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Fyodor Dostoyevsky

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Fyodor Dostoevsky. Portrait bi Vasily Perov , 1872

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky ( Roushie : Фёдор Миха?йлович Достое?вский, Fedor Mihajlovi? Dostoevskij , whiles transliteratit Dostoyevsky Aboot this soondlisten   ) ( 11 November , 1821 (30 October, auld style) ? 9 Februar , 1881 (28 Januar, auld style) wis a Roushie writer . Mony fowk see him as ane o the greatest o Roushie writers . His works hae haed a big effect on twentieth-century fiction . Very eften, he wrote aboot characters who bide in pair conditions. Those characters are whiles in extreme states o mind. Thay might show baith a strange grasp o human psychology as well as guid analyses o the poleetical , social an speeritual states o Roushie o Dostoevsky's time. Mony o his best-kent works are prophetic . He is whiles considered tae be a foonder o existentialism , maist frequently for Notes frae Unnerground , which haes been describit bi Walter Kaufmann as the best overture for existentialism ever written . He is an aa famous for writin The Brothers Karamazov , which mony critics hae suggestit ane o the best novels ever written. [ citation needit ]

Leet o warks [ eedit | eedit soorce ]

Novels [ eedit | eedit soorce ]

  • 1846 - Bednye lyudi (Бедные люди); Inglis translation: Poor Folk
  • 1846 - Dvojnik (Двойник. Петербургская поэма); Inglis translation: The Double: A Petersburg Poem
  • 1849 - Netochka Nezvanova (Неточка Незванова); a proper feminine name, Inglis transliteration: Netochka Nezvanova (Unfinished)
  • 1859 - Dyadushkin son (Дядюшкин сон); Inglis translation: The Uncle's Dream
  • 1859 - Selo Steanchikovo i ego obitateli (Село Степанчиково и его обитатели); Inglis translation: The Village of Stepanchikovo
  • 1861 - Unizhennye i oskorblennye (Униженные и оскорбленные); Inglis translation: The Insulted and Humiliated
  • 1862 - Zapiski iz mertvogo doma (Записки из мертвого дома); Inglis translation: The House of the Dead
  • 1864 - Zapiski iz podpolya (Записки из подполья); Inglis translation: Notes from Underground
  • 1866 - Prestuplenie i nakazanie (Преступление и наказание); Inglis translation: Crime and Punishment
  • 1867 - Igrok (Игрок); Inglis translation: The Gambler
  • 1869 - Idiot (Идиот); Inglis translation: The Idiot
  • 1870 - Vechnyj muzh (Вечный муж); Inglis translation: The Eternal Husband
  • 1872 - Besy (Бесы); Inglis translations: The Possessed ; The Devils ; Demons
  • 1875 - Podrostok (Подросток); Inglis translation: The Raw Youth
  • 1881 - Brat'ya Karamazovy (Братья Карамазовы); Inglis translation: The Brothers Karamazov

Novellas and short stories [ eedit | eedit soorce ]

  • 1846 - Gospodin Prokharchin (Господин Прохарчин); Inglis translation: Mr. Prokharchin
  • 1847 - Roman v devyati pis'mah (Роман в девяти письмах); Inglis translation: Novel in Nine Letters
  • 1847 - Hozyajka (Хозяйка); Inglis translation: The Landlady
  • 1848 - Polzunkov (Ползунков); Inglis translation: Polzunkov
  • 1848 - Slaboe serdze (Слабое сердце); Inglis translation: A Weak Heart
  • 1848 - Chestnyj vor (Честный вор); Inglis translation:) An Honest Thief
  • 1848 - Elka i svad'ba (Елка и свадьба); Inglis translation: A Christmas Tree and a Wedding
  • 1848 - Chuzhaya zhena i muzh pod krovat'yu (Чужая жена и муж под кроватью); Inglis translation: The Jealous Husband
  • 1848 - Belye nochi (Белые ночи); Inglis translation: White Nights
  • 1849 - Malen'kij geroj (Маленький герой); Inglis translation: A Little Hero
  • 1862 - Skvernyj anekdot (Скверный анекдот); Inglis translation: A Nasty Story
  • 1865 - Krokodil (Крокодил); Inglis translation: The Crocodile
  • 1873 - Bobok (Бобок); Inglis translation: Bobok
  • 1876 - Krotkaja (Кроткая); Inglis translation: A Gentle Creature
  • 1876 - Muzhik Marej (Мужик Марей); Inglis translation: The Peasant Marey
  • 1876 - Mal'chik u Hrista na elke (Мальчик у Христа на ёлке); Inglis translation: The Heavenly Christmas Tree
  • 1877 - Son smeshnogo cheloveka (Сон смешного человека); Inglis translation: The Dream of a Ridiculous Man

The last five stories (1873-1877) are included in A Writer's Diary .

Non-fiction [ eedit | eedit soorce ]

Fremmit airtins [ eedit | eedit soorce ]

 Inglis Wikiquote haes a collection o quotations bi or aboot: Fyodor Dostoevsky