean, apart from it being a beetle ?" When the boy nods, the expert looks at the insect under a magnifying glass, or a binocular microscope . Chances are, it is a common beetle, and the expert can give the boy quite a lot of information about it.

But if it is not known to the expert, a much longer study is needed. Large reference books will be consulted; trays of similar insects will be taken out of store to be compared. A full diagnosis needs at least the genus and species . If the species is unknown, the detailed work of description is needed for publication.

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Mostly, in biological taxonomy , the adjective "diagnostic" is used for any distinctive trait which places the specimen in a precise category. For example, A single bone making up the lower jaw is diagnostic of a mammal .

"Diagnostics" is the name given to procedures which spell out what to do to find the cause of a fault. This term is used a lot in computer systems .

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