Hernan Cortes

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Hernan Cortes (1485 - 2 December , 1547) wis a explorer an Sodger frae Spain . Atween 1519 an 1521 he conquered the Aztec empire o Emperor Montezuma .

Cortes wis born in Medellin , a toun in the Extremadura province o the Kinrik o Castile in Spain. He gaed tae the Varsity o Salamanca but drapped oot whan 17 year auld. He chose tae try his luck in the New Warld .

He gaed tae the New Warld in 1506. He teuk a haund in the conquest o Hispaniola an Cuba . In 1519 he stairtit frae Cuba bi gailey an gaed ti Yucatan . In Yucatan he conquered the Aztec empire. Cortes saa the caipital o the empire Tenochtitlan , an wis surprised tae see that the ceity wis as great as Constantinople . Later in 1521 he destroyed it.

Cortes returned frae Honduras . Aifter he gaed back tae Spain wi a great treisure. He dee'd in Seville in 1547.