Georgie leid

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Georgian ( ??????? ??? , pronounced  [k??rt?uli ?na] ) is the native leid o the Georgians an the offeecial leid o Georgie , a kintra in the Caucasus .

Georgian is the primary leid o aboot 3.9 million fowk in Georgie itsel, an o anither 500,000 abroad (chiefly in Turkey , Iran , Roushie , the USA an the rest o Europe ). It is the literary leid for aw regional subgroups o the Georgian ethnos , includin those who speak ither Sooth Caucasian or Kartvelian leids : Svans , Mingrelians , an the Laz . Judaeo-Georgian , sometimes considered a separate Jewish leid , is spoken bi an additional 20,000 in Georgie an 65,000 elsewhere (primarily 60,000 in Israel ).

Classification [ eedit | eedit soorce ]

Georgian is the maist pervasive o the Sooth Caucasian leids , a faimily that an aa includes Svan an Megrelian (chiefly spoken in Northwast Georgie) an Laz (chiefly spoken alang the Black Sea coast o Turkey, frae Melyat, Rize tae the Georgian frontier).

Dialects [ eedit | eedit soorce ]

Dialects o Georgie include Imeretian , Racha - Lechkhumian , Gurian , Adjaran , Imerkhevian (in Turkey), Kartlian , Kakhetian , Ingilo (in Azerbaijan), Tush , Khevsur , Mokhevian , Pshavian , Fereydan dialect in Iran in Fereydunshahr an Fereydan , Mtiuletian , Meskhetian .