Maurice Barres

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Photo o Maurice Barres.

Maurice Barres ( 19 August 1862 ? 4 December 1923) wis a French novelist , journalist , an socialist politeecian an agitator kent for his naitionalist an antisemitic views.

In his youth a Boulangist deputy, he progressively developed a theory close tae Romantic naitionalism an shiftit tae the traditionalist richt durin the Dreyfus Affair , leadin the Anti-Dreyfusards alangside Charles Maurras . In 1906, he wis electit baith tae the Academie francaise an as deputy o the Seine , an till his daith he sat wi the conservative Entente republicaine democratique . A strang supporter o the Union sacree (Haly Union) durin Warld War I , Barres remained a major influence on generations o French writers, as well as on monarchists, altho he wis no a monarchist hissel.