Uiser : Mendor

Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge

Note (02:03, 18 September 2009 (UTC)): A rarely check this onie mair, no oot o lack o interest but acause A'm juist ower busy in "real life". Gin there's something needin duin that a bureaucrat haes tae dae, uise the E-mail this uiser link at the left-haund side tae lat me ken, itherweys A'll likely no see it.

Eh'm Mendor. Eh'm fae Dundee ken. A wis born in 1986 an A'm studyin for ma PhD in lingueestics at the Varsity o Massachusetts-Amherst the nou.

A'm the bureaucrat for this Wiki.

sco -2 This uiser can contreibute wi a middlin level o Scots .
en This user is a native speaker of the English language .
es -2 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel intermedio de espanol .
eo -3 ?i tiu uzanto povas komuniki per alta nivelo de Esperanto .
fr -2 Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau intermediaire en francais .
gd -1 Tha inbhe bhunasach de Ghaidhlig aig an neach-cleachdaidh seo.
ja -1 この利用者は 簡? 日本語 を話します
This is a Wikipaedia uiser page.

Gin ye finnd this page on onie ither wabsteid nor Wikipaedia, than ye'r keekin at a copie. Mynd that the page micht be oot o date an that the uiser micht hae nae personal affeiliation tae onie steid ither nor Wikipaedia itsel. The firstlin page can be fund at http://sco.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uiser:Mendor .

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