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Sister ceety

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(Reguidit frae Toun twinnin )
Sign denotin twin touns o Neckarsulm , Germany

Twin touns an sister ceeties are twa o mony terms uised tae describe the cooperative agreements atween a toun , ceeties an even coonties in geographically an poleetically distinct auries tae promote cultural an commercial ties.

Terminology [ eedit | eedit soorce ]

In the Unitit Kinrick , the term twin towns is maist commonly uised, generally referrin tae toun-twinnin wi Europe, differentiating wi the term sister ceeties , that is uised for agreements wi touns an ceeties in the Unitit States. In Europe , a variety o terms are uised; maist commonly twin touns , but pairtnership touns , pairtner touns an friendship touns, are uised an aa. Germany uises Partnerstadt (Pairtner Toun/Ceety) , Fraunce uises Ville Jumelee (Twinned Toun/Ceety) . In the Netherlands , the term Stedenband (Ceety bond) is uised. North Americae , Sooth Americae , Sooth Asie , Australasie an Asie generally uise the term sister ceeties . In the umwhile Soviet Bloc kintras twin touns is uised, in addition tae the term brither ceeties , that is uised on occasion. [1]

Whiles, ither govrenment bodies enter intae a "twinnin" relationship, lik the agreement atween the provinces o Hainan in Cheenae an Jeju-do in the Republic o Korea , or atween Washington, D.C. , an Beijing .

The Douzelage is a toun twinnin association wi ane toun frae ilk o the member states o the European Union . [2]

Ither meanins [ eedit | eedit soorce ]

Whiles, the phrase "sister ceeties" is uised tae refer tae ceeties athout a formal agreement that hae seemilar culturs an/or historical backgrounds, lik Galveston, Texas an New Orleans , twa ceeties that war historically major Southern ports on the Gulf coast.

Criticism [ eedit | eedit soorce ]

The concept o sister ceeties haes been criticized as an unnecessary an expensive endeavor for ceeties tae partak in wi nae or naur nae accoontability or obvious signs o economic development resultin frae the arrangement. [3] Politeecians are frequently accuised o uisin sister ceeties as an excuse tae tak a pleasure trip at public expense, commonly referred tae as a junket. [3]

See an aa [ eedit | eedit soorce ]

References [ eedit | eedit soorce ]

  1. "Tbilisi, Vilnius become brother cities" . Trend News Agency . Archived frae the original on 14 November 2009 . Retrieved 12 October 2009 .
  2. " Home" . Archived frae the original on 17 Februar 2010 . Retrieved 21 October 2009 .
  3. a b Johnston, Matt (23 Januar 2009). "Lord Mayor Robert Doyle on a mission to Russia" . Herald Sun . Melbourne: Herald and Weekly Times. Archived frae the original on 17 October 2010 . Retrieved 10 Mairch 2011 .

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